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Ear Bone - Anatomy

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The ear is one of the most important sense organs of the human body. Even though the size of the ear seems to be small, it has different borders, parts, muscles, bones, etc. Ears are useful to hear and receive messages from others so that they can react accordingly. Let's explore more about the ear bones. The ear bones are also known as auditory ossicles.

We have three different ear bones in each ear. The ear bone name is mentioned and explained available in the auditory ossicles or the ear ossicles are - 


The malleus ear bone is the largest and most lateral part of the ear. It is attached to a tympanic membrane with the help of a handle. In the epitympanic recess, the head of the malleus articulates the next ear bone. Its features are - 

  • In adults, its length is 8 mm.

  • Its shape is like a hammer.

  • Its main function is to send the sound waves from the eardrum to the middle ear bones.


The Incus ear bone looks like a human body with a body in the central part and two limbs attached to it. These three parts perform three different actions. The body articulates the malleus, and the short limb is attached to the posterior wall, where the longer limb is attached to the next inner ear bone. Its features are - 

  • It is an anvil shape.

  • It also seems to be a hooked shaped bone that connects from the outer ear to the inner ear

  • It is located in the middle ear.

  • The three parts of the incus join three different parts of an ear.


the stapes ear bone is the smallest. It is also similar to incus in shape but has a base along with the head and two limbs. Its main function is to join the middle ear and inner ear through the incus. The head of the stapes ear bone helps to join the incus, whereas the base helps to join the oval window of the internal ear. The features are - 

  • It is also known as a stirrup.

  • It plays a major role in the hearing process.

  • The sound vibrations were sent in the process of the cochlea.

  • Then the vibrations are converted into nerve signals.

  • These nerve signals were directly sent to the brain, which gives direction to react appropriately. 

  • If the stapes bone got injured, then the ear is said to be a stapes ear.

  • These bones are also known as inner ear bones because of their location.

Functions of Ear Bones

The first and foremost function of ear bones is to receive sound vibrations and send them from one part to another part of the ear from the eardrums and directly sent to the brain by converting them into signals. This process can be done with the help of typical membranes, handles of malleus, stapes, incus. All these are connected like a chain system. 

The second function of ear bones is to control and regulate the receiver Sound vibrations by expanding and contracting the eardrums. 

Mastoid Bone 

Mastoid bone is also known as temporal bone. It is the bone behind ear. Along with the 6 ear bones present three in each ear, the mastoid bone also plays a crucial role and helps in transmitting the sound waves. It has five different parts in it. 

These are the various bones present in the ear with which we can hear the sounds and respond accordingly. But the injuries made to each bone were different and can be cured by using different treatments. Also, everyone has its significance, and taking care of every bone is a must.

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Tips to Protect Ears and Ear Bones

Here are some necessary tips to protect our ears and ear bones properly and to get prevented from various injuries and infections. They are - 

  • One should have proper knowledge of the ear and airborne care. Should not take any risk without having proper knowledge.

  • Cleaning of ears should be in a proper way, and always consulting the ENT doctor for cleaning ear wax is a suggestible way.

  • Avoid hearing huge noises and the sounds continuously as the eardrum and ear bones are very sensitive and thin structures.

  • Walmart dosage of ear pain relievers which includes both tablets and drops, may lead to ear infections.


Hence the ears are more precious for us, and the ear bones present in the ears are interlinked with each other and perform continuous actions. So if one ear bone gets injured, it may lead to other bones and other muscles of the ear also. One should not neglect any simple infection or injury and should take the advice of an ENT doctor.

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FAQs on Ear Bone - Anatomy

1. What are the Various Parts of an Ear?

Ans. Ears are used to hear and recognize the sounds from various things for both human beings and animals. But the parts of an ear may differ from human beings to animals. In a human ear, we have three basic parts. They are- 

  • The external ear is the outer part of the ear. It can be termed as pinna, which is covered by skin. It receives the sound vibrations and sends them through a small tube into the eardrums.

  • The middle ear is the central part of the ear. In this middle portion of the air, the sound waves can enter, and the call Chia process will occur with the help of ear bones.

  • The internal ear is the inner part of the ear. It is spherical, and it helps to receive and convert them into nerve signals which are used to pass sound waves to the brain.

2. What are the Common Injuries Caused to the Ear Bones?

Ans. Like the other bones present in the human body, the ear bones also face a lot of injuries like fractures, sprains, displacements, etc. But these injuries show more risk when compared to other bones. Because the ear is a sense organ, and it is connected with the head, nose, mouth, neck.

Some of the general injuries caused to the ear bones are- Auricular laceration, avulsion, abrasion, hematoma, frostbite, otitis ossicular discontinuity, perilymphatic fistula, labyrinthine concussion, temporal bone fracture, facial nerve paresis, sensorineural hearing loss, exostosis, tympanic membrane perforation, etc.