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Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 - The Living World


CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter-1 Important Questions - Free PDF Download

Chapter-wise important questions and answers can help students to revise the entire syllabus, very easily. With the help of the important questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1, they can revise all the topics covered in the chapter and secure good marks in the exam. These important questions are curated and solved by the highly experienced teachers at Vedantu. 

The key questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 are available in a free PDF that students may download. These Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 crucial questions can be a big assistance to students who want to study independently.

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Study Important Questions CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 - The Living World

1 Marks Questions 

1. Name the three fields of systematics. 

Ans: The three fields of systematics are nomenclature, classification & taxonomy. 

2. Give the two name systems of organisms? 

Ans: Binomial Nomenclature is the two name systems of organisms.

3. Write the correct order of sequence of taxonomic categories? 

Ans: The correct order of sequence of taxonomic categories is Species----> Genus----> Family----> Order----> Class----> Phylum----> Kingdom.

4. Give the unit of classification? 

Ans: Rank or category is the unit of classification.

5. Who gave the binomial name of classification? 

Ans: The binomial name of classification was given by Carolus Linnaeus..

6. What is meant by the identification of a species? 

Ans: The identification of a species is aimed at finding the correct name and proper position of a species in an established scheme of classification. 

7. Name the highest categories of classification? 

Ans: The kingdom is the highest category of classification. 

8. What are the three codes of nomenclatures? 

Ans: The three codes of nomenclature are the International Code of botanical, zoological & bacteriological nomenclature. 

9. What do you mean by “chemotaxonomy''? 

Ans: Based on the distribution of certain characteristic chemical constituents, the understanding of taxonomic relationships  is known as chemotaxonomy. 

10. Define species 

Ans: Species are members who can interbreed to produce fertile offspring. 

11. What is systematic 

Ans: The systematic arrangement also takes into account evolutionary relationships between organisms. 

12. Give lbs names of two famous botanical gardens. 

Ans:  The names of two famous botanical gardens are Kew (England) and National Botanical Research Institute (Lucknow) or Indian Botanical Garden (Howrah).

2 Marks Questions 

1. What are the advantages of giving scientific names to organisms? 

Ans:  The advantages of giving scientific names to organisms are: 

(i) Scientific names are universally accepted in the world because they are based on the same principles that are universal. 

(ii) The advantage of a scientific name is in the term of relationship and comparison to the others. 

2. Give the role of botanical gardens? 

Ans: The role of botanical gardens are:

(i) Botanical gardens are helpful in providing plant materials for taxonomic studies. 

(ii) Plant species are grown for identification. 

(iii) Plants are grown for research. 

(iv) To maintain records of local flora. 

3. Differentiate between species & taxon? 




It is the basic taxonomic category 

It is a level of taxonomic category

It is a rank 

It is a group that possesses concrete biological aspects.

It is monophyletic

It may be mono or polyphyletic. 


4. Why are classification systems changing every now & then? 

Ans: The organisms are classified on the basis of characteristics. Earlier the classification was based on the uses of various organisms but now humans are interested more in knowing about different kinds of organisms present and also their diversities and their relationships too. 

5. Differentiate between taxon and category? 

Ans: The difference between taxon and category is as follows:



Taxon represents a group of 


Category refers to a rank of the status of the taxon.

It is only of one eg. Dicots, Monocots,

The category is of two types i.e. 

a) Major rank – kingdom, division, class. 

b) minor rank – Genus & species

6. Describe the role of museums in studying systematically? 

Ans: The role of museums in studying systematic is given below:

(i)  Museums are having collections of plants & animals 

(ii)  Type specimens that are deposited in the museums.

(iii) Important centres for Museums are having collections of plants & animals 


(iv) The information includes both local flora and animals as well as information from other locations.

7. “Botanical gardens are living herbaria”. Comment? 

Ans:  Botanical gardens are repositories of information useful for taxonomic studies. Herbaria are the most permanent records of plant specimens. Living plants are maintained in botanical gardens. They play key roles in conservation, research, ecology, library & herbaria etc. 

8. Why are living organisms classified? 

Ans: There are various kinds of life that differ in shape, size & colour etc. Biological diversity is the range of life occurring in the biological world. The diversity develops due to the evolution and development of adaptations to overcome competition among life forms due to limited resources. 

9. What is the Taxonomic key? How is it helpful in the identification & classification of an organism? 

Ans: Key is a taxonomic tool that uses similarities and differences to identify unfamiliar organisms. It is taxonomic literature based on couplets. These are analytical in nature, and for the recognition of organisms, distinct keys are required for each taxonomic category, such as genus, order, family, and species.

