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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 - The Living World

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Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 Living World NCERT Solutions - Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 is now available on Vedantu. These solutions are prepared by our subject experts with close reference to the latest edition of the NCERT Class 11 Biology textbook. Students can download and refer to these solutions for free from our website or mobile app. All the important topics and sub-topics covered in the Class 11 Biology chapter Living World have been covered in these solutions. Therefore, students can rely upon these NCERT Solutions for their exam preparation.


NCERT Solutions for Class 11


Class 11 Biology

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Chapter 1 - The Living World


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The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 on Vedantu provide precise explanations for all the exercise questions present in the Class 11 NCERT Biology Chapter 1.

The Living World Chapter at a Glance - Class 11 NCERT Solutions

The Living World

The Living World

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Access NCERT Solution for Class-XI Biology Chapter 1- The Living world

1. Why are Living Organisms Classified?

Ans: The classification of living organisms is done to make it easier to study the various living organisms as they have a huge diversity which makes it difficult to study them. By classification, the various living organisms are placed into various categories based on their common characteristics. Thus, classification helps scientists and researchers to study them easily and in a systematic manner. The study of various living organisms will be beneficial for humankind as it will help in the discovery of various things that include new medicines, and also the introduction of better yielding varieties of crops. One more important factor that is responsible for us studying various living beings in a systematic manner is the protection of the environment. Classification is a minor term while taxonomy is a major term which is referred to as the branch of biology which includes the classification, identification, and nomenclature of living organisms.


2. Why are the Classification Systems Changing Every Now and Then?

Ans: The classification systems change according to the need as they arise. There are millions of plants, animals, and microorganisms found on earth while several new species have been identified by scientists every now and then. The world consists of huge numbers of species that are still left to be discovered. As they get discovered, they consist of new characters so they need to be classified by a new system of classification which needs to be prepared based on their characters. Thus, it results in the change in the previous system of classification leading to the formation of the new classification system.  


3. What Different Criteria Would You Choose To Classify People That You Meet Often?

Ans: When we meet different people daily in our day-to-day life then we classify and categorize them based on various physical and characteristic features that include their level of education, their profession, their native place from where they belong, gender, physical features, etc.  


4. What Do We Learn From the Identification of Individuals and Populations?

Ans: India is a diverse country that involves individuals from various regions following different cultures, speaking different languages, wearing a variety of clothes, and having a diversity of food along with caste, religion, etc. Thus, by these traits and features, we can easily identify a huge variety of individuals. 


5. Given Below is the Scientific Name of Mango. Identify the Correctly Written Name.

  1. Mangifera Indica

  2. Mangifera indica

Ans: The two names of an individual are called the binomial system of nomenclature, here the two name includes the generic name which is written first, its first letter must be written in the capital letter while the second name is the specific names whose first letter must be written in the small letter. Thus, the correct way to write the scientific name of Mango is Mangifera indica.


6. Define a Taxon. Give Some Examples of Taxa at Different Hierarchical Levels.

Ans: A taxon is the classification of the living beings that are arranged on the basis of a particular level of hierarchy. Thus, the basic level of classification can be written as species, followed by genus, family, order, class, phylum, or division, all these categories are arranged in ascending order.


7. Can You Identify the Correct Sequence of Taxonomic Categories?

(a) Species → Order → Phylum → Kingdom

(b) Genus → Species → Order → Kingdom

(c) Species → Genus → Order → Phylum

Ans: The correct sequence of taxonomic categories can be observed in the case of both (a) and (c) as the hierarchy includes Species, Genus, Family, Order, Phylum, and Kingdom that are arranged in an ascending manner. While in the case of option (b) Species need to be written first then Genus is to be written since species is the basic unit of classification. Thus, option (b) does not show the correct sequence of hierarchy. 


8. Try To Collect All the Currently Accepted Meanings for the Word Species. Discuss With Your Teacher the Meaning of Species in the Case of Higher Plants and Animals on One Hand and Bacteria on the Other Hand.

Ans: Species generally is a biological term that means the basic unit of classification. It is the group that consists of organisms that are similar in character and can undergo the process of inbreeding among themselves even in natural conditions and then result in the formation of fertile offspring.  Species are also found to be those organisms that have a similar gene pool as well. 


9. Define and Understand the Following Terms:

Ans: The definition of the following terms is:

(i) Phylum: Phylum is a group that consists of a group of closely related classes. For example, Phylum Chordata includes Pisces, amphibia, reptilia, aves, and Mammalia while there is no Phylum in the case of plants, instead, there is Division that includes classes with a few similar characters.

