NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 17 - Across The Wall Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 Evs Chapter 17 Across The Wall
1. What are the difficulties faced by Afsana's team?
Each member of Asana's team has faced some difficulties.
Kushner said that it is very hard for me to convince my family members and to come out for attending the competition. Even in this fast generation also, some of the parents are not allowing their girl children to come out and to play for the country.
Afsana told us that after coming to see the family also, they would accept us to play only with restrictions. We need to go home immediately after playing time is up. We don't have any right to have some leisure time or to get chit chat like boys.
Another girl was worried about her difficulties and said that even the angry brothers also oppose us not to go out, and the parents support those boys.
2. Isn't it possible to play sports for girls?
Of course, the girls can play any kind of sport for the country or for the sake of themselves. Because playing a game is not restricted to gender. It is only because of the perception of human beings and society. Nowadays, it is proved that girls are equal to boys in physical strength and mental strength also. Every human being has to change his attitude and should have transparency in society. If some parents have a desire to let their children play, but they are afraid of the security of that particular girl. All these should be eradicated only by the perceptions of human beings.
3. What do you mean by the term gender discrimination?
Ans: The definition of the term gender discrimination can be summed up in a very precise manner. When a human is restrained from his/her basic human privileges merely because of their gender, then this phenomenon portrays gender discrimination. Gender prejudice isn't a newly fetched problem, but a primitive one. Right from the start of human civilisation, there have been plenty of examples to showcase the gender discrimination between men and women. For more information on this chapter, visit Vedantu.
4. What is the outline of gender inequality in India?
Ans: As discussed in Class 5 EVS Chapter 17, India is one of those provinces where gender inequality has been a problem for ages. If you rewind to some 200-300 years, you will notice some dreadful deeds done to women solely based on gender. Female foeticide, child marriage, sati, lack of education, and child labour are the grossest crimes done to females. Although the current state of our country is changing rapidly and female empowerment is being consistently appraised by society, India still has a long way to go.
5. What are the various hardships that women are facing as a result of gender inequity?
Ans: The biggest threats women are facing as a result of gender inequity are survival threats. It's credible that the killing of a female girl child has been significantly reduced, but the fact that girls still need to fight for basic education rights is awful. If somehow she is privileged to be educated then she might face mistreatment at the workplace in terms of sexual abuse or ignorance of her opinion utterly due to her gender. For a girl to survive in a male predominant society, is an extremely culminating mission to perform.
6. What is the need for restoring the gender imbalance?
Ans: The word gender imbalance itself speaks for itself. We must focus on eliminating the term 'imbalance'. When females will no longer be looked down upon for having an opinion, breaking the chains of disparity, standing for their human rights, and raising their voices against sexual abuse only then can a society full of tranquillity can be restored. For the world to function effectively and smoothly it is mandatory to take the responsibility for dealing with gender unevenness.
7. How can we eradicate problems like gender discrimination?
Ans: These problems are rooted in our society ever since the dawn of civilization. To change these circumstances we must focus on changing the mindsets of the youth and younger generations. They must be taught the importance of creating and nurturing a society where everyone is treated like a human instead of being categorized as a man or a woman. In schools, students must be enlightened with stories of brave women from history like Rani Laxmibai and Savitribai Phule. The youth should take a stand and evolve their thinking mentality to a newer updated version that rises above the barriers of gender norms.