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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 6 - Sagar Yatra

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 6 - Sagar Yatra PDF Download

These solutions to the NCERT book ‘Durva’ of Class 8 help students to understand the summary of the chapter precisely. The NCERT Solutions explain the meaning of each question precisely which helps a student focus and maintain a flow. This makes it not only easy to understand but easy access to these solutions makes them ideal especially for a quick revision before the exams. The NCERT textbooks allow a student to gain an overall view of what is necessary and prepare them for the future. These building years are necessary for the student and one should take extra care to focus and learn. Science Students who are looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science will also find the Solutions curated by our Master Teachers really Helpful. You can also Download NCERT Solution for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise the complete Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 6 - Sagar Yatra

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 6: सागर यात्रा (यात्रा वृत्तांत)

 1. पाठ से

(क) सागर यात्रा में नौका को संभालने के लिए हर समय एक व्यक्ति की ज़रूरत थी। क्यों?

उत्तर: सागर यात्रा में नौका सम्भालने के लिए हर समय एक व्यक्ति की आवश्यकता होती है ताकि वह नौका के चक्के का ध्यान रख सके और साथ ही साथ द्वीपों व व्हेल मछलियों पर भी नज़र रख सके।

(ख) वे लोग समुद्र की यात्रा कर रहे थे। समुद्र यात्रा में भी उन्हें पानी की समस्या क्यों हुई?

उत्तर: समुद्र का पानी खारा होने के कारणवश वह ना तो पिने लायक होता है न ही नहाने लायक। खारापन होने के कारण से साबुन भी उसमें काम नहीं करता है। इसलिए समुद्र यात्रा में भी उन्हें पानी की समस्या हुई।

2. खतरे

"हम सब इस अभियान के खतरों को जानते थे।"

समुद्री यात्रा में उन यात्रियों को कौन-कौन से खतरों और परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ा था।

उत्तर: समुद्री यात्रा में सबसे अधिक परेशानी पानी व व्हेल मछलियों की थी। फिर तूफ़ानों और तेज़ हवाओं का खतरा भी रहता है। तूफ़ान की वजह से एक बार जहाज़ दूर बहकर चला गया तो उन्हें लगा, उनकी नाव चट्टान से टकराकर टूट जाएगी। उनके सभी रक्षक उपकरण भी खो गए। 15 दिनों के लिए उनका रेडियो संपर्क भी टूट गया। यह समझा गया कि तृष्णा' लापता हो गई है। लेकिन फिर भी वे अपनी मंज़िल तक पहुँचाने में सफल हो पाए।

3. विशेष जगहों के नाम 'बंदरगाह' समुद्र के किनारे की वह जगह होती है जहाँ पानी के जहाज़, नौकाएँ आदि ठहरते हैं। पता लगाओ इन जगहों पर क्या होता है-

(क) अस्तबल

(ख) हवाई अड्डा

(ग) पोस्ट-ऑफिस

(घ) अस्पताल

(ङ) न्यायालय

(च) बाज़ार


(क) अस्तबल        :     घोड़े रखने की जगह।

(ख) हवाई अड्डा   :      जहाँ से हवाई जहाज़ों कर आवागमन होता है। 

(ग) पोस्ट-ऑफिस  :       इस स्थान पर चिट्ठियां आदि डाले जाते हैं व टिकटें मिलती हैं।

(घ) अस्पताल         :       यहाँ रोगियों का इलाज होता है।

(ङ) न्यायालय         :       यहाँ कानूनी कार्यवाही होती है और न्याय मिलता है।

(च) बाज़ार              :       यहाँ से हम सभी वस्तुएँ खरीदते और बेचते हैं।

4. सही उपसर्ग लगाओ

अ. स

ऊपर बॉक्स में दिए गए उपसर्ग लगाकर सार्थक शब्द बनाओ।

(क) सफल

( ख) स्वागत

( ग) विश्वास

(घ) कन्या

(ङ) पुत्र


(क) सफल + अ               = असफल।

(ख) स्वागत + सु              = सुस्वागत।

(ग) विश्वास + अ            = अविश्वास।

(घ) कन्या + सु                = सुकन्या।

(ङ) पुत्र + स                   = सुपुत्र।

5. सही वाक्य

में, ने, को, का, के, लिए, से, पर

तालिका में से यही शब्द चुनकर रिक्त स्थानों में भरो।

(क) सीमा___ फल खाएं।

(ख) रोहित ____ पेन नया है।

(ग) माँ-बच्चो___ मिठाई लाई।

(घ) हमने रस्सी ____ कपड़े सुखाए।

(ङ) मैने बेग ___ किताबें रखीं।

(च) पौधों ___ गमलों में रखो।

(छ) केरल जम्मू ____ बहुत दूर है।


(क) सीमा ने फल खाएं। 

(ख) रोहित का पेन नया है।

(ग) माँ बच्चों के लिए मिठाई लाई।

(घ) हमने रस्सी पर कपड़े सुखाए।

(ङ) मैंने बैग में किताबें रखीं।

(च) पौधों को गमलों में रखो।

(छ) केरल जम्मू से बहुत दूर है।

NCERT Solutions for Class 8th Hindi Textbook ‘Durva’ Chapter 6 "Sagar Yatra” – PDF Downloadable Version

The Downloadable version for the ‘Durva’ Textbook, Chapter 6 ‘Sagar Yatra”, provides complete solutions to all the questions based on the NCERT textbook. The story talks about the voyage through the seas and their difficulties that surround the passengers. The CBSE mandates students to go through a rigorous syllabus which makes them more prepared for the future. Students must focus on understanding the topic rather than simply mugging all the answers as it will help them especially if one seems to be interested in sitting for any competitive examination. The whole idea behind providing these solutions is the ease of the students and the teachers' stress.