(ii) Class: The class is a group that consists of closely related orders. For example, the class Mammalia belongs to the orders Primata and Carnivora.

(iii) Family: Family is a group of individuals that are closely related genera. For example, Apes, Monkeys, and Man are related species that belong to the family Hominidae contains while in the case of plants, based on the vegetative and reproductive features the families are categorized.

(iv) Order: Order is composed of an individual that has closely related families. For example, Felidae and Canidae families are closely related and they belong to the order Carnivora.

(v) Genus: Genus includes the group of those species that are closely related to each other. For example, several species like nigrum, melongena, tuberosum, etc come under the genus Solanum.


10. Why is a Key Helpful in the Identification and Classification of an Organism?

Ans: The key is also known as the taxonomical strides or taxonomical aid that is used for the classification and identification of the various living organisms that are unknown. This will help the researchers to identify the organisms and then classify them. A key is used by beginning with the first couplet and selecting the statement which fits the specimen. It directs the couplet to another couplet which provides the identity of the specimen. For example, the presence or absence of hair on the body can give a clue if an animal belongs to mammals or not. Separate taxonomic keys are required for each taxonomic category such as family, genus, and species for the purpose of identification. There are three types of keys which are dichotomous, polyclave, and probability.


11. Illustrate the Taxonomic Hierarchy With Suitable Examples of a Plant and an Animal.

Ans: Classification of a Plant

As an example, let us classify Mango

  • Class: Dicotyledons

  • Order: Sapindales

  • Family: Anacardiaceae

  • Genus: Mangifera

  • Species: indica

 Classification of an Animal

As an example, let us classify Humans

  • Phylum: Chordata

  • Class: Mammalia

  • Order: Primata

  • Family: Hominidae

  • Genus: Homo

  • Species: sapiens


NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1- Diversity in the Living World Free PDF

The NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 1 Biology is available in the PDF format for free downloading option on the official website of Vedantu. It is an excellent opportunity for the students to have these PDFs for all chapters and can revise them whenever they want. These are also helpful for further education or competitive exams in the future. The NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 1 PDF contains the entire lesson with a detailed explanation, along with the solved questions and unsolved questions.


NCERT Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 is included under the unit "Diversity in the Living World" and teaches us about the diversity present in our living world. It explains how every living organism is different from another in terms of physical characteristics, morphology, and mode of reproduction. The living world around us consists of vast varieties of living entities as well as habitats which include oceans, lakes, forests, etc. All the entities living in these habitats possess distinct characteristics, metabolism processes, and replication modes which are discussed in detail in this chapter.


In the chapter “The Living World” the students will get to learn about the taxonomical classification of the living world and how they are categorized based on their taxonomy, and morphological features. Students will become familiar with the metabolism process, growth, and mode of reproduction of different organisms through this chapter. 


The table below shows the list of topics covered in the NCERT Solutions Class 11 Biology Chapter 1.


Important Topics for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 

Features of Living Entities?

Diversity in the living world

What is Taxonomy?

Taxonomic categories

Hierarchy of Taxonomical Categories

Taxonomical Aids


Chapter 1 - Diversity in the Living World

1.1 What is Living?

NCERT solutions have explained the first chapter of Biology for Class 11th students about the concept of living and how it is diversified based on the regions, organisms, etc. From the views of Ernst Mayr, the chapter has been developed. Even though students can understand what is meant by living, it is a process of growing physically and mentally. The state of living is defined by different characteristics like growth, reproduction, metabolism, etc. Eid Mubarak from one to another. Similarly, cellular division and consciousness became the properties of living to define whether the organism is alive or not.


2.2 Diversity in the Living World

Chapter one of Biology for Class 11 deals with Diversity In The Living World. NCERT Solutions facilitate that living is a process of growing and having all-around development. But students should get more exposure to this how to identify the differentiation of each organism, and how to specify the differentiation to others. For that purpose, our ancient scientists and scholars introduced the concept of nomenclature which is the process of naming different species, and the extension of nomenclature, etc will be explained in this section.


1.3 Taxonomic Categories

Another significant milestone in the Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 NCERT solutions is the categories available in taxonomy. Students must understand first what is taxonomy and why it is important and then water its categories.

Similarly, taxonomy is also a step-by-step process of classification of different species and the categories under taxonomy means the criteria on which the classification has to be done. The categories covered in this chapter are species, genus, family, order, class, phylum or division, and kingdom.


1.4 Taxonomical  Aids

In this section, the students can learn that taxonomy is a study of classifications of different species, organisms, animals or plants, or human beings or whatever under different categories. NCERT Solution pays more concentration on this topic which is useful in various studies of the forest, industries, agriculture, etc. As taxonomy is more important to learn, it is also essential to follow several Aids while doing this study. They are as follows, Herbarium, Botanical gardens, museums, Zoological parks, Key, etc.

