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AIDS Causes

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The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a type of interminable, and conceivably life-undermining condition that is brought about by the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV. By harming your immune system, HIV meddles with your body's capacity to battle infection and disease. HIV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). It can likewise be spread by contact with tainted blood or from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding. Without medication, it might take a long time before HIV weakens your immune system to the point that you have AIDS. There's no cure for HIV/AIDS, however, medications can drastically slow the movement of the disease. This article will give you all the information on AIDS causes, the reason for AIDS, how does aids spread, and why HIV AIDS is an incurable disease.


What is HIV? 

HIV is a virus that harms the immune system. The immune system enables the body to ward off infections. Untreated HIV taints and executes CD4 cells, which are a kind of immune cell called T cells. After some time, as HIV kills more CD4 cells, the body is bound to get different kinds of infections and malignancies. HIV is transmitted through organic liquids that include: 

  1. Blood 

  2. Semen 

  3. Vaginal and rectal liquids 

  4. Breast milk 

The virus doesn't spread in air or water, or through easygoing contact. HIV is a lifelong condition and presently there is no cure, albeit numerous researchers are attempting to discover one. Notwithstanding, with clinical consideration, including a treatment called antiretroviral therapy, it's conceivable to oversee HIV and live with the virus for a long time. Without any kind of treatment, the individual with HIV is probably going to end building up a genuine condition called AIDS. By then, the immune system is too weak to even consider fighting off different diseases and infections. Untreated, life expectancy with AIDS is around three years. With antiretroviral therapy, HIV can be very much controlled and life expectancy can be about equivalent to somebody who has not contracted HIV. It's evaluated that 1.1 million Americans are at present living with HIV. Of those individuals, 1 out of 5 doesn’t realize they have the virus. HIV can cause changes all through the body.


What is AIDS?

AIDS is a disease that can be created in individuals with HIV. It's the most progressive phase of HIV. In any case, because an individual has HIV doesn't mean they'll create AIDS. HIV murders CD4 cells. Healthy grown-ups, by and large, have a CD4 count of 500 to 1,500 for each cubic millimetre. An individual with HIV whose CD4 count falls under 200 for each cubic millimetre will be determined to have AIDS. An individual can likewise be determined to have AIDS on the off chance that they have HIV and build up an entrepreneurial infection or malignancy that is uncommon in individuals who don't have HIV. An entrepreneurial infection, for example, pneumonia, exploits a one of a kind circumstance, HIV. If it is left untreated, HIV can even advance to AIDS in just 10 years. There's no cure for AIDS, and without treatment, life expectancy after finding is around three years.

What is HIV AIDS Causes and Prevention

Let us learn about the HIV causes and take a look at the causes of HIV aids in points.

HIV is a variety of a virus that contaminates African chimpanzees. Researchers presume the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) hopped from chimps to humans when individuals devoured tainted chimpanzee meat. Once inside the human populace, the virus changed into what we presently know as HIV. This imaginable happened quite a while in the past as in the 1920s. HIV spread from individual to individual all through Africa for a very long while. In the end, the virus relocated to different parts of the world. 

AIDS Causes and Prevention

Let us now understand the causes of AIDS disease.

AIDS is brought about by HIV. An individual can't get AIDS if they haven't contracted HIV. Healthy people have a CD4 count of 500 to 1,500 for each cubic millimetre. Without treatment, HIV keeps on increasing and crushing CD4 cells. If an individual's CD4 count falls under 200, they have AIDS. Additionally, on the off chance that somebody with HIV builds up a shrewd infection related to HIV, they can at present be determined to have AIDS, regardless of whether their CD4 count is over 200.

