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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Chapter 8 - Rituraj

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 8 - Rituraj PDF Download

It is imperative to score in subjects like Hindi to maintain consistency in the mark sheet. To be precise, there exists many ways in which you can perfect your score in Hindi. One of the best ways to do that is by opting for the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 8. These solutions would help you brush up your knowledge on the various intricacies of Chapter 8. No doubt, Chapter 8 is an important part of the CBSE Hindi syllabus.

Due to a wide number of literary meanings and symbolic words, students find it a bit difficult to concentrate properly. With the NCERT Solution Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 8, you would be at an advantageous position. Apart from getting answers to all the questions, you would be well-acquainted with the important parts of the Chapter that can be asked in the exams. The solutions for Ch 8 Hindi Class 10 Kshitij have been written in an easy-to-understand format which would make it easy for students during the revision time. is No.1 Online Tutoring Company in India Provides you Free PDF download of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths solved by Expert Teachers as per NCERT (CBSE) Book guidelines. Register Online for Class 10 Science tuition on to score more marks in Your examination.


NCERT Solutions for Class 10


Class 10 Hindi

Subject Part:

Hindi Part 2 - Kshitij

Chapter Name:

Chapter 8 - Rituraj


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

  • Exercise Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Class 10 Hindi NCERT Solutions Kshitij Chapter 8 is ideal for Your Preparation

1. आपके विचार से माँ ने ऐसा क्यों कहा कि लड़की होना पर लड़की जैसा मत दिखाई देना?

उत्तर: हमारे विचार से लड़की की मां ने ऐसा इसलिए कहा होगा कि लड़कियों जैसे तो रहना परंतु उसके जैसी मत देखना मतलब लड़की जैसे कोमल मत रहना लड़की जैसे गुण सरलता विनम्रता आदि गुणों को तो बनाए रखना परंतु इतनी कमजोर भी मत बनना कि कोई तुम्हारी कमजोरी का फायदा उठा जाए|

2. ‘आग रोटियाँ सेंकने के लिए है।

जलने के लिए नहीं।

(क) इन पंक्तियों में समाज में स्त्री की किस स्थिति की ओर संकेत किया गया है?

उत्तर: पंक्ति द्वारा समाज में स्थित स्त्रियों की कमजोर स्थिति को दर्शाया गया है| स्त्रियों पर किए गए शोषण को समझाने की कोशिश की गई है कभी-कभी वह इस शोषण से मुक्ति पाने के लिए स्वयं को आग में झोंक देती है और अपने जीवन को समाप्त कर लेती हैं|

(ख) माँ ने बेटी को सचेत करना क्यों जरूरी समझा?

उत्तर: माँ ने बेटी को सचेत करना इसलिए उचित समझा क्योंकि उसकी बेटी अभी सीधी और नासमझ थी जिसे दुनियादारी और छल-कपट का बिलकुल भी पता न था। वह लोगों की शोषण प्रवृत्ति से अनजान थी। इसके अलावा वह शादी-विवाह को सुखमय एवं मोहक कल्पना का साधन समझती थी। वह ससुराल के दूसरे पक्ष से अनजान थी।

3. ‘पाठिका थी वह धुंधले प्रकाश की

कुछ तुकों और कुछ लयबद्ध पंक्तियों की’

इन पंक्तियों को पढ़कर लड़की की जो छवि आपके सामने उभरकर आ रही है उसे शब्दबद्ध कीजिए।

उत्तर: इन पंक्तियों को पढ़कर हमारे मन में लड़की की जो छवि उभरती है वह इस प्रकार है कि लड़की अभी बहुत भोली है उसको दुनिया की समझ की जानकारी नहीं है वह दुनिया के एक पक्ष को तो जानते हैं परंतु दूसरे पक्षी जिसके अंतर्गत छल कपट शोषण इत्यादि है उसकी जानकारी उसे बिल्कुल भी नहीं है| लड़की को केवल विभाग के सुखद कल्पनाएं हैं उसे केवल सुखों का एहसास है दुखों का बिल्कुल भी एहसास नहीं है

4. माँ को अपनी, बेटी ‘अंतिम पूँजी’ क्यों लग रही थी?