10. Differentiate between taxonomy and systematic. 

Ans: The differences between taxonomy and systematics are:



The science of identification, 

nomenclature and classification is called taxonomy.

It refers to the science of identification description, nomenclature and classification.

It deals with the rules and the principles of classification.

At every level of classification, it deals with unique traits.

11. What is a taxon? Illustrate the taxonomic hierarchy with a suitable example? 

Ans: The taxon is “a unit of classification of organisms which can be recognized and assigned a definite category at any level of classification” eg. order primates and carnivores are included in mammals. Various classes eg. Pisces, animals, reptilia aves and Mammalia from phylum Chordata. All phyla are included in the kingdom Animalia. 

12. What is the basis of modern taxonomic studies? 

Ans: Taxonomic investigations are based on external and internal structure, cell structure, development process, and ecological information.

13. Why growth and reproduction cannot be taken as defining property of all living? 

Ans:  Because growth and reproduction are not defining properties of all living things, they cannot be considered defining properties of all living things.

  • Non-living things can also Increase in mass by the accumulation of material on the surface. 

  • Many  organisms do not reproduce (e.g, mules sterile worker bees) 

14. How is taxon defined?

Ans: In a taxonomic hierarchy, each category represents a rank and is 

called a taxon. 

3 Marks Questions 

1. Name the guidelines for the naming of organisms? 

Ans: Guidelines for the naming of organisms include:- 

(i) A scientific name generally has two words in Latin or is derived from Latin irrespective of its origin. 

(ii) the First word denotes the genus whereas the second word for species. 

(iii) To show the Latin origin, names are presented in italics or independently underlined.

(iv) There is only one right name for each taxonomic category.

(v) The name should be short, precise, and simple to say.

(vi) Homo sapiens is a generic name that starts with a capital letter and ends with a tiny letter.

After the species name, the author's name is put in a shortened form and printed in Roman.

2. What is Biological classification? What is the need for classification? 

Ans: Biological classification is the naming of organisms by two words. One is a generic name and the other is a specific name for eg. The designation of man as Home sapiens is necessary for the following reasons:- 

(i) It's critical for the scientific study of living things. Different creatures would be in a state of disarray without this research.

(ii) It is impossible to study each and every organism. 

(iii) All the types of organisms seem to occur in various localities. 

(iv) Without a proper system of classification, it is impossible to recognize or identify different types of organisms. 

(v) Classification aids in understanding the links between various animal and plant groups.

(vi) Classification makes the study of organisms easier and gives a comparative account of them. 

3. State any five objectives of classification. 

Ans:  Five objectives of classification are:- 

(i) The creation of a method for quickly recognising a species, whether it is known or unknown.

(ii) The description of various species. 

(iii) Recognition of different species. 

(iv) To distribute qualities at different levels of a hierarchy.

(v) The grouping of species in taxonomic classification. 

(vi) On the grounds of organism resemblances, create a natural relationship board on phylogeny.

4. Explain the utility of systematic and mention the characteristics of new. 

Ans: Systematics is defined as “the study of the classification of organisms based on evolutionary relationships”. 

(i) It provides useful information about organisms, their evolution and adaptation name and classification etc. 

(ii) Systematics helps us in the identification of useful and harmful animals or plants in the applied field of biology. 

(iii) It plays an economical role.

New systematics has the following features:- 

(a) Species are regarded as dynamic units and not as static units of classical systematics. 

(b) Because much of the work is done with species subgroups, the value of species as a whole is diminished.

(c) The morphological species definition has been replaced by a biological one that takes ecology, genetics, geography, cytology and behaviour into consideration. 

5. What are the major divisions of classification, classify man. 

Ans: The major divisions of classification are:

(i) Kingdom:- It is the highest category of classification. There are 2 kingdoms Animal, the major divisions of the classification plant kingdom. 

(ii) Phylum:- A group of closely related classes having certain common characters. 

(iii) Class:- A group of closely related orders having certain common characters. 

(iv) Order:- A group of closely related families having certain common characters. 

(v) Family:- A group of closely related genera having certain common characters. 

(vi) Genus:- A group of closely related species having certain common characters. 

(vii) Species:- Individuals having certain common characters. 

