Microbes in Human Welfare Class 12 Short Notes - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on Microbes in Human Welfare Class 12 Notes: CBSE Biology Chapter 8
1. How do microbes help us?
Microbes do not always cause diseases. Some are used to make food, manufacture medicines, and treat wastes. We should learn the good microbes that help us in these ways in Chapter 8 Class 12 Biology revision notes.
2. How microbes are used to manage waste?
If you refer to Class 12 revision notes Chapter 8, you will find out how researchers are looking for better strains of microbes to treat sewage and human waste. We are also looking for organic ways to clean rivers and rejuvenate freshwater bodies to eradicate the water crisis in the modern world.
3. What is the benefit of studying Class 12 Chapter 8 Biology using Vedantu’s revision notes?
Chapter 8 "Microbes In Human Welfare" is engaging. Students usually find Biology as a very relevant subject and this chapter is the same. It contains a detailed explanation of the topic. When students revise for their exams, they do not have the time and energy to go through such lengthy texts. Class 12 Chapter 8 Revision Notes come in handy at such a time. These notes by Vedantu are prepared by highly competent teachers and are beneficial for exam preparations. These notes are available free of cost on the Vedantu app.
4. What are microbes in human welfare?
Several microscopic organisms are of extreme benefit to human beings. There are several real-time applications of microbes. Microbes are helpful for human welfare in the following areas:
In household products: Eg. Lactic acid bacteria in milk
In Industrial Products: Eg. In fermented beverages, antibiotics, enzymes, etc.
In Sewage Treatment: Eg. help in reducing BOD
In Production of Biogas: Eg. Methanogens
As Biocontrol Agents: For controlling pests and diseases
As Biofertilizers: Used in organic farming
5. Is “Microbes in Human Welfare” important for NEET?
Chapter 8 teaches students various significant uses of microscopic organisms. Microbes are used in various household items, industries, and processes for human benefit. This chapter has some important concepts that are often asked in NEET examinations. Thus, students should memorise this chapter well. Moreover, it is a fairly simple chapter as compared to other chapters of Class 12 Biology. Hence it can be a highly scoring chapter. Students can refer to important questions from this chapter for NEET visit the page NEET Microbes in Human Welfare Important Questions.
6. Which microbes play a beneficial role in our stomach by checking the growth of disease-causing organisms?
Lactic acid bacteria or LAB helps restrict the growth of disease-causing microbes in our stomach. It works by inhibiting the growth of spoilage agents. This is the bacteria responsible for turning milk into yoghurt. Probiotic products are sold widely in the markets today to promote good gut health. These also contain useful microbes like LAB. Therefore, we can see that microbes can be very beneficial for our health as well.
7. What is “toddy”?
A southern Indian fermented drink is referred to as "Toddy". It is made by fermenting fresh sap from palm trees. The sap from palm trees contains natural yeast which leads to the fermentation process converting its glucose into alcohol. In the southern parts of India, “toddy” is a popular drink and workers often drink it at the end of their day. So, we see that yeast is another microbe that is used in fermenting drinks, leaving bread, etc.
8. How are Microbes In Human Welfare Class 12 Notes structured for easy understanding?
Class 12 Biology Microbes In Human Welfare Notes are structured with clear explanations, summaries, key points, and diagrams to simplify complex concepts.
9. Can I use Microbes In Human Welfare Short Notes for quick revision before exams?
Microbes In Human Welfare Class 12 Notes are designed for quick and effective revision, covering all essential topics.
10. How can Microbes In Human Welfare Short Notes help in exam preparation?
Microbes In Human Welfare Class 12 Notes cover all important topics, provide concise summaries, and include past exam questions, making them ideal for exam preparation.