NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Poetry Chapter 4
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Kaliedoscope Chapter 4 Kubla Khan Or A Vision In A Dream A Fragment
1. How are Dream and Reality an Essential Part of the Poem Kubla Khan or a Vision in a Dream a Fragment?
Coleridge as a Romantic poet emphasised on the usage of imagination. The poem retells how the speaker imagined the palace of Xanadu. Time here doesn't work in linear method within the poem because the speaker moves back and forth within reality, imagination, and time.
The imagery of the pleasure dome presents dreams fashioned by imagination instead of reality. Coleridge also seems spellbound by the way imagination powers people to make things and create difficulty. Though the vision seems clear yet the speaker finds it difficult to rebuild his dream in writing. He stares at Kubla Khan and the damsel in search for answers.
2. What is the Importance of Nature in the Poem Kubla Khan or a Vision in a Dream a Fragment?
Kubla Khan by Coleridge covers details of history but being a part of the romantic age, it also focuses on nature. Coleridge begins the poem with a description of the mystical scenery neighbouring Xanadu. He now diverts the reader's attention to the lines' deep romantic chasm; this is a symbolism of peace and beauty as the water flows. The atmosphere turns deathly and dark as he links the river to prophesy of war and ancestral voices.
Though nature appears serene within Xanadu in contrast the war and bloodbath create a violent picture. Coleridge explains the duality of the beautiful scenery by portraying, fountain, the chasm and sea as perilous, and unpredictable behaviour in a horrifying way. He uses this effect to point out that nature can have a deep collision on both reality and imagination.
3. What does the Pleasure Dome Symbolism in Kubla Khan or a Vision in a Dream a Fragment?
Coleridge in this dream poem Kubla Khan or a Vision in a Dream, a Fragment uses various symbols to explain the complexities of the human mind. By using the term pleasure dome, the Chinese emperor Kubla Khan symbolises the act of creativity.
Coleridge created a poem in his opium sleep, which turned into a masterpiece. Similarly, the creation of a beautiful dome is a form of creativity for the narrator. The speaker seems awed by the enchanting design and desire to build something lasting, memorable, and striking.
4. What is the message of Kubla Khan according to Chapter 4 of Class 12 English?
The message of Kubla Khan is regarding the choices that lay in front of the poet and his preferences for those choices. It focuses on the natural environment as well. It has a romantic tone and each stanza of the poem has its own significant tale to tell. The poet takes us on this beautiful and mysterious journey of history.
5. What inspired Kubla Khan according to Chapter 4 of Class 12 English?
The poet states that the main inspiration of Kubla Khan was from one of the works of historian Samuel Purchas where he mentions the name Khan Kubla. This was the primary inspiration behind the poem. In the poem’s preface, it is also mentioned that the inspiration also came from a dream that the poet had when he was under the influence of opium.
6. What does the river Alph symbolize in Kubla Khan?
The river Alph in the poem Kubla Khan is a mighty river that the poet mentions in order to represent the brute forces of nature which induced the sense of power and excitement in its observers. The river’s movements also induced a sense of force and excitement. Contrary to other rivers of quiet and peaceful demeanour, this river was strong and fierce and not at all calm or serene like its other counterparts.
7. Is Kubla Khan a dream-poem?
The poem Kubla Khan can be best described as a vision that existed in a dreamy or fantasy state. It is often interpreted as a dreamy poem composed mainly due to the influence of opium and fantasy. The poet does not actually physically experience his observations and hence it could be referred to as a dream-poem rather than a poem based on actual observations or physical experiences of the poet.
8. How much should I pay for the solutions of Chapter 4 Kubla Khan of Class 12 English?
You are not required to pay anything for the solutions. The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 of Class 12 English is just a click away and at free of cost as they can be easily accessed on the Vedantu website and on the Vedantu app. If a student needs more information or help to understand the literature or grammar then they can visit the Vedantu website for modules and guidance.