NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS Chapter 13: Complete Resource for Shelter So High
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Evs Chapter 13 Shelter So High
1. What do Changpas get from their goats?
Changpas get milk, meat, skin for tents, wools for coats and sweaters from their goats. Their richness is measured, with the number of goats one has.
2. What is the uniqueness of the Pashmina Shawl?
Pashmina shawl is made from the special goats found on the high altitude of 5000 meters. The goat hair grows on their body in winter and shed in summer. This fur is very thin, hence cannot be woven on the machines. Weavers weave pashmina shawls by hand. It is believed that the shawls are as warm as six sweaters.
3. What idea is covered in Chapter ‘A Shelter is So High’ of EVS for Class 5 students?
'A Shelter So High' focuses on a traveller’s tale to appease children. More specifically, the concept of geography is brought in with a simple story of a traveller moving through and narrating his experiences in Jammu and Kashmir. The lesson talks about the important cities and towns, the local cultures, types of houses and the local wildlife. The chapter ends with the traveller’s heavy heart as he returns home.
4. What was the experience of the people living on top of the world as mentioned in ‘A Shelter so High’?
'A Shelter So High’ is a chapter dealing with life in the mountain areas. For travellers, the higher the altitude, the more difficult it is to breathe. The traveller came down with a headache and grew weak. But, he slowly grew used to it. These areas were devoid of the hustle and bustle of the city as there were not many human beings, petrol pumps, or mechanics.
5. Which are the houses of Srinagar as explained in Chapter 13 of Class 5 EVS?
The traveller made his photo album with the different types of houses and their features that he saw in Srinagar in Chapter 13 of Class 5 EVS. They are:
Houseboats, which were a favourite of tourists
Donga houses, which were largely inhabited by families
Khalambhand design, which is like a jigsaw puzzle
Slope roofed houses coated with mud
Dab window houses with beautiful wood patterns
Mehraab windowed houses, which had beautiful arches
6. What is the most important thing to understand from Class 5 EVS Chapter 13?
Chapter 13 of Class 5 EVS is all about Geography. The concept of Geography is presented as a travel narrative where different elements of a geographical location are brought together without complications so that students can understand it easily. The different kinds of shelters in Jammu and Kashmir, the living conditions, the culture of the area, and the important cities of the location are highlighted, thus emphasizing on explaining the concepts.
7. How do the houses suit the needs of the people who live in Jammu and Kashmir?
The needs of the people determine the type of houses they built. In colder regions, thick walls, wooden floors, and ceilings are necessary to protect them from the cold. There is a floor below where necessary items and animals are kept, while the people occupy the top floor. When the cold becomes even harsher, they move downstairs for the heat from the ground, thus showing that houses suit different needs.