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Effect of Human Activities on The Environment

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Human beings form an integral part of the Environment and have the greatest ecological footprint. We have resourcefully restructured all aspects of earthly life. This has influenced Human evolution, from the very first Human ancestors to our modern-day selves, and indeed, we have come a long way through nearly two million years of evolution. From advances in man's social behavior to accomplishing new feats in various fields, we always strive to provide a better standard of living for civilization. However, Humans are very much a part of the Environment we live in, and our mostly well-intended actions have far-reaching side Effects on the entire ecosystem and Environment. In this article, we explore the various Human Activities that destroy the Environment.

The Environment has suffered for thousands of years due to Human Activities. Since as Homo sapiens we first walked the earth, there have been several modifications on the planet and around us through the development of infrastructure, travel, and the incorporation of urbanization and other commercial networks.  The change, however, has been both positive and negative—and likely for the betterment resulting in the worse at some point in time.

Reason for changes

The reason for the changes in the Environment primarily constitutes to the following facts that have made an adverse Effect on it-

1. The increasing Population:

As the Human race we have been affecting our Environment for thousands of years and this has been a topic of worry for the scientists primarily because of the surpassing of the planet’s food supply. Accommodating the increasing population has been a major cause for much of the impact that we’ve had on our Environment. However, the food supply of ours can support more lives than ever at the moment, although this reality has the profound impact of reducing the population turnover and leading to its rapid expansion. 

2.  Modification of Agriculture, Domesticated Animals, and Genetics

So the demand to feed a growing Human population has resulted in advances in agriculture, which are the first major Human innovation to enable survival as a species. Earlier agriculture allowed the hunter-gatherer cultures to settle an area and cultivate their food, which immediately impacted the Environment by transplanting the non-native species to newer areas and prioritizing the growth of various plants and animals over each other. Recently there have been several genetic modifications in Human beings to enhance their lifespan and health.  Also, the domestication of livestock and other species by early Humans has affected the Environment by altering the land in significant ways as animal grazing contributed to Environmental changes by deteriorating native grasses and thus, leading to soil erosion. Industrialization of agriculture is another major cause for the same as in the last several centuries it has prompted a subsequent wave of counter-movements, which seek to undo the negative Effects of Human intervention. 

3. Deforestation and Reforestation

Since the growth in the population needs to be housed there has been massive deforestation to build homes for the people, which has resulted in significant negative Effects on the Environment. Deforestation has many adverse Effects, including decreasing oxygen levels (and increasing greenhouse gases), elevated risk of soil erosion, and the destruction of animal habitats. However, the reforestation efforts seek to replace as much forest land as is possible every year.

4. Pollution

A major life-threatening Human activity that affects the Environment not only by contributing to air pollution, or water, or soil pollution but has also become a major threat for the entire Human species. It has also contributed to tremendous Effects on the world, leading to Environmental degradation and problems like acid rain and harmful algal blooms in the ocean.

5. Global Warming and Climate Change

They are amongst the major challenges faced not only by the Environment but by the entire Human race as they are among the most critically impactful ways that Humans have affected the Environment. The release of CO2 contributes to the deterioration of the earth’s ozone layer, which in turn, contributes to global climate change, hence, the Human Impact on the Environment is a Double-edged Sword as the expansion of the Human population and the growing requirements are resulting in changes that may be negative, but as Humans also have the power to correct their mistakes and change the Environment for the better, there's a ray of hope.

10 Human Activities That Affect The Environment

  1. Deforestation:

Deforestation refers to the clearing of trees from a forest, which is then converted into non-forest use. Deforestation can include forest land being turned into farmland, ranches, or for public usage and urbanization. Trees take in greenhouse gases and give oxygen to nature, which we use to breathe. Chopping down trees to increase land availability due to an increase in population and bringing up new industries has led to an ecological system imbalance, leading to a decrease in oxygen levels.

  1. Water Pollution:

The presence of an excessive amount of toxins in water bodies is referred to as water pollution. Polluted water from large-scale factories, the absence of adequate sanitation facilities, numerous Human actions along water sources have facilitated water contamination to a great degree. Industrial effluents and sewage are directly released into the rivers, increasing this pollution. Seas and oceans also sometimes face oil spills, which have long-term Effects on water, leaving it inhospitable to aquatic life.

  1. Air Pollution:

The presence of an excessive amount of toxins in the air is referred to as air pollution. Overpopulation has caused a great deal of air pollution, especially due to the use of vehicles for transport. Harmful factory gases are released into the atmosphere, forcing us to breathe air that contains toxic substances and pollutants, which contribute to different medical conditions, including respiratory and cardiovascular disorders.

  1. The exploitation of Marine Life:

our marine life is becoming endangered due to the massive scale of commercial fishing. Water degradation continues to hamper the lives of marine organisms and renders their longevity uncertain. In certain instances, when these fish are ingested by Humans, it contributes to sickness and disease.