Classification of man:- 

Kingdom- Animalia

Phylum- Chordata

Class- Mammalia

Order- Primates

Family- Hominidae 

Genus- Homo

Species- Sapiens

6. What are taxonomic aids? Mention some of the taxonomic aids for identification 

Ans: Taxonomic aids are devices used to study, Identification & classify organisms, some of these are:- 

(i) Herbarium:- collections of present /preserved or mounted plant specimens. arranged systematically to provide information on sheets 

(ii) Botanical Gardens:- specialized gardens for collection of living plants, it is maintained for references and identification purposes in which each plant is labelled showing its biological name. 

(iii) Zoological Parks:- places with live animals are called zoos or zoological parks. The animals live in their natural habitat where there are separate places for birds, tigers, lions, reptiles etc. 

(iv) Museums:- These are mostly set up in institutions where the collection of preserved plants and animals for reference and taxonomic studies are placed in preservatives eg. Alcohol and formalin. 

7. How would you set up a herbarium? 

Ans: Setting up a herbarium involves the following steps:- 

(i) Visit a specific area to get intact parts or plant seeds or flowers. 

(ii) Information on habitat, collecting season and time, geography, and so on.

(iii) Some instruments are required for the collection, such as a notebook, digger, scissor, polyethene knife, newspaper, and so on. 

(iv) Spreading of specimens and drying, changing the paper sheets after 3-4 days, plant press may be used for it. The dried specimens are stuck on herbarium sheets and pesticides like CS2, naphthalene Hgcl2, etc. 

(v) Put a label on the specimen and mention its place of collection, time of collection, common name, scientific name etc. 

8. Differentiate between classical taxonomy and Modern taxonomy. 




It is termed as old taxonomy or systematic

It is called Neo- systematic or Biosystematic.

The species was regarded as a fundamental, concrete, and the distinct unit, a fixed or static thing, and the creation of a creator.

The species is thought to be interconnected, malleable, and a work in progress, as well as dynamic and ever-changing.

In it, the classification was done on basis of morphological features only

The creatures were classified based on their evolutionary relationships.

Few individuals were studied. 

A large number of individuals are studied.

The species was delimited on 

morphological characters.

Emphasis on population instead of species. Biological delimitation has taken the role of morphological delimitation.

9. What is the difference between a Botanical Garden and a Herbarium? 

Ans: The difference between Botanical Garden and Herbarium is that the Botanical Garden is the Collection of living plants. Whereas the herbarium is the Collection of dried, pressed and preserved plant specimens on a sheet. 

10. Keys are analytical in nature and are helpful in the identification and classification of organisms. How? 

Ans: Keys are used for the identification and classification of different plants and animals on the basis of similarities and differences in characters. These are used to distinguish between classes, orders, families, genera, and species.


(a) Genus 

Ans: Genus is a group of related species.

(b) Family 

Ans: The family group of related genera.

(c) Order 

Ans: The order is a group of real families. 

12. What is the Binomial system of nomenclature? Who proposed this system? Why is binomial nomenclature the most acceptable mode of naming organisms? 

Ans: The naming of plants and animals with two words one generic and another specific name is called the binomial system of nomenclature. This scientific system for naming species was created by Carolus Linnaeus. He provided a species with two names, as The generic name is mangifere, and the specific name is indica.

Because it is written according to international nomenclature rules defined by the ICBN, ICZN, and ICNPC, among others, binomial nomenclature is universally acknowledged all over the world. It is divided into two parts: generic and specialised names, preceded by the abbreviated name of the scientist who discovered it. It has to be Latin or Latin-derived.

It must be binomial. The genus starts with capital letters while species by small letters. Handwritten name is underlined; it indicates a relationship with other species present in the same genus.

Before a taxonomist name a newly discovered organism, the norms and restrictions of binomial nomenclature must be followed. This preserves taxonomic stability and eliminates the usage of names that could lead to misunderstanding, ambiguity, and confusion.

CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter-1 Important Questions - Free PDF Download

Overview of Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 Important Questions

The living world important questions provide a clear idea of the types of questions expected in the exam. Prepared by our subject experts, these questions are extensively helpful for the exam preparation of students. They can download and refer to the Class 11 biology chapter 1 extra questions PDF from Vedantu for free.

A few important topics covered in the chapter are as follows.

1. Characteristics of all the living organisms

2.  Binomial nomenclature and much more

3. Taxonomic hierarchy

4. Ecosystems

5. Living organisms all around us

Some important questions from the chapter include:

1. What is Biodiversity?

2. Define the following:

a) Phylum

b) Class

c) Order

d) Genus

3. Define the exotic and endemic species and provide examples for each of them.

4. Define a taxon and provide some examples of that.

5. How will a scientist go about the identification, nomenclature, and classification of a plant which he feels is a new species?

