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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 4 - Camere Me Band Apahij

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Class 12 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Aroh Chapter 4 Poem Camere me Band Apahij

NCERT Solutions and books strictly follow the CBSE pattern and offer better understanding and clearance of the chapter’s concepts. Having a thorough knowledge of the textbook and solutions is important for aspirants who are appearing for board exams. Using this, they can solve all types of questions asked in the board exams.

Also, by practising from Vedantu’s NCERT solutions during the board exams, students can learn the concepts in less time as compared with others. It saves a student’s precious time and offers time management during exam preparation.

NCERT books offer some questions which students can practise for their final board exams. At the end of each chapter, aspirants will get an ample number of questions to practice that helps in scoring good marks in final exams.

However, students who prepare for Class 12 Hindi CBSE board examinations to get higher marks in Hindi need to have a complete study material. These include chapter-wise NCERT solutions, previous years solved papers, latest syllabus, textbooks in PDF format etc. The students with the help of direct PDF links can download them for free of cost.


NCERT Solutions for Class 12


Class 12 Hindi

Subject Part:

Hindi Part 4 - Aroh

Chapter Name:

Chapter 4 - Camere Me Band Apahij


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Vedantu platform is the right choice for them to refer to the complete study material in PDF format.

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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Chapter 4 – कैमरे में बंद अपाहिज

प्रश्न 1. कविता में कुछ पंक्तियाँ कोष्ठकों में रखी गई है- आपकी समझ से इसका क्या औचित्य है?

उत्तर: कविता में कुछ पंक्तियाँ कोष्ठकों में इसलिए रखी गई है ताकि वह कवि के भाव को व्यक्त कर सके। इन पंक्तियों के माध्यम से भिन्न-भिन्न लोगों को व्यक्त किया गया है। जैसे- इस पंक्ति में कैमरामैन के लिए: इससे बड़ा कैमरा दिखाओ, पंक्ति में दर्शकों के लिए: हम खुद इशारों से बताएंग और अपहाहिज व्यक्ति के लिए: बस थोड़ी कसर रह गई। ये सभी कोष्टक कविता के उद्देश्य को समझाने में सहायक हैं।

प्रश्न 2. कैमरे में बन्द अपाहिज करुणा के मुखौटे में छिपी क्रूरता की कविता है- विचार लिखिए।

उत्तर: कवि ने इस कविता के माध्यम से विकलांगता और उसके बाजार को बहुत अच्छी तरह से समझाने कि कोशिश की है। लोग हमेशा ही विकलांगो को दया दिखाते हैं और यह अच्छी बात है परन्तु कुछ लोग ऐसे भी होते हैं जो बस दयावान होने का दिखावा करते हैं। दूरदर्शन पर एक कार्यक्रम दिखाया जा रहा है जिसमें एक विकलांग को कैमरे के सामने लाकर उसके प्रति सहानुभूति दिखाई जाती है। यह बस इसलिए किया जा रहा है ताकि वह कार्यक्रम सफल हो जाए। ऐसी झूठी करुणा को देखकर मन दुखी हो जाता है। यह हमारे वर्तमान के समाज की सच्चाई है जो बस पैसे को महत्व देती है। आज समाज में करुणा बस एक शब्द बनकर रह गया है।

प्रश्न 3. हम समर्थ शक्तिमान और हम एक दुर्बल को लायेंगे पंक्ति के माध्यम से कवि ने क्या व्यंग किया है?

उत्तर: कवि इस पंक्ति के माध्यम से कहना चाहते है की आज के समाज में मीडिया बस इसी प्रकार के कार्यक्रमों को चलती है। जहाँ एक कमजोर व्यक्ति और एक शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति को आमने सामने लाया जाता है ताकि उनके कार्यक्रम को सफलता मिले। वह ऐसा इसलिए करते है क्योंकि शक्तिशाली व्यक्ति के आगे एक विकलांग और भी कमजोर और असहाय लगेगा जिससे कार्यकम को देखने वाले लोगों को उसपे करुणा आएगी और उनका कार्यक्रम को देखने का मन करेगा। मीडिया वाले यह सब बस सफलता पाने के लिए करते हैं।

प्रश्न 4. यदि शारीरिक रूप से चुनौती का सामना कर रहे व्यक्ति और दर्शक, दोनों एक साथ रोने लगेंगे, तो उससे प्रश्नकर्ता का कौन-सा उद्देश्य पूरा होगा?