NCERT Solutions of Science book Chapter 1 of Class 11 concludes the chapter by explaining each taxonomical taxonomy aid in detail with examples. The students of Class 11 have to learn in and gain in-depth knowledge so that the concepts may be continued and utilized in their further higher education. So, to keep up the foundation strong, the students should focus more and understand thoroughly using NCERT Solutions available on the official website of Vedantu. It is helpful to the student's career also.


Key Features of NCERT Solutions of Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 PDF

NCERT Solutions play a vital role in enhancing students’ knowledge and enhancing their abilities, thus, paving a smooth path for their career. NCERT Solutions PDFs are useful in many ways. You should refer to these Solutions because of the following reasons.

  • Well-experienced subject experts have prepared these NCERT Solutions.

  • Detailed answers are provided in a simple language so that all students can understand the concepts easily.

  • These solutions are available free of cost on our website and app, so, students can access these study resources on any mobile device.

  • The NCERT solutions cover each topic of the chapter and provide easy explanations for them.

  • The PDF is useful for preparing for any competitive exams and Olympiads also.

NCERT Class 11 Biology Chapter wise Solutions - Free PDF Download


The NCERT solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 Living World provide students with simple and detailed definitions and explanations of each concept covered in the chapter. Therefore, it is highly recommended that students download and refer to our comprehensive and expert-curated NCERT Solutions to get a gist of the chapter before the exam and to know how to answer the questions in the exam. Students can also refer to our plethora of other study resources related to this chapter, available for free on our website and mobile app.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 - The Living World

1. Explain any Two Taxonomical AIDS in Detail.

In the renowned taxonomical AIDS, there are botanical gardens and zoological parks. Botanical gardens are where Flora lives. Considering that it is a location where various types of plants are being grown with the highest care and receiving all the nutrients they require. It also provides more information about various plants while assisting in maintaining a clean and sanitary atmosphere.

A zoo is a facility where various domestic and wild animal species are housed while being watched over and protected by humans. There is amusement for everyone here. Because it provides knowledge on various animal species and their eating patterns, physical characteristics, etc., which teaches children in addition to igniting their interest and excitement.

2. What is the Hierarchy of Taxonomy Categories?

As the process of taxonomy considers several categories, it should be done in an order of priority which is known as a hierarchy. The hierarchy of these categories is as shown below:

  1. Kingdom

  2. Phylum or division

  3. Class

  4. Order

  5. Family

  6. Genus

  7. Species

3. What are the benefits of referring to the NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1?

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology provides a detailed understanding of the subject. Class 11 Biology is usually an interesting and important subject to build the foundation for further studies of the subject. With Vedantu’s solutions, you can get simplified yet detailed answers to the questions. There are many diagrams, flow charts, and answers with bullet points that are given as a part of the solutions by experts in the subject. 

4. What is the first chapter of Class 11 Biology?

The first chapter in Class 11 Biology is ‘Diversity in The Living World’. This chapter is an introduction to Biology where concepts of what is living, the characteristics of a living being, the diversity in the living world are discussed. There is also an introduction to taxonomy and the various categories under it. The chapter gives an insight as to why taxonomy is important and what taxonomical aids are available. 

5. What is the living world in Biology Class 11?

A significant first chapter in biology is The Living Universe. It covers extremely basic yet important concepts that will also be covered in more detail in the future chapters. The definition of life, the variety of living things, and an explanation of taxonomy and taxonomic tools are some of the topics it addresses. The Class 11 Biology solutions from Vedantu are thorough in their treatment of this topic and provide a concise, in-depth understanding that sets the stage for the ensuing chapters. Furthermore, the solutions are created by professionals and offered without charge.

6. Why are living organisms Classified Class 11 notes?

The diversity in living organisms is very vast. There are millions of living organisms that exist on the planet and it is difficult to study them as single objects. Classification of organisms into different groups and subgroups makes it much easier to study common characteristics and understand their development. It also helps in the easy learning and analysis of these organisms. The entire Classification is explained in detail in the first chapter of Class 11 Biology.

7. How can I download solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 11 Biology?

To download the solutions for Chapter 1 of Class 11 Biology, you can follow these steps:

  • Visit the page of ‘NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1’ on the official website of Vedantu

  • Find the exercise for which you want a solution and click on the ‘Download PDF’ link.

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  • The solutions can also be downloaded from Vedantu’s mobile app.