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Adolescence and Drug Abuse

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An Introduction

Drug or substance abuse is the result of the continuous intake of specific chemicals for creating pleasurable effects on the human brain. Approximately, there are over 180 million people all across the globe who intake drugs continually. Moreover, this problem is increasing at an alarming rate with time.


People between age gaps 18 to 20 are facing an adverse impact of substance abuse; especially youths less than 30 years of age are getting involved in the consumption of these chemicals. The drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence causes irrevocable damage and hampers their mental state.


Psychoactive drugs are substances that cause abuse in teenagers, and one can use it due to the following factors:

  • Out of curiosity and pressure from peer groups in schools and colleges.

  • Due to recreational purposes or fun activities.

  • For getting a creative imagination.


Consequences of Drugs and Alcohol Abuse

The drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence can create havoc in their lives, and impact their families adversely as well. Some of the common harmful effects of substance abuse in young adults and teenagers are –

  • Broken family ties and distancing from well-wishers.

  • Anxiety and melancholy among youths.

  • Lack of mental peace and health issues.

  • Isolation and issues in making healthy relationships.

  • Facing problems to maintain dignity and self-esteem.


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How to Prevent Drug Abuse in Adolescence?

With time, the government has taken necessary preventive and control measures to curb the spread of substance abuse among adolescents. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) checks and monitors the use of over-the-counter chemicals. Moreover, many investigatory projects on drug addiction initiatives have taken place to prevent the use of such substances.

There are specific preventive ways to reduce intake of substances, such as –

  • Providing education to teens and young adults regarding the harmful effects of drugs can reduce their intake. There are various government bodies, leaders from communities and school authorities who aim to teach teenagers to live a life free from drugs.

  • It is always beneficial if preventive measures can start at home. Parents should take the initiative of counseling their children to leave a drug-free life. The drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence stops quickly when a parent interacts with their child openly on such affairs.

  • Connecting with positive people and friends can act as a remedy to stop falling for the intake of drugs. Influence from a healthy environment can help teenagers to get the correct guidance and prevent substance abuse.


However, one can seek medical attention if the situation gets worse. Many rehabilitation homes and help centers are present to help such cases.


Test Your Knowledge

Here are some questions on a drug addiction project for testing your abilities. Try to solve them to ace your studies!

1. A Person Becomes a Drug Addict Due to __________

  1. An irresistible urge to consume the drug and raise the dosage.

  2. Continuous intake of drugs.

  3. Emotional and mental instability, lack of coordination in actions, etc.

  4. None of the above.


2. Amphetamines are Known as Stimulants of the Central Nervous System, whereas Barbiturates are _________

  1. Brain stimulants.

  2. No impact on CNS.

  3. CNS depressants.

  4. None of the above.


From the above discussion, we hope you have a clear insight into substance abuse among teenagers. If you further require additional help for chemistry projects for class 12 on drugs and medicines, download and install the Vedantu’s mobile app today!

Adolescence and Drug Abuse

People are most likely to begin taking drugs during adolescence which includes tobacco, illegal drugs, alcohol and many more. There are many reasons why adolescents use these substances like trying for new experiences, to get rid of problems, pressure from their peers and many more reasons. Adolescents are always keen to try new experiences in their life. Sometimes they go on a wrong experience and then suffer afterwards. Drugs also take the lives of many individuals as it is very harmful. 

Consequences of Teen Drug Abuse

  • Adolescence starts depending on drugs and misuse. They are at high risk of serious use of drugs later in their lives.

  • Their drug usage has negative effects on the judgment in social and personal interactions which starts getting poor.  

  • It also has adverse affect on sexual activity. Unsafe sex and unplanned pregnancy is most likely to happen. 

  • Usage of drugs at this age can cause mental health disorders like anxiety and depression.  

  • It also causes impaired driving. Driving after taking drugs can risk the lives of the drivers and the passengers and also the others on the road.  

  • Use of drugs by adolescence can result in the decline in their performance of academics.  


Health Effects of Different Drugs

Use of drugs, especially in adolescence, causes a lot of health problems and can even risk their lives. Below mentioned some health effects of commonly used drugs. 

  • Cocaine - Consumption of cocaine causes heart attack,  stroke and seizures.

  • Ecstasy - Consumption of ecstasy causes liver failure and heart failure.

  • Inhalants - These can cause the risk of damage to lungs, heart, liver and kidneys if used in the long term.

  • Marijuana - Consumption of marijuana can cause impairment in memory, problem solving and concentration, learning. It also causes the risk of psychosis. 

  • Opioids - It has a risk of respiratory distress and even death from overdose. 

  • Methamphetamine - It's consumption can cause the risk of psychotic behaviors from using it long term or taking overdoses. 

  • Electronic Cigarettes - It can lead towards the risk of dependence on nicotine.  


Preventive Strategies of Teen Drug Abuse

  • Pay attention to the activities of your teens. Supervise them in the activities in which your teen is interested. Look after them, be aware of what they are doing, where they are going etc. 

  • Establish the rules of your house like going to a party where drugs are being used is prohibited, or not riding any cab whose driver has taken drugs. And if your child breaks these rules, let them know the consequences of it. 

  • Get to know about your child’s friends. There are times when teens feel pressure from their friends for taking drugs. Hence, do check out their friends whether they are taking drugs or doing wrong stuff. 

  • Keep the track of all the prescriptions at your home. 

  • Support your teen, appreciate them, encourage them when they succeed even in smallest things. Try to make a strong bond with them which eventually makes them away from bad things. 

  • Set a good example in front of your teens. If you will drink, you can’t deny them 

  • to drink as well. 

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FAQs on Adolescence and Drug Abuse

1. What Way Drug Abuse Affects a Family?

Increase in the rate of drug and alcohol abuse in adolescence can result in poverty. It can lead to financial losses in a family, and one can lose mental stability with time. Under such circumstances, children are worse affected as it hampers their natural growing up process.

2. Which Drugs are Most Frequently Used in Adolescence?

Alcohol and tobacco are the most frequently used drugs among children, followed by marijuana.

3. What Percentage of Drugs do Teenagers Use?

The drugs and alcohol abuse class 12 is near about 40 per cent among high school goers, whereas it is 30 percent among 10th graders and roughly 13 per cent among 8th graders.

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