6.  Define reproduction and provide a detailed explanation of the process.

The questions from the chapter which are really very important will not only provide an insight into the chapter but will also help students discover certain facts about the chapter that they didn’t know about. The questions are also pretty rare and contain information that students might not find somewhere else for sure. The entire chapter deals with living organisms and life on our planet. So, the students will get to know all about the organisms, no matter how small they are, that roam the planet. Along with that, students will also gather some information about the ecosystems and much more. Living things are a big part of our lives and with this additional information, students can get a bit of familiarity with the chapter for sure. Not to mention that biology is a subject that is very important for the preparation for NEET Exams. Hence, students who need to perform well in the entrance examination need to ensure that they are taking help from these biology class 11 chapter 1 important questions.

Important Topics Covered in The Living World

We explore several aspects of The Living World in this chapter. Even with a lot of species identified and described, a greater number are still unexplored. We look for the distinguishing qualities of the living since living things differ in terms of colour, size, habitat, morphological, and physiological properties. Find out the important topics covered in this chapter from below:

  • What is Living?

  • Diversity in the Living World

  • Taxonomic Categories

  • Taxonomical Aids

Key Features of Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 - The Living World

  • The most important and relevant details relating to the questions are taken from the NCERT Solutions for the chapter.

  • Tabular columns are used where necessary to simplify the solutions.

  • The solutions are simple and to the point.

  • Pointers have been used for quick learning and easy memorisation.

  • The solutions have been created in a way to get the best possible marks.

Why Should You Download Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 Important Questions from Vedantu? 

When it comes to the living world class 11 important questions, it is essential that students get all the information that they require for their exam preparation. This is where Vedantu can provide the best possible help. We have a team of mentors and teachers who have thorough knowledge about the subject of biology. These experts have prepared the CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 important questions. That is the reason why these notes are extremely reliable and will definitely help students secure good marks in the examination.

Not to mention that using the key questions for class 11 biology chapter 1 can help students perform better on entrance tests, enabling them to move forward with their desired careers. Vedantu is one of the most well-known names in online tutoring because it offers the majority of study resources at no cost and improves students' educational experiences.


We hope that the Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 important questions will help students to clear out all the doubts that they get regarding the chapter. Download these questions now if you want to ensure that you are always one step ahead of your competition in your class. Whether it is for some homework or exam preparation, the living world important questions are definitely going to be worth the time and effort. We have a PDF version of these questions available for free download on our mobile app as well as on our official website.

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FAQs on Important Questions for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 - The Living World

1. Where can I find a repository of important questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 The Living World?

Vedantu provides a set of important questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 The Living World. CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 Important Questions along with answers are compiled in a form of PDF files. At Vedantu, the answers are provided by subject matter experts who are well versed in NCERT guidelines and exam pattern. These materials are proven to help students in exam preparation. These extra questions are selected by experts as they have a probability to be asked in the exam. Students must practice these questions to score well in the examination.

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Solving extra questions for CBSE Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 The Living World is really helpful during exams. These questions allow students to have a better understanding of the chapter. By practising Vedantu’s curated set of important questions, students can have a rough idea of the kind of questions that can be asked in the exam. Solutions to these questions are prepared by subject matter experts to cover all the important topics of the chapters. Vedantu understands the importance of practice and hence provides the free PDF of important questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 as well as other chapters to be utilized at the time of revision. These are proven helpful in boosting students’ confidence while appearing for the board exam.

3. What are some of the important questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 as per the PDF available on Vedantu?

As per the set of curated questions available on Vedantu, following are some of the important questions for Class 11 Biology Chapter 1 The Living World:

  1. Name the three fields of systematics.

  2. Give the two-name system of organisms.

  3. Write the correct order of sequence of taxonomic categories.

  4. What is meant by identification of a species?

  5. What are the three codes of nomenclature?

  6. Define species.

  7. What are the advantages of giving scientific names of the organisms.

  8. Give the role of botanical gardens.

For more important questions for this chapter, students can download the file from Vedantu or study it online from the site.

4. What is the use of a Taxonomic Key?

A Taxonomic Key is a tool used for identifying new organisms. Scientists use this tool to assess the similarities and differences between the organisms to determine whether they have discovered a new organism or not. It is taxonomic literature based on couplet. Scientists rely on keys for each taxonomic category such as genes, order, family, species, etc. for identification of organisms. Students will learn about these taxonomic categories in a detailed manner in the first chapter of Class 11 Biology CBSE NCERT textbook.