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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 - Chithiyo Mein Europe


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3 - Chithiyo Mein Europe PDF Download

NCERT Solution for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3 by Vedantu is the most reliable study material. NCERT solution for Class 8 Hindi Durva is extremely helpful for students who often feel difficult to pick up the concepts in Hindi. The language is explained in the simplest form possible and various activities are also enlisted in these materials. Hindi Durva Solutions are provided by Vedantu with the help of our subject experts. Vedantu works hard each day to provide the most refined version of notes to the students. Subjects like Science, Maths, English and Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 8 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 3 - Chithiyo Mein Europe

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 – चिट्ठियो में यूरोप


1. पाठ से

इस पत्र के आधार पर नीचे दिए गए प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो -

(क) इस पत्रकार लेखक के शहर/ देश की यात्रा पर गया था ?

उत्तर: इस पत्र का लेखक युगोस्लाविया के शहर नेविसाद की यात्रा पर गया था।

(ख) उस देश में कौन-कौन से खेल खेले जाते हैं? वहां कौन सा खेल सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय है?

उत्तर: यहां के लोग फुटबॉल खेलना अधिक पसंद करते हैं ।टेबल टेनिस और स्केटिंग भी खेलना उन्हें बहुत पसंद है।

(ग) उस देश के कुछ खाद्य पदार्थों के नाम बताओ ।

उत्तर: उस देश के कुछ खाद्य पदार्थ- योगर्ट,आइसक्रीम , चले जैसे मिठाई जिसमें खट्टी बेरी का गूदा भरा हुआ होता है, सेवईयाँ सेमिया, उबली सूप में ब्रेड बटर, मार्मलेट आदि हैं ।

(घ) लेखक नहीं यह क्यों कहा कि "अच्छे से रहना ताकि मां को तकलीफ ना हो? "

उत्तर: ऐसा लेखक ने इसलिए कहा क्योंकि वह शहर से बाहर गया हुआ था और मां बच्चे अकेले थे अगर बच्चे तंग करेंगे तो मां को तकलीफ होगी ।

2. पाठ से आगे

(क) भारतीय खाने के कुछ चीजें जैसे चावल, सेवइयां , यूरोप में अलग ढंग से खाई जाती हैं । क्या भारत में यह चीजें अलग -अलग ढंग तरीकों से बनाई और खाई जाती है? पता करो और बताओ । 

(ख) दूना नदी यूरोप के कई देशों में बहती है ।भारत में भी अनेक ऐसी नदियां हैं जो कई राज्यों के बीच बहती है । ऐसी कुछ नदियों के नाम लिखो । यह भी पता करो कि वह कौन कौन से राज्य मे होकर बहती हैं ।

नदी का नाम         राज्यों के नाम

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उत्तर: हर जगह पर खाने की चीजों को अलग-अलग ढंग से बनाया जाता है ।जैसे कई जगहों पर चावल को उबालकर, बिरयानी बनाकर, मीठे चावल बना कर खाया जाता है, कहीं इडली और डोसा बनाकर भी खाया जाता है । सेवईयाँ दूध में डालकर नमकीन बनाकर, मीठा बनाकर या फलूदा आदि के रुप मे भी खाई जाती है ।

उत्तर: भारत में गंगा आरंभ में उत्तरांचल से होते हुए फिर अनेक राज्यों से बहती हुई बंगाल के कोलकाता शहर के पास महासागर मे मिल जाती है ।यमुना नदी दिल्ली, इलाहाबाद कृष्णा नदी दक्षिण , कावेरी नदी दक्षिण भारत, चेन्नई में समाप्त होती हैं ।नर्मदा नदी नासिक (महाराष्ट्र) में बहती है ।

नदी का नाम        

                      राज्यो के नाम


हरिद्वार, गाजियाबाद, पटना, बिहार, बंगाल


उत्तर प्रदेश  , दिल्ली




दक्षिण भारत

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3 - Free PDF Download

CBSE Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3 Solutions by Vedantu are now available for free in the form of a PDF that can be owned by just clicking the link below. The PDF consists of all the solutions for questions listed in NCERT Hindi Durva. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe provides high-quality solutions that are easy to understand. The solutions are explained beautifully in simple words. All the solutions and activities given undergo several checks before reaching the student's hands. These can be used religiously by all students.

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Durva

Chapter 3 - Chithiyo Mein Europe

Hindi Chapter 3 Class 8 Durva is an important chapter for students in Hindi. For learning this chapter, students need proper guidance from teachers and parents. Students can use these notes provided by Vedantu for self-study and a better understanding of the subject. Hindi Durva Class 8 NCERT Solutions Chapter 3 makes students understand the Hindi language in depth. Apart from textbook solutions, other exercises are also seen in these notes. Students need not carry heavy books anymore with these virtual notes available.