उत्तर: मां को अपनी बेटियां अंतिम पूँजी इसलिए लग रही थी क्योंकि उसके जाने के बाद वह बिल्कुल अकेली रह जाएगी| उसके सुख दुख के साथी में अकेली ही थी| जिसके साथ में अपने निजी जीवन के सभी बातें बांटा करती थी| अपनी सबसे प्रिय वस्तु अपनी बेटी अपनी पूंजी में दूसरों के हाथ में सौंपने जा रही थी

5. माँ ने बेटी को क्या-क्या सीख दी?

उत्तर: माँ ने कन्यादान के बाद अपनी बेटी को विदा करते समय निम्नलिखित सीख दी

वह ससुराल में दूसरों द्वारा की गई प्रशंसा से अपने रूप-सौंदर्य पर गर्वित न हो जाए। आग का उपयोग रोटियाँ पकाने के लिए करना स्वयं को जलने क लिए नही। उसका दुरुपयोग अपने जलने के लिए मत करना। वस्त्र-आभूषणों के मोह में फँसकर इनके बंधन में न बँध जाना। नारी जैसे गुण बनाए रखना पर कमजोर मत पड़ना।

6. आपकी दृष्टि में कन्या के साथ दान की बात करना कहाँ तक उचित है?

उत्तर: मेरी नजर में कन्या के साथ दान की बात करना बिल्कुल भी उचित इसलिए नहीं है क्योंकि दान किसी वस्तु का किया जाता है परंतु मनुष्यों का नहीं कन्या कोई वस्तु तो है नहीं उसका अपना एक अलग अस्तित्व है उसके अपनी इच्छाएं हैं दान देने के बाद वस्तु से हमारा कोई संबंध नहीं रह जाता परंतु कन्या का संबंध अपने माता पिता से हमेशा बना रहता है|


Class 10 Hindi NCERT Solutions Kshitij Chapter 8 is ideal for Your Preparation

At times, students find it difficult to prepare literature subjects like Hindi. Various types of questions are being asked which makes it a bit difficult for students to answer them. The solutions for NCERT Chapter 8 have been formulated in such a manner that a student of any calibre can comprehend them freely. With these solutions, you can increase your net aggregate of marks. If you are on the lookout to solve difficult questions, then these solutions would be of immense help for you.

Also, these solutions have been drafted by expert teachers who know how to structure a particular answer. There is no denying the fact that you need a thorough understanding of Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapter 8. There are various aspects of this chapter from where questions would be asked in examinations. Also, you would be able to summarize the chapter when you have access to these PDF solutions. Following the format is imperative while answering questions during Board examinations. And if you want to master the art of writing answers in the correct format, these solutions are your best bet.

How the Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Ch 8 Would Help You?

Studying the NCERT book thoroughly is quite important if you want to score high marks. However, students usually get stuck when the context is about answering questions. The NCERT textbook questions are important as they carry a major weightage of your marks. So here are some of the best ways through which these solutions would help you score smartly.

  • Available in PDF Format

One of the highlighting aspects of the NCERT solutions for Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Ch 8 is that they are available in the PDF format. This implies that they are easily accessible and you can store them in your device for future reference. What’s more, you can also take printouts of them to refer before exams.

  • Drafted by Expert Teachers

These solutions have been drafted by experienced teachers who know the correct format to answer questions in exams. With their extensive experience, they are well-aware of the various aspects of scoring. When you already have these solutions, there is no point in waiting for the teacher to complete syllabus. You can stay ahead of the curve when you have these solutions.

  • Based on the Latest Guidelines

These NCERT textbook solutions are based on the latest guidelines of the CBSE. In other words, when you go through them, you would get a good understanding of how you can score high.

Why Opt for Vedantu Hindi Kshitij Chapter 8 Solutions?