उत्तर: एक कार्यक्रम के प्रश्नकर्ता का बस इतना ही काम होता है कि वह कार्यक्रम को सफल बनाने के लिए ऐसे प्रश्न पूछे जिससे सभी भावुक हो जाए और वह उनकी करुणा का लाभ उठाकर पैसे कमाएं। यदि उसके कार्यक्रम के दर्शक और उसका कमजोर अतिथि एक साथ रोने लगे तो उसके कार्यक्रम को सफलता मिलेगी और वह इसी के लिए कार्य कर रहा है। कोई भी कार्यक्रम निर्माता यह सोचकर ही कार्यक्रम बनाता है कि की वह उससे पैसे कमाए, वह ये कभी नहीं सोचता की उसके कार्यक्रम के द्वारा लोगों को अच्छी शिक्षा मिल रही है या नहीं। वह विकलांगो को इस्तेमाल करके लोगों के दिलों में करुणा पैदा करता है।

प्रश्न 5. परदे पर वक़्त की कीमत है कहकर कवि ने पूरे साक्षात्कार के प्रति अपना नज़रिया किस रूप में रखा है?

उत्तर: कवि कहते हैं कि टेलीविजन कार्यक्रमों का उद्देश्य बस पैसे कमाना होता है। उनका समाज सुधार से कोई लेना देना नहीं होता है। इन कार्यक्रमों में कमजोर व्यक्ति (विकलांग) को रखा जाता है ताकि वह दर्शकों को भावुक कर सके और कार्यक्रम को सफल बना सके। प्रश्नकर्ताओ को विकलांग से कोई मतलब नहीं होता है, वो बस उनका इस्तेमाल करते हैं। कवि कहते हैं कि कार्यक्रम निर्माता दर्शकों से सहानुभूति लेते हैं और उन्हें ज़रा भी शर्म नहीं आती अपनी ऐसी क्रूरता दिखाते हुए। यह सब कहकर कवि गुस्सा होते हैं।

प्रश्न 6. यदि आपको शारीरिक चुनौती का सामना कर रहे किसी मित्र का परिचय लोगों से करवाना हो, तो किन शब्दों में करवाएँगी?

उत्तर: मै अपने दिव्यांग दोस्त का परिचय कुछ इस तरह करूंगा:

यह मेरा वहीं दोस्त है जिसके बारे में मै जिक्र किया करता हूँ। इसने मुझे हमेशा मेहनत करने के लिए प्रेरित किया है। इसने कभी अपने दिव्यांग होने का बहाना देके संघर्ष करने से खुद को रोका नहीं है। इसने जीवन की हर चुनौती का डट कर सामना किया है और उसमें विजय भी हासिल की है। यह बहुत ही दृढ निश्चयी भी है, जिस चीज का संकल्प ले लेता है वो पूरा करके ही छोड़ता है। इसने अपनी सफलताओं से हम सभी को बहुत प्रेरित किया है।

प्रश्न 7. सामाजिक उद्देश्य से युक्त ऐसे कार्यक्रम को देखकर आपको कैसा लगेगा? अपने विचार संक्षेप में लिखे।

उत्तर: सामाजिक उद्देश्य से युक्त ऐसे कार्यक्रम को देखकर मुझे बहुत दुख होगा क्योंकि मीडिया इन कार्यक्रमों को अपने मतलब के लिए इस्तेमाल करते हैं। मुझे यह सब देखकर बहुत दुख होगा क्योंकि ऐसी क्रूरता मानव के लिए नहीं हैं। मैं इसके खिलाफ आवाज उठाऊँगा और इसको खत्म करने का प्रयास करूंगा।

Chapter 4 - Camere Me Band Apahij

Poetry and Abstract:

The 'Camere me Band Apahij' poem is taken from the "Log Bhool Gaye"  poetry collection. In this poem, the poet outlines the pain of the person facing a physical challenge as well as the character of telecommunication media. A person who brings someone's pain to the audience should be sensitive to that pain to make others susceptible.

