Previous Year Biology Question Paper for ICSE Class 10 Board - 2018 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ICSE Class 10 Biology Question Paper - 2018 Board Examinations
1. What is the paper pattern for the Class 10 ICSE Biology Board Exam?
The Class 10 Biology question paper for ICSE board final exam consists of two sections worth 40 marks each that need to be solved by the students in the time limit of two hours. The paper consists of Section I and Section II both of which are 40 marks each. Section I has numerous short answer-type questions while Section II contains 5 or 6 questions out of which students only have to attempt any four. All the four questions attempted in this section by the student are worth 10 marks. The final board exam paper contains questions from all the units across both semesters of the Class 10 syllabus.
2. What are the benefits of downloading Class 10 ICSE Biology Solutions for Selina Concise from the Vedantu website?
Students can download Class 10 Biology Concise Selina solutions for all chapters of Biology from the Vedantu website. These solutions created by the subject experts provide an alternative approach of study to the students and help them get a deeper understanding of the topic. The solutions also provide students with a brief outline of the certain topic the question is about and thus helping students to revise the chapter. These solutions also come in handy when students need to get any doubts cleared. Solutions for all subjects of Class 10 ICSE are available for download free of cost by Vedantu.
3. Why is it important to download the Class 10 ICSE Biology Syllabus beforehand?
The students must download the Class 10 Biology syllabus beforehand from the Vedantu website before they start their exam preparation or the beginning of the academic year itself to help them guide and schedule their studying better. It also helps them follow the right sequence of chapters when preparing for the exam and makes them aware of which chapter carries the most weightage and helps students to accordingly give sufficient time to the particular chapter. If the students don’t follow the Class 10 ICSE biology syllabus, they might miss out on an important chapter that might help them score well in the exam.
4. Which is the largest unit in the Class 10 Biology of ICSE Board Syllabus?
The largest unit for the Class 10 Biology syllabus is the Unit 3 Human Physiology which contains 6 chapters namely Circulating System, Excretory System, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Reproductive System, and Population. The unit also carries the most marks in the final board exam with the chapter Reproductive System within the unit consisting of the most marks as well i.e., 15 marks. This unit aims to teach students about the various functions of the systems of the body and make them aware of how the body works.
5. What is the marks distribution for the Class 10 Biology for ICSE Board Syllabus?
The Class 10 Biology syllabus is divided into several units, each containing a certain number of chapters. The chapters are divided into certain marks that they hold in the final board exam question paper. These marks remain constant every year unless there is a change in the syllabus as issued by the ICSE board or the CISCE. The following chapters contain the following marks in the Class 10 BIology board exam:
Reproductive system – 13 marks
Pollution – 10 marks
Chemical coordination in plants – 9 marks
Nervous system – 9 marks
Photosynthesis – 8 marks
Endocrine system – 8 marks
Genetics – 8 marks
Transpiration – 6 marks
Excretory system – 6 marks
Sense organs – 6 marks
Human evolution – 6 marks
Cell cycle – 5 marks
Absorption by roots – 1 mark
Population – 1 mark