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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 8 - Saste Ka Chakkar

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 8 - Saste Ka Chakkar PDF Download

Hindi Durva Class 8 Solutions Chapter 8 are essential study materials that will help students secure excellent marks in the exam. Expert social science teachers prepare Saste Ka Chakkar Class 8 solutions. The questions asked in the textbook are organised by NCERT (CBSE). Thus, it holds higher chances of appearing in CBSE question papers. Get the Class 8 Hindi Chapter 8 Durva solutions for precise yet comprehensive answers of the chapter. The pdf for the Class 8 Saste Ka Chakkar Solutions are easily accessible and are also free to download. 


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 8 - Saste Ka Chakkar

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 8 – सस्ते का चक्कर

1. पाठ से –

(क) नरेंद्र के सारे पैसे क्यों खत्म हो गए?

उत्तर : नरेंद्र के सारे पैसे चूरन, चुस्की और आइसक्रीम लेने में खत्म हो गए । 

(ख) अजय ने नरेंद्र को क्या और क्यों समझाया?

उत्तर : अजय ने नरेंद्र को यह समझाया कि मुझे लगता है कि "लाली पॉप बेचने वाला लाली पॉप   को इसलिए सस्ती बेच रहा है- या तो ये उन्हें कहीं  से चुराकर लाया है या फिर कहीं से नुकसानदेह खराब माल उठा लाया है |" अतः ये लाली पॉप लेना मुझे बिलकुल भी उचित नहीं लगता |

(ग) अजय के अन्य दोस्तों ने नरेंद्र के बारे में क्या कहा और क्यों ?

उत्तर : अजय के अन्य दोस्तों ने नरेंद्र के बारे में कहा कि वह ऐसा लड़का है जिसे बाहर की चीज़ें खाना ही उसे पसंद है, उसके चक्कर में पड़कर स्वयं की भी शामत आ जाती है| अतः अजय को नरेंद्र के चक्कर में नहीं पड़ना चाहिए| नरेंद्र जैसा करेगा वैसा ही भरेगा |

2. क्या होता यदि –

(क) अगर नरेंद्र के पास फीस के पैसे न होते?

उत्तर : अगर नरेंद्र के पास फीस के पैसे न होते तो वह लाली पॉप लेने नहीं जाता।

(ख) अगर नरेंद्र अजय की यह बात मान लेता कि इस आदमी से लाली पॉप लेना बिल्कुल ठीक नहीं |

उत्तर : अगर नरेंद्र अजय की यह बात मान लेता कि इस आदमी से लाली पॉप लेना बिल्कुल ठीक नहीं है तो लाली पॉप बेचने वाला आदमी उसे उठाकर नहीं ले जाता|

(ग) अगर अजय तीसरे लड़के की यह बात मान लेता कि “अरे तू घर जा नरेंद्र को जनता नहीं?”

उत्तर : अगर अजय तीसरे लड़के की बात मानकर घर चला जाता तो नरेंद्र कभी नहीं मिलता क्योंकि वह लाली पॉप वाला आदमी उसे उठाकर कहीं दूर ले जाता और फिर उसे पकड़ना सभी के लिए बहुत मुश्किल हो जाता |

(घ) अगर नरेंद्र की मुलाकात छुट्टी के बाद अजय से नहीं होती ?

उत्तर : अगर नरेंद्र की मुलाकात छुट्टी के बाद अजय से नहीं होती तो अजय को पता ही नहीं चलता कि नरेंद्र लाली पॉप बेचने वाले के पीछे गया है और वह उसकी मदद भी नहीं कर पाता | साथ ही नरेंद्र के साथ जो होता वह कल्पना से भी दूर है |

6. पता करो-

नीचे तालिका दी गई है। पता करो कि खाने की उन चीज़ों में कौन से पोषक तत्व होते हैं। उसे तालिका में लिखो ।

क्रम संख्या

खाने की चीज़ों












क्रम संख्या

खाने की चीज़ों

पोषक तत्व



आयरन, एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट, विटामिन-ए, सी, मैग्निसियम, पोटासियम, ऑक्जेलिक एसिड



आयरन, विटामिन- ए, सी, के, बी, ताम्बा



प्रोटीन, कैल्शियम, राइबोफ्लेविन (विटामिन बी-२)



विटामिन सी



प्रोटीन, आयरन, मैग्नीशियम और जिंक

 7. मुहावरे की बात –

नीचे कुछ वाक्य दिए गए हैं जिनमें उपयुक्त मुहावरे भरने से ही वह पूरा हो सकता है। उन्हें पूरा करने के लिए मुहावरे भी दिए गए हैं। तुम सही मुहावरे से वाक्य पूरे करो ।

आग बबूला होना, सकपकाना, दबे पाँव, शामत आना, पीठ ठोकना ।

उत्तर :

क) चोर दबे पाँव घर में घुस आया ।

ख) देर से आने पर मम्मी आग बबूला हो गईं ।

ग) सरसराहट की आवाज़ सुनकर अजय सकपकाया

घ) उधम मचाने पर बच्चों की शामत आ गई ।

ड़) नरेंद्र की जान बचाने पर उसकी मम्मी ने अजय की पीठ ठोकी

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 8 - Saste Ka Chakkar

NCERT Solutions for Class 8th Hindi Durva Chapter 8 - Free PDF Download

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 8 NCERT Solutions will present you with the basic idea about the chapter. The information provided in the pdf solutions of the Saste Ka Chakkar is as per the CBSE Hindi guidelines. The format of the answers will assist you in learning the chapter very well. Students can download the PDF files of the NCERT CBSE Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 8 solutions which will help them solve the questions.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Saste Ka Chakkar 

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 8  