NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 - Our Friends Animals FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 3 Evs Chapter 19 Our Friends Animals
1. What is a Birdbath?
A birdbath is a small basin or a shallow pond that we can create by filling water. The birds can come drink water and bathe there to cool themselves. We can make this birdbath on the terrace or in the gardens of our house. We should take care of birds in our surroundings because they play a very vital role in balancing nature.
2. How will Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 3 EVS help us?
The team in Vedantu has done extensive research and developed the most authentic and appropriate NCERT solutions that will further be a valuable resource for all students. The class 3 EVS NCERT Solutions covers twenty-four chapters and the exercises from the NCERT books for Class 3. There are enough practice questions available on the official website of Vedantu.
3. Why should you be loving and affectionate towards animals?
Like humans, animals too have the right to live peacefully. By loving and taking care of animals makes us a better human being. When we shower love and affection on animals they too respond back with their love and affection.
4. What are the features and benefits of NCERT EVS Solution for Class 3?
The features and benefits of NCERT EVS Solution for Class 3 are
The EVS solutions are developed by the subject-matter experts to guide Class 3 students to clear all their doubts and learn more easily.
The solutions are written in a very interactive language so that children can understand the concepts better.
The subject-matter experts have given the solutions in a step-by-step method and reference notes are attached with the topic to help the students to recall easily.
NCERT Solutions Pdf are also available on the official website of Vedantu, which students can download and refer according to their convenience.
5. What lesson do you learn from Class 3 EVS Chapter 19?
The lesson that you get to learn from NCERT Class 3 EVS Chapter 19 ‘Our Friend - Animal’ is that you should always be kind towards animals. You need to give them your affection and help them out. They are living creatures as well, just like us. This is what we see when Navjot, Ali, and Kalyani help the wounded bird in healing. Access these NCERT Solutions available at the official website of Vedantu. You can also access these study materials on the Vedantu app. All the resources are available free of cost.
6. List out some things that are required by both animals and humans?
Some things that are required by both animals and humans are air, water, and sunlight. To get answers to other questions from this chapter, download the NCERT Solutions available at the official website of Vedantu. These solutions have answers to all questions that are in the chapter. Study from these solutions and get full marks in the test on this chapter.
7. What are some animals that you have not touched but you can touch and some animals that you cannot touch?
Some animals that I have not touched but can touch are elephants, zebras, horses, rabbits, and buffaloes. Some animals that I cannot touch are lions, tigers, snakes, alligators, and crocodiles.
8. What things does Chandu dhobi do for his pet donkey?
Chandu has a pet donkey, which helped Chandu dhobi with his work. But Chandu dhobi also did a lot for his donkey. Some of these tasks included bathing his donkey, feeding it some grass for food, giving him water to drink so he is not thirsty, and putting a garland around him. Chandu loved his animal and took good care of it.
9. What had happened to the bird?
The bird had hurt its wings with a fan and was in pain. Peter picked it and started patting it affectionately. Then, Ali and Navjot tried to feed it some water by putting a bowl of water near its peak. The bird began to flap its wings and flew away. The next day, the same bird came back and started circling above Kalyani, Ali, and Navjot.