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Viral Diseases

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An Introduction

A virus is a microscopic organism and can be found in soil, water and even in other living organisms like humans, plants, animals, etc. Though a human body hosts viruses, not all become a cause of disease. 

The immune system is responsible for protecting human beings against diseases caused by viruses by producing antigens. Notably, these antibodies do not just identify infection but also destroy them effectively.

Keeping that in mind, let us proceed to find out more about viral diseases!

What are Viral Diseases?

In simple words, these are infections or diseases caused by viruses. Now, the type of viral disease depends entirely on the virus that is causing it.

Often an infection caused by a virus can be fatal, while at other times the impact may not even be noticeable. Also, the same virus can affect different organisms in different ways. 

These are Some of the Most Common Examples of Viral Diseases 

  1. Common cold

  2. Influenza

  3. Measles

  4. Herpes

  5. Rabies

  6. Ebola 

  7. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

  8. Chickenpox

  9. Mumps

  10. Viral Hepatitis

  11. AIDS

  12. Polio

Viruses like human papillomavirus (HPV) can even become a cause of cancer in their host. 

Test Your Knowledge: 

Which of these is a Contagious Venereal Disease?

  1. Cancer 

  2. Phenylketonuria 

  3. Rabies 

  4. Typhoid.

Along with this above information, let us now find out more about the list of diseases caused by a virus and their symptoms.

This Table Below Highlights Diseases Caused By Viruses in Human Beings.

Types of Viral Diseases


Virus Disease



Common cold




Rabies virus


Infectious hepatitis 

Hepatitis virus



Influenza virus



Measles virus






Variola virus







Table: List of Viral Diseases in Humans

Causes of Viral Diseases

It is noteworthy that viruses cannot replicate on their own and are entirely dependent on a host. As a result, they are classified as parasites. 

They transmit when an infected person comes in close contact with a healthy person. Notably, the composition of a virus influences its ability to spread.

Some of the conventional means of transmission include touch, contact with body fluids, ingesting contaminated water and diet, sexual contact, etc.

Symptoms of Viral Diseases

These are among the most common symptoms of viral diseases –

  1. Fever and fatigue

  2. Sore throat 

  3. Headache

  4. Rashes

  5. Swollen tonsils

  6. Running nose

  7. Body ache

  8. Diarrhea and/or vomiting 

It is noteworthy that symptoms for a particular viral disease may differ from those one another.

Treatment of Viral Diseases

There is no cure for most viruses. However, vaccination proves immensely useful when it comes to containing them. 

Besides vaccination, the following is the advice that goes a long way in fighting against diseases caused by viruses.

  1. Nutritious diet

  2. Drinking adequate fluids

  3. Proper rest 

  4. Prescribed medication for fatigue, fever, and body aches.

It must be noted that the treatment of a viral disease may vary widely, so it is best to avail medical treatment and avoid self-diagnosis.


An organism can resist or combat the venereal infection and prevent it from turning into a full-fledged disease.  In a broader sense, immunity is classified into two types – innate immunity and acquired immunity.

Innate immunity is present in organisms since birth and is usually inherited from their parents. Innate immunity is manifested as barriers, which include – physical, cellular, and physiological, and cytokine.

On the other hand, acquired immunity develops over time throughout an organism’s lifetime. It is further manifested as active immunity or passive immunity.

The human immune system comprises lymphoid organs, antibodies, lymphoid tissues, and immune cells. Human beings with strong immunity are less likely to succumb to diseases caused by viruses. 

Find out more about such a list of diseases caused by a virus and their symptoms by joining our free live online classes today. Also, access our free PDF study materials to strengthen your knowledge about other related topics. Now you can also download our Vedantu app for easier access to related study material and online sessions.

Benefits of Learning About Viral Diseases

Learning about Viral Diseases will be quite beneficial for you. It is one of the most important topics of biology that will help you score excellent marks in the exam. Below are some of the benefits of learning about Viral Diseases.

  • By Learning About Viral Diseases you can understand the different types of diseases you can get infected with and take measures to prevent them.  

  • If You Have A Good Understanding of Viral Diseases you can identify if you have any infections and start the treatment earlier. 

  • Learning about Viral Diseases will help you secure a good score in the biology exam and improve your overall percentage. 

  • One of the significant benefits of learning about Viral Diseases is that it gives you enough information about common diseases, allowing you to take preventive measures and stay healthy. 

  • If you want to pursue the medical field in the future, knowing everything about Viral Disease will surely help you in your career.  

  • Viral Diseases will also teach you how to take care of yourself and treat different types of infections as soon as possible. 

  • With Viral Diseases, you can learn which type of viruses causes a particular infection and what you can do to prevent such diseases. 

  • Another Advantage of Learning About Viral Diseases is that it explains the symptoms, causes, and treatment of each disease in detail, which enhances your knowledge.  

How to Learn About Viral Diseases?

Learning about Viral Diseases will not be that difficult, especially if you are using Vedantu's services. Our platform contains detailed explanations of the meanings, symptoms, causes, and treatments of all viral diseases. You can use our mobile application to start learning about Viral Diseases - Introduction, Examples, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment and improve your understanding of different infections. Apart from this, below are some ways to help you learn and understand this topic.

  • You Can Start Learning About Viral Diseases from your textbooks to get an idea of what this topic is about. 

  • Once You Have Read Everything About Viral Diseases thoroughly, you should try attempting questions based on this topic to test your knowledge and see where you stand. 

  • Try to understand the difference between different types of viral diseases and their symptoms. 

  • You can go through sample papers and previous year's question papers of biology to analyze the difficulty level and pattern of questions related to Viral Diseases

  • Try to memorize the names of the viral diseases and the viruses that cause these infections.  

  • Make sure you have a clear understanding of every viral disease so that you can differentiate between the symptoms, causes, and treatment.    

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FAQs on Viral Diseases

1. What are Some Diseases Caused By a Virus?

These are some of the most prevalent viral diseases - Common cold, Measles, Rabies, influenza, Herpes, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, etc.

2. What are Viral Diseases?

It is an infection or disease that develops inside a host's body on being infected with viruses. While some viral diseases may not manifest any significant symptoms, they might prove to be fatal over time.

3. What are the Common Symptoms of Most Viral Diseases?

Some of the common symptoms include – fatigue, fever, headache, vomiting, running nose, body ache, sore throat, swollen tonsils, etc. Since these symptoms are common in most viral infections, one must seek medical attention for an accurate diagnosis.

4. From where can I learn about Viral Diseases?

To start learning about Viral Diseases you should visit Vedantu’s e-learning platform. We provide you with the best study materials to learn everything about Viral Diseases, and other topics of biology. You can use our study resources to learn, revise, and prepare for your exam. Our services are accessible to all the students around the globe through and the Vedantu app. Apart from Viral Diseases, you can learn various concepts of biology such as animal cells, algae, reproduction, etc.

5. Is it important to learn about Viral Diseases?

It is really important to learn about Viral Diseases. By learning about these diseases, you can prevent yourself and your loved ones from them. Also, if you know the symptoms of different viral diseases, you can identify the problem and start the treatment early. Moreover, Viral Disease is an essential part of the biology syllabus that will help you secure an excellent score in the exam.

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