NCERT Solution Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter Wise Marks Weightage

Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe Hindi Durva is one of the important chapters listed as per the CBSE syllabus. Students need to learn this chapter to score well in the examinations. Along with long answers and short answers, other possible questions to be asked are from the grammar section. Students need to prepare for conceptual types of questions. For all these, students need not search for many study materials as all of them are organized in NCERT Solutions. Students also need good imaginations to frame answers for many questions which is also an included exercise in Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Chapter 3.

Importance of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe has concepts that need good knowledge in Hindi to understand in depth. The importance of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Chapter 3 Hindi Durva can be summarised in a few points:

  • The Hindi language is made easier by our subject experts by explaining the meaning of all topics clearly.

  • All solutions of NCERT textbook have been solved and have undergone various checks to ensure its credibility.

  • Students will come across fun activities that enable them to grow enthusiasm towards the subject.

  • NCERT Solutions deals with all the chapters in a systematic way which enables students to avoid any confusion.

  • Easier explanations and word meanings are also given under each topic of the chapter. Hence, there is no need of rushing to prepare for the examination.

Other Study Material for CBSE Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3

S. No

Important Links for Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe


Class 8 Chithiyo Mein Europe Important Questions


Class 8 Chithiyo Mein Europe Revision Notes

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi (Durva)

Book-wise Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions

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Class 11 Hindi NCERT Solutions - Book-wise Links


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Bharat Ki Khoj


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Vasant


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Sanshipt Budhcharit

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi

S. No

Other Study Materials for CBSE Class 8 Hindi


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Important Questions


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes


CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Textbook


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 3 - Chithiyo Mein Europe

1. Why were Letters Sent so much During Olden Times and Only a Few Now?

Ans: Letter communication has come down drastically nowadays. Letters were the only form of communication for people in distant places in the olden time. So they were used by everyone for communicating. Whereas, these days, technology has developed so much that there are various forms of communication like emails, video calls, audio calls, etc. So people are not using letters as much as before due to the time lag and since much better options are available now.

2. What are the Experiences one can get Through Letter Writing?

Ans: Although letter writing is becoming scarce in this digital generation, it holds many values that one cannot get from mobile phones.  Letters are handwritten, which makes it special for the receiver to read. It makes the receiver feel special. As letters come with postal stamps, many people also inculcate the habit of stamp collection. Earlier, the gap between each letter was a beautiful wait for the people who sent and received it which cannot be seen in this supersonic world.

3. What is Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe of  Class 8 Hindi Durva?

Ans: Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe of  Class 8 Hindi Durva is written by Som Dutt. This is basically a letter written by the author to his family from Europe. The author talks about the culture and the climate of Europe. He describes the spring season and about the food in Europe. It talks about certain places in Europe, rivers, cities, etc. He constantly tries to tell his family that he misses them a lot. He ends the letter by saying that he will write more letters in the coming days and greets them goodbye.

4. What is the best way to write an answer in the Class 8 Hindi exam?

Ans: If you are a Class 8th student, you are not so far from the boards. This is the time you must focus on enhancing and improving your answer delivery. Especially, when writing answers for Class 8 Hindi, you must be careful with the vocabulary, grammar and the format of writing answers. The presentation of your answers should be appealing to the examiner. Make sure to write only what is asked in the question. You can glance through the NCERT Solutions Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe of  Class 8 Hindi Durva to understand the correct way of writing answers.

5. What are the benefits of using NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3?

Ans: Students who use NCERT Solutions provided by Vedantu enjoy many perks of it. Firstly, you can avail the NCERT solutions in PDF format that too free of cost. These solutions are prepared by the team of professionals tutors at Vedantu making sure that it covers all the important aspects needed. The language used to curate these answers are quite easy to understand and simple. Practicing these solutions can make your concepts even better, plus it is time saving and reliable as well.

6. Where can I find downloadable PDFs of NCERT Solutions for Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe of  Class 8 Hindi Durva?

Ans: The best place to seek easy access to NCERT Solutions is here at Vedantu. Vedantu keeps a collection of NCERT Solutions for every class and subject. If you want to download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 3 in PDF format, you can get it from Vedantu itself. Moreover, downloading these PDFs will cost you absolutely nothing. You can also install the app of Vedantu and can easily access through the solutions from your device itself.

7. Is Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe of  Class 8 Hindi Durva important for exams?

Ans: According to the CBSE curriculum, Chapter 3 Chithiyo Mein Europe of  Class 8 Hindi Durva one of the most essential chapters is Hindi Durva. This chapter is essential for students to understand in order to perform well in the exams. The students can be asked questions from the grammar section, in addition to long and short answer type questions. NCERT Solutions has all of these resources organised so that students don't have to waste time looking for them elsewhere.