Today's irony is that when the pain is expressed on the screen, the presenter's attitude becomes insensitive under the business pressure. This poem reveals the world within the television studio to society. Parallelly, it refers to all those people who want to sell misery, pain, torture, etc.

Abstract - In this poem, the conductors of Doordarshan call themselves powerful and consider others as weak. They ask the disabled if you are disabled? What makes you sad, tell us in short because there is no time. The questioner wants answers to all these questions according to himself.

To make his program enjoyable, the questioner tries to make him cry so that the audience will feel a sense of compassion. This will serve its purpose. He calls it a social purpose, but the sentence 'time is worth on the screen' opens the fact of his business.

There are five conceptual questions at the end of the poem Camere me Band Apahij'' written by Shri Raghuveer Sahaya.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Core and Elective

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi include course books prescribed for Class 12 CBSE students, along with syllabus for Hindi core and elective available at Vedantu. Following books and chapters are prescribed for coursebooks is given below:

  1. Hindi book Antra 2 has Twenty-one chapters.

  2. Hindi book Aroh 2 includes eighteen chapters.

  3. Hindi book Vitan 2 comprises four chapters.

  4. Hindi book Antral 2 contains four-chapter.


NCERT Hindi Aroh-2 Solutions Textbook for Class 12

All eighteen chapters included in NCERT CBSE Class 12 Aroh part two are available on our webpage in a PDF format. The detail for chapters, including poems and prose, is as given below:

Poem Section:

  • Chapter 1 - Aatmaparichay - Ek Geet, written by Dr Haribansh Rai Bacchan.

  • Chapter 2 - Patang, written by Shri Alok Dhanva.

  • Chapter 3 - Kavita ke Bahane - Baat Seedhi Thi Par, written by Sri Kunwar Narayan.

  • Chapter 4 - Camere me band apahij, written by Shri Raghuveer Sahaya,

  • Chapter 5 - Saharsh swikara hai, written by Shri Gajanan Madhav Muktibodh.

  • Chapter 6 - Usha, written by Shri Samsher Bahadur Singh.

  • Chapter 7 - Badal Raag, written by Shri Suryakant Tripathi Nirala.

  • Chapter 8 - Kavitawali (Uttar kand se) – Laxman murcha aur Ram ka bilap, written by Sri Goswami Tulsidas.

  • Chapter 9 - Ruwaiya – Gazal, written by Shri Firak Gorakhpuri.

  • Chapter 10 - Chota mera khet – Bangulo ke pankh, written by Shri Umashanker Joshi.

Prose Section:

  • Chapter 11 - Bhaktin, written by Smt. Mahadevi Verma,

  • Chapter 12 - Bazar Darshan, written by Sri Jainendra Kumar.

  • Chapter 13 - Kaale megha paani de, written by Sri Dharamveer Bharti.

  • Chapter 14 - Pahelwan ki dholak, written by Sri Faniswar Nath Renu.

  • Chapter 15 - Charlie Chaplin yani hum sab, written by Shri Vishnu Khare.

  • Chapter 16 - Namak, written by Smt. Raziya Sajjad Zahir.

  • Chapter 17 - Shirish ke phool, written by Shri Hajari Prasad Dwivedi.

  • Chapter 18 - Shram Vibhajan aur jati pratha – Meri kalpana ka adarsh samaj, written by Dr Bawasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar.


Why Only Vedantu for Complete Study Material?

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Hindi Solutions for the upcoming CBSE board examinations of 2024-25 are available at Vedantu website for the best exams preparation. These Hindi NCERT solutions, along with the class notes, solved sample papers, NCERT Books, etc. are available at for free of cost.

Vedantu also provides their students with online classes, live sessions with expert teachers who are well-trained and have vast experience in the subject, for the clarification required in understanding any topic of the concerned subject.


NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 4 - "Camere Me Band Apahij" offer a profound understanding of the human experience. This chapter beautifully portrays the challenges faced by people with disabilities and the importance of empathy and inclusivity in our society. By providing detailed solutions to the exercises and questions in this chapter, these NCERT solutions help students grasp the core concepts and themes presented in the text. It is our hope that as students engage with this chapter and its solutions, they not only excel academically but also develop a deeper sense of compassion and awareness towards the differently-abled individuals in our community. Learning to be inclusive is not just a lesson for the classroom; it's a valuable lesson for life.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Hindi Chapter 4 - Camere Me Band Apahij

1. Which Website Provides NCERT Books Prescribed for Class 12 Hindi Core and Elective in PDF Format?

Vedantu offers NCERT books prescribed for Class 12 Hindi core and Elective both, i.e. Aroh Part 2, Vitan 2 for Hindi core and, Antara 2 and Antara 2 for Hindi Elective for free of cost download available in PDF format.

2. Is NCERT Solutions Available in PDF Form for Class 12 Hindi Aroh Part 2 Chapter 4 - Camere me Band Apahij Helpful for CBSE Board Exams?

NCERT Solutions Class 12 Hindi Aroh part 2 Chapter 4 - Camere me Band Apahij, written by Shri Raghuveer Sahaya available on Vedantu is sufficient for CBSE board exams preparation and to clear the concept of poem well.

3. Can we get the Latest and Revised Syllabus for Class 12 CBSE Board 2024-25 for NCERT Hindi Core and Elective in PDF Format?

The revised syllabus for Class 12 NCERT Hindi Core and Elective as per CBSE pattern 2024-25 with reduced chapters in PDF format are available at Vedantu, free of cost. Students can download the syllabus with the help of links provided there.

4. What has the poet explained in the poem Kamre me Band Apahij of Hindi Aroh Class 12?

The poet has explained the value of disabled persons in today’s society. It is good indeed that people do have sympathy for the disabled person but even this gesture has become a part of the marketing skill to earn money. On television, we see the programme about disabled people but the sorrows and the pain behind them would have never come into one’s mind. There are some people who really show mercy but there are also people who pretend to be kind but on the contrary they are not. This is today’s society where the value is only for money but not for any kind of sympathy.

5. What is the poet’s view about the television programme in the poem Kamre me Band Apahij of Hindi Aroh Class 12 ?

The poet has really conveyed the true message about the television programme where they telecast about the disabled person and the challenges what they face but there's no sympathy for them but just an easy mode of making money and getting the attention of the viewers and is indeed a cruel behaviour using them for the sake of money and not realizing the pain they undergo or the difficulties what they face.

6. Who is the composer of the poem Kamre me Band Apahij of Hindi Aroh Class 12?

Shri Raghuvir Singh is the composer of the poem. In this poem, he has clearly portrayed the difficulties faced by disabled persons and how the media has not even left them to propagate their agenda. The media only thinks of making money but never understands the difficulties that they face. This poem is taken from the poetry collection known as ‘Log Bhul Gaye.’

7. What does the poem Kamre me Band Apahij of Hindi Aroh Class 12


The poet has portrayed today’s society and the life and the challenges faced by disabled persons. Today even their lives are a mode of making money and nobody tries to understand their pain and the challenges they have to face in today’s world. The poem Camere mein Band Apahij of Class 12 Hindi is the reality of life faced by disabled persons.

8. What are the questions asked at the end of the poem Kamre me Band Apahij of Hindi Aroh Class 12?

There are a total of five  conceptual questions at the end of the poem. This is a poem that tells us the reality and the tough life that the disabled persons go through and how the media is bothered only to make money and they are not at all bothered about any kind of emotions nor do they have any sympathy towards the physically challenged people. They are like a money-making machine for the television. Once the concept is understood it becomes easy to answer the poem. For more detailed explanations you can refer to Vedantu's NCERT solutions. These solutions are also available on Vedantu’s app and all the resources are free of cost.