NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Poetry Chapter 1
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Chapter 1 A Lecture Upon The Shadow
1. What is the Structural Form of A Lecture Upon the Shadow?
John Donne loosely used the sonnet form for this poem. However, he opted for the Shakespearian one with three quatrains and a couplet in the iambic parameter instead of the traditional one with an octave and a sestet. This poem has 26 lines in the iambic parameter in ‘AABBCDDCEEE’ rhyme scheme. Also, the couplets and their rhyme scheme share a strong resemblance to Shakespeare’s works. Furthermore, this poem uses poetic devices such as assonance, extended metaphors, and alliteration.
2. What is the Setting and Narrative of A Lecture Upon the Shadow?
The narrative of A Lecture upon the Shadow is unique. It switches between two characters who are fond of each other. However, it is not clear what their relationship is; it could be anyone. Also, the beginning introduces a philosophical narration from the perspective of a mentor.
In terms of settings, the shadow plays a significant role in this poem. It acts as a metaphor that presents the complications of human nature and its flaws. At the same time, it also signifies emotional detachment from an individual.
3. What is the Process of Availing NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Chapter 1 for Free?
The process is straightforward; one can do it online without any hassle. They can visit the website and avail these PDFs with a single click. However, it is ideal to download them from any reputed websites like Vedantu. The subject experts of Vedantu are in-charge of curating these solutions keeping in mind the requirements of Class 12 students. Thus, the answers are accurate, and to the point to help them fetch better marks in the final exams.
4. How do the shadows before noon differ from the shadows in the afternoon? What do the two kinds of shadow represent?
The show before noon is generally characterized by sharp outlines and vivid features as compared to the vague and faded features exhibited by the afternoon shadow. The poet wants to draw parallels between the nature of the shadows and the nature of a relationship between two lovers where prior to noon or the right time, they are in love but after the right time, their love reaches a certain maturity where they completely anticipate and have a strong understanding.
5. Instead of ‘A Lecture Upon Love’ the poet calls the poem ‘A Lecture Upon the Shadow’. What is the effect that this has on our reading of the poem?
The poet rides on a metaphorical horse to take us through this journey of love. He draws parallels between love and shadows and their characteristics and uses metaphors to make us understand the meaning of love in any relationship. The rise and fall of the tides in the ocean of love and its effects, all are well explained with the help of shadows.
6. How much do the Solutions of NCERT Class 12 Chapter 1 English cost?
You do not have to pay anything for this. On the Vedantu website (, the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English are easily accessible and free. The download link is NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English. If the student requires additional information or assistance in understanding and grasping the fundamental concepts, he or she should visit the Vedantu website or the app. Expert guidance will aid you in achieving better scores as well.
7. How to score good marks in English Chapter 1?
Remind yourself of the fundamentals.
Recognize the ideas. You should not memorise the course material.
Understand the concepts and rules that are important.
Try answering NCERT questions.
Determine which chapters you are comfortable with and which need more practice.
If you are having trouble understanding a topic, you can seek help to clear your doubts.
8. How can we practise English Chapter 1?
Speaking in English with your peers can help you in improving your proficiency. Indulging in creative writing can help you improve your English proficiency in writing. Only learning the grammar and reading literature of the textbook is not enough, you must consistently practise the language to attain a good proficiency in it. The more you practice the more you will excel in this language. And when it comes to this chapter, make sure you understand what the poet is trying to convey here.