NCERT for Class 8th Hindi Textbook ‘Durva’ Chapter 6 “Sagar Yatra” – Chapter Brief

The story “Sagar Yatra”, talks about a median voyage through the seas and the difficulties that the passengers have to face while traveling. The story tells us the dangers of traveling through the seas and talks about the importance of being prepared before a trip. During the trip, one person took the action of the mother and the writer compares his duties to that a mother holds in any household. The writer talks about the fact that the “mother on ship” does all the cleaning and washing along with cooking and others. Amongst other dangers and problems, the story majorly emphasizes the fact that the passengers had a lot of problems with drinking water and clean water in general. Though they were surrounded by water the only drinkable water was what they had on the boat as seawater is not drinkable. The ten passengers on board the ship knew the dangers of traveling through the sea and still went along with it as they wanted to experience the thrill and travel the world around. Each person got a role assigned and one person needed to wheel the boat at all times as otherwise it would lead to any course and might get lost in the sea or crash on an island. The sailors are shown as people with a lot of courage and will but they were not sure if they would return after their voyage, as the dangers even involved all of them to die. This median voyage becomes the first crew from India to travel across the globe and cover the journey of fifty-four thousand kilometers, taking about four seventy days to complete and landing on the Bombay docks on 10th January 1987.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8th Hindi Textbook ‘Durva’ Chapter 6 "Sagar Yatra” – Marks and Weightage

CBSE does provide any strict guidelines for the weightage for the particular chapter “Sagar Yatra '', but a student can expect long five marks descriptive based questions – answers as well as short two mark based questions – answers. As the story based chapter, the student must understand the story and remember important characters of the story and other highlights.

Importance of Solutions to ‘Durva’ Chapter 6 “Sagar Yatra” :

  • The Solutions provided are easy to read, accessible and understandable.

  • Reliable sources have been used to provide the students with solutions.

  • The PDF downloadable file makes it easy for the students to read it at their ease.

  • It is a great tool for a quick revision before the exams.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 6 - Sagar Yatra

1. It was Required for a Person to Maintain a Boat at all Times During the Voyage of “Sagar Yatra”. Why?

A person was required for maintaining the boat at all times to ensure that the boat reaches the correct place and does not wander off in the greatness of the seas. The person maintaining the wheel of the ship needs to ensure that the boat does not crash into an island or any animal. This is also mandatory with the point of view of the safety of the people traveling on the boat.

2. On their Voyage Through the Sea, Why did the Passengers Face a Problem of Drinking Water Even when Traveling Through the Sea?

The water in the sea is very saline and dirty and thus cannot be consumed by humans as it is. It needs to be purified and desalinated before human consumption. It cannot be even used for bathing as it is dirty and may cause stickiness in the body. This makes it more important for the people to carry enough water during a voyage through the sea.

3. What were the dangers and troubles those passengers had to face in the sea voyage?

The biggest problem in sea voyage was water and whale fishes. Then there is the danger of storms and high winds. Once the ship was swept away because of the storm, they felt that their boat would break after hitting the rock. All their protective equipment was also lost. His radio contact was also lost for 15 days. It is understood that 'Trishna' has gone missing. But still they were able to reach their destination.

4. Sea voyage required one person at all times to handle the boat. Why?

Sea voyage requires a person at all times to steer the boat so that he can take care of the wheel of the boat as well as keep an eye on the islands and whales. Because the water of the sea is salty, it is neither fit for drinking nor for bathing. Due to the salinity, even soap does not work in it. That's why he had water problems even in the sea voyage.

5. Give a summary of Chapter 6 of Class 8 Hindi Durva.

The narrative "Sagar Yatra" is about a middle-of-the-road trip across the oceans and the hardships that travellers experience along the way. The narrative warns us about the risks of travelling by water and emphasises the need of being well-prepared before embarking on a journey. During the journey, one individual assumed the role of mother, and the writer compares his responsibilities to those of a mother in any household. The writer mentions that the "mother on ship" performs all of the cleaning and laundry, as well as cooking and other duties.

6. What does the narrative stress the most, among other risks and problems?

The narrative stresses the fact that the passengers had a lot of issues with drinking water and clean water in general, among other hazards and concerns. Despite being surrounded by water, the only drinkable water they had was what they carried on board because saltwater is not drinkable. The 10 passengers on the ship were aware of the hazards of travelling by sea, yet they agreed to go because they wanted to feel the thrill and see the globe. To study more about the sea experience, students can download the free PDF of NCERT Solutions from the Vedantu website.

7. What were the tasks assigned to each person on the ship?

Each person was assigned a task, and one person was responsible for steering the boat at all times, as it would otherwise veer off course and become lost in the sea or smash into an island. The sailors are shown as individuals of great courage and determination, yet they were unsure if they would survive their journey since the perils threatened to kill them all. This midway trip makes history as the first Indian crew to go across the world.  To get the answer to more questions and other study material related to this chapter students can visit the Vedantu website or the app.