  1. Global Warming:

Global warming refers to the rapid rise in Earth's average surface temperature over the past century, mainly due to the greenhouse gasses released by people burning fossil fuels necessary for industrialization. It is seen as a consequence of an increase in Earth's temperature due to the greenhouse Effect and connected Human actions. It results in the melting of ice caps and therefore increases the sea levels triggering tsunamis, cyclones, and other natural calamities.

  1. Habitat Loss:

Wildlife conservation is becoming tougher because their natural habitat is constantly being threatened and destroyed. Water pollution and deforestation are the main reasons for habitat loss.  Deforestation may give rise to abundant land for Humans but leaves animals homeless.

  1. Extinction:

Human Activities are triggering extinction on an unprecedented and mass scale. The destruction of natural habitats, Environmental hazards, global warming, poaching, pollution, and deforestation are some of the leading causes of this tragedy.

  1. Overuse Of Harmful Pesticides And Fertilizers:

With a great uptick in population, there is also a rise in food production. To aid this production, however, crops are produced through the use of toxic fertilizers and have extremely poor nutritional values to satisfy the demand for food security.

  1. Urbanization:

Urbanisation refers to the increasing number of people who reside in cities. Urbanization has also contributed to a major transition and disparity in our ecological Environment. This is because urbanization requires large tracts of land to be deforested and then used for building cities.

  1. Ozone Layer Depletion:

The three oxygen atoms make up an ozone ring. While oxygen lends life to organisms, ozone is a toxic gas. It may be dangerous on Earth, but ozone plays a critical function in the various ambient layers of the atmosphere. UV rays are emitted by the sun, causing harm to animals, specifically skin cancer in Humans, and hence are harmful. Ozone is preventing such UV radiation from entering the planet, thus protecting all of us from UV damage. Over the years, however, this defensive layer has been eroding across the world.

A dramatic depletion was discovered back in the 1980s due to the CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) used in refrigerators and fire extinguishers. This is why production firms are now mandated to produce CFC-free devices around the world.

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FAQs on Effect of Human Activities on The Environment

1. What Is The Importance Of Afforestation And Waste Management For Environmental Conservation?

  • Afforestation:

Afforestation refers to the creation of a forest or a tree stand (forestation) in a region where no vegetation cover was present earlier. Use a search engine like Ecosia, which directs some of its funds to afforestation around the world.

  • Waste Management:

Waste management refers to diverse waste management and disposal schemes. It can be that waste is discarded, destroyed, processed, recycled, reused, or controlled. The primary goal of waste management is to reduce the volume of unusable resources and to eliminate possible risks to safety and the climate. Reduce, reuse, and recycle wastes whenever possible. Do not throw waste, especially plastic into water bodies.

2. What Steps Can Humans Take To Make A Positive Impact On The Ecosystem?

Humans, through deliberate actions, can make a definitive impact and positively influence the ecosystem. Some of the steps we can take in this direction include: -

  • Water treatment plants for the treatment of industrial effluents and sewage need to be set up by us to prevent water bodies from getting contaminated. 

  • To prevent the spread of air pollution, we must use public transport whenever possible. More trees should be planted, as they naturally purify the air. 

  • Wildlife Conservation:

Poaching and hunting must stop. We must boycott animal products, especially those made after hunting or poaching an endangered animal.

3. What are some of the Human Activities that destroy the Environment?

Human Activities that destroy the Environment are numerous however, a few of them that are responsible for major losses include the following:

  • Logging/cutting down of trees is a major activity that is affecting the forest covers of the earth. 

  • Noise-making through several types of machinery and technology also has an adverse Effect.

  • Quarrying is another challenge for the Environment.

  • Sand winning.

  • Bush burning.

  • Open defecation (especially in water bodies)

  • The burning of fossil fuels and toxic gases that lead to air pollution is a major threat.

4. What is the impact of Human Activities on the soil as part of the Environment?

It has always been a fact that Humans are deteriorating the Environment in every possible way for their welfare and nonetheless, some Human Activities have a clear and direct impact on the Environment. These Activities include land-use change, land management, land degradation, soil sealing, and mining. However, the intensity of land use also has a great impact on soils which is why there is a rise in problems like soil erosion, depletion of soil, and other such issues.

5. How do Human Activities affect the rate of soil erosion?

Agricultural practices have a very significant impact on soil erosion rates. As contributors to the problem of soil erosion some Human Activities like repeatedly walking or riding the same areas lead to the erosion of soil slowly over time. Also, forest fires contribute to soil erosion, as vegetation previously holding the soil in place is often destroyed. The students can visit the Vedantu website for more such information and download pdf for the same for free. Apart from this they will also find a lot of related study material to practice and learn.