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Vital and Non-vital Organs in Our Body

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Organs in Our Body and their Functions

An organ can be defined as the organization of different tissues inside a human body to perform a set of functions. Organs in the body often constitute for forming an organ system catering to a major physiological function. Here, we will discuss the different types of organs we have and what their significant functions are.

What are Organs?

An accumulation of similar or different cells results in the formation of a tissue. The accumulation of tissues in a particular location in the body forms an organ. Hence, the structural organization of tissues performing different physiological functions is called an organ.

Multicellular animals and plants have organs in their bodies to carry out major and complex biological functions. Some of them are vital to the system for their biological functions. Vital organs are crucial in terms of the existence of a living organism. The absence of these organs will not let a living being survive.

Unicellular animals and plants have a very small union of cell organelles that carry on simpler functions. When compared to organs, the functions are more critical and vital. Some organs have multiple functions to carry on. For instance, the circulatory system of an animal not only conducts respiratory gases but also conveys nutrition to the farthest corner of the body.

Vital Organs and their Functions

An organ or a system of organs is formed from the germ layer during embryonic development inside the mother’s womb. Most of the organs remain closer to each other to form a system and perform in proper coordination. In some cases, organs may be located remotely but are connected to perform relevant functions. Here is a list of these organs, the important body parts, and their respective functions.

Brain: The brain is the most vital organ in the human body. It is also called the control center of all organs and body parts. It is the perfect conglomeration of the nerves and tissues present inside the skull of a human being with the function to control our thoughts and physical sensations.

Our brain is also the processing center of different stimuli and impulses we input through our sensory organs such as eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue. According to the stimuli, the brain prepares the response we need to give to act according to a situation. For instance, if we feel threatened, all the coordinated human body parts and their functions will be activated to act in response.

The brain has three different sections, the cerebrum or the front brain, the cerebellum or the hindbrain, and the brainstem. All of these parts have significant functions to control our voluntary and involuntary physiological actions.

Heart: The heart is the central organ of our circulatory system. It is the pumping organ that does not stop beating for a moment. Since birth, a human heart works relentlessly. Its function is to transport blood back and forth to every corner inside the human body and assuring the proper supply of respiratory gases, nutrients, hormones, enzymes, etc.

It has four chambers, two auricles, and two ventricles controlled by an electrical     impulse system. The openings between these chambers, arteries, and veins are controlled by different kinds of valves. These valves ensure a one-way flow of the blood.

Lungs: Lungs are the vital organs present in the respiratory system of human beings. They are located in the ribcage in our chest. Its coordinated inflation and deflation cause inhalation and exhalation of air. We breathe using our lungs and exchange gases. These are the prime organs that provide a huge surface area for the exchange of gases.

Liver: This is the biggest gland present in the digestive system in our body. According to the body organ diagram, it is located right beneath the stomach and above the small intestine. Its prime function is to purify the blood and detoxify it from metabolic byproducts and foreign substances continuously.

It is the only organ that can regenerate itself. Its prime functions, apart from detoxifying blood, are producing bile, filtering blood, regulating the levels of amino acid and various other chemicals in the blood, synthesizing cholesterol, and regulating blood clotting.

Kidneys: It is a pair of organs present in the excretory system of our body. These organs are the parts of the body and their uses concentrate on filtering blood and preparing urine. They are the prime excretory organs that maintain blood pressure, blood volume, urine volume, etc.

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There are other organs that are not vital as the above-mentioned organs. It means that there is a chance of survival or the human being will get time to cure the ailments. In this human body organs chart, you will find the following organs.

  • Gall bladder

  • Pancreas

  • Stomach

  • Urinary bladder

  • Testes

  • Uterus

  • Upper and lower extremities

  • Eyes

  • Ears

  • Intestines, etc.

The position of these organs in the human body can be found in the vital organ systems. These organs together form an organ system performing a particular set of functions. For instance, the stomach, small intestines, and pancreas are the prime organs that produce enzymes for digestion.

These are the vital and non-vital organs present in the human body. Knowing the location of organs in the human body and finding out how these organs perform in a coordinated way with the vital organs is important for understanding the human anatomy.

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FAQs on Vital and Non-vital Organs in Our Body

1.Is skin an organ?

Skin is an organ that creates a protective covering of the entire body. It has different functions such as sensation to external stimuli, perspiration, and controlling body heat.

2.What are the different kinds of tissues?

There are four types of tissues present in the human body. They are:

  • Epithelial tissue

  • Muscular tissue

  • Connective tissue

  • Nervous tissue

These tissues together form organs and body parts. The function of these tissues generally changes according to their locations, except the nervous tissues.

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