All these solutions have been framed by the subject-matter experts at Vedantu. Vedantu is one of the leading online tutorial websites in India catering to the interest of students. With Vedantu, you can give your exam preparation a great boost.

NCERT Class 10 Hindi Kshitij Chapterwise Solutions

Below find the list of chapter-wise solutions for NCERT Class 10 Hindi Kshitij-2.


NCERT Class 10 Hindi Other Books Solutions

Along with this, students can also view additional study materials for all subjects provided by Vedantu, for Class 10.

Following the solutions provided by Vedantu, we ensure that you will score good marks in your examination. These solutions are provided by subject-matter experts. Since now very little time is left for your exam, so you are advised to utilise your time effectively and efficiently, and appear in the board exam with the utmost positive energy. 

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Hindi Chapter 8 - Rituraj

1. Will These Solutions Help to Clear the Concept?

Yes, these solutions would clear your concept so that you can frame your answers.

2. Are These Solutions Helpful in Time Management?

When you will go through these questions, you would find that they have been written in such a manner that it would help you to manage time.

3. Are These Solutions an Alternative to Textbooks?

No, these solutions for Chapter 8 Hindi Class 10 Kshitij cannot be an alternative to the NCERT textbook.

4. Why do you think that the mother said that being a girl doesn't look like a girl? 

In my opinion, the mother said this to the girl so she could develop strength in herself. This line depicts the kindness and weakness of a girl. Feminism is one of the biggest qualities that a girl possesses. However, the girl’s mother wanted her to be strong so that no one could exploit her. She warns her daughter that her in-laws might harass her as she is a girl when she gets married so she has to prepare herself and become a courageous woman to handle any such situation in future. 

5. ‘Fire is for making bread, not for burning hands’ what position of a woman in society is depicted through this line?

In this line, the weakness of a woman and her exploitation by her in-laws and family members has been depicted here. This line indicates the weak side of a woman in society. Many burn themselves to get rid of exploitation. A woman who works selflessly at home has to face domestic violence and exploitation by her family members or by society. A woman as a mother, daughter, daughter-in-law has to fulfil her duties in any circumstances. She doesn’t get a holiday and has to work 24*7. But still, she is not given respect and love in the society for which she is capable off. In fact, she has been tortured by society. 

6. Express the personality of a girl that comes to your mind by reading these lines. 

‘The reader was some rhymes of dim light and some rhythmic lines’. 

After going through the lines given above, the picture of a girl that comes to my mind is like this- 

  • The girl is immature. 

  • She knows the bright and positive side of the world. But she is unaware of its negative and dark side. She is not aware of malpractices practised in society. She doesn’t know anything about female feticide, domestic violence and other problems that women have to face in the world. 

  • The girl is lost in her fantasy world. 

  • She doesn’t know about her in-laws. 

  • She feels happy when she thinks about her marriage. 

7. According to the poem, what does the mother teach to her daughter?

In the poem Kanyadaan, the mother teaches the following things to her daughter. 

  • The mother says to her daughter that she shouldn’t be stunned by her appearance. She shouldn’t develop pride if gets appreciation from her in-laws. She should be simple and kind. And has to become a strong person to tackle any problem in future. 

  • She has to use fire for cooking, not for burning herself.

  • She shouldn’t be emotionally attached to materialistic things. 

  • She has to maintain feminism but shouldn’t compromise with her strengths. 

8.  What should I do to get good marks in Chapter 8 Class 10 Hindi?

To get good marks in Chapter 8 Kanyadaan written in Class 10 Hindi textbook Kshitij Part Two, you have to go through and follow the mentioned suggestions. 

  • Firstly, you are recommended to concentrate during the lectures. Do not shift your focus and try to understand what your Hindi teacher is trying to explain. 

  • If you are unable to understand any line or its real meaning then ask your teacher to explain it again. 

  • Clarify your doubts related to the chapter from your teacher or classmates. 

  • Do a proper revision at your home. 

  • Solve the questions given in your Hindi textbook to check your knowledge. You can also solve test papers to analyze your performance.