Symptoms of AIDS 

The symptoms of HIV normally contrast from individual to individual and now and again, a patient contaminated with the HIV infection may not encounter any symptoms whatsoever. The basic signs and symptoms of HIV include: 

  1. Fever 

  2. Chills 

  3. Joint pains 

  4. Headache 

  5. Sore throat 

  6. Muscle aches 

  7. Red rashes on the skin 

  8. Sleepiness and weakness

  9. Steamed stomach  

  10. Perspiring during the night 

  11. Swollen or developed glands 

The above symptoms can last from a couple of days to half a month. An individual with HIV frequently encounters no symptoms, feels healthy, and seems healthy.

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FAQs on AIDS Causes

1. What are the symptoms of AIDS?

The symptoms of AIDs are similar to that of viral illnesses or flu. Symptoms of AIDS include sore throat, muscle and joint pain, fever, chills, headaches, sweating at night, red rashes, mouth sores, swollen lymph glands, tiredness, weakness, weight loss and diarrhoea. Some of the late-stage infections show the symptoms of dry cough, persistent diarrhoea, vision is blurred, sweating at nights, high fever, tiredness, breathlessness, swollen glands for weeks and loss of weight.

2. What are the prevention methods of AIDS?

For the prevention of AIDS, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Doing blood tests and check-ups. This is named as treatment as prevention or simply, TasP.  

  2. Make sure the needles that are used in one person are not used on you. Avoid taking drugs. The drugs that are taken by needles have become a major contributor to the transmission of AIDS. 

  3. Use condoms during sexual intercourse. The condoms can be vaginal for a female and males may use condoms too. This is far safer than using contraceptives which do not protect from sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS.

3. Is there any cure for AIDS?

There is no cure for AIDS; however, it can be prevented by taking precautions. With proper diagnosis, treatment and support one can always fight AIDS. This can be done by spreading public awareness about AIDS and not shaming the patients. There are, however, medicines that stop the HIV virus from multiplying. One of the most important treatments that are done for HIV/AIDS is called antiretroviral therapy or ART.  This treatment uses a combination of medicines every day and it is recommended to the patients.

4. What is HIV?

HIV can be defined as the virus which was first found in the chimpanzees of Africa. HIV or the human immunodeficiency virus attacks the immune system of the body making it very weak and later it leads to AIDS or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV is believed to be transmitted as the simian immunodeficiency virus from the chimpanzee to humans. It was first discovered in the 1920s and it gradually spread from one individual to another through sexual transmission. At present, there is no cure for this.

5. What is the AIDS prevention act?

The HIV/AIDS prevention act was enacted by the Government of India to control and prevent the spread of AIDS and thus, securing the rights of the patients who suffer from HIV/AIDS. This act focused on protecting the patients as society ostracises the patients suffering from HIV/AIDS and there is a need to spread awareness related to AIDS/HIV. The bill was introduced in the Rajya Sabha in the year 2014. After a few changes to this bill, it was finally passed by the Rajya Sabha on 21st March 2017.

6. Name the Virus that causes Aids?

The virus that causes AIDS, which is the most developed phase of HIV infection. HIV is a retrovirus that happens in two sorts: HIV-1 and HIV-2. The two kinds are transmitted through direct contact with HIV-tainted body liquids, for example, blood, semen, and vaginal liquids, or from a mother who has HIV to her child during pregnancy, work and conveyance, or breastfeeding (through breast milk).

7. AIDS Disease is caused by what?

AIDS is the fifth driving reason for death among people between ages 25 and 44. Around 47 million individuals worldwide have been tainted with HIV since the beginning of the pandemic.

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) causes AIDS. The virus assaults the immune system and leaves the body helpless against an assortment of life-undermining ailments and diseases.

Normal microscopic organisms, yeast, parasites, and viruses that commonly don't cause genuine disease in individuals with completely utilitarian immune systems can cause lethal ailments in individuals with AIDS.

HIV has been found in salivation, tears, sensory system tissue, blood, semen (counting pre-fundamental liquid, or vaginal liquid, and breast milk. Be that as it may, just blood, semen, vaginal emissions, and breast milk have been demonstrated to transmit the infection to other people.

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