FAQs on ISC Biology Question Paper 2018 Solved for Class 12 Board
1. Is it necessary to prepare all the chapters for the ICSE Class 12 Biology Exam?
Yes, the students must prepare all the chapters in their syllabus. The students should thoroughly read through all the chapters and mark important points as well. Making notes from within the chapters will help them understand better and memorize easily. Questions are asked from all the chapters in the exam so it is important that the students know all the syllabus to score well.
2. What is the pattern of the Biology Practical Exam?
The students have to appear for a 3 hours long practical exam which is worth 30 marks. The students may be asked to perform experiments or examine specimens depending on what is asked in the question. Along with this the students also have to submit a project worth 10 marks and the practical file worth 5 marks. This is a part of the total 30 marks attributed to the practical exam. The students should be well-versed with what they have been taught in practical classes throughout the year.
3. How can students prepare for the practical exam?
Biology is the scientific study of life itself. Practical exams are an important aspect of assessment in such a subject. The students must know their theory well to apply it in practical classes and exams. Theory helps form a strong base for the practical exam. The students should also practice and revise all the diagrams to perform better in the practicals. Make notes while attending practical classes as this will help you during the final practical exams. Recollecting as much from the class will help you revise better as well. The project file and the practical file should be accurate and well made as they constitute 15 marks of the practical exam.
4. How do you perform spotting in Biology?
Spotting is looking for specific features in a specimen. It is an important part of the practical exam. Students are asked to take specimens from test tubes or otherwise. You can be asked to observe cells, fish, etc under a microscope and identify the characteristics. You have to spot them carefully and write them down. The students must know their theory well to be able to identify the characteristics easily. The external examiner can give you any kind of specimen so you must be thorough with all your theory.
5. Are PDF Solutions enough for Revision?
The pdf solutions provided by Vedantu for Class 12 Biology are enough for the students to prepare for the exam. But the students should read through all the chapters from the textbook and attempt all the questions. They can refer to the solutions for reference. The solutions are framed by experienced teachers and in a step-by-step manner for the students to easily understand the concepts. The solutions make the revision easier for the students as all the information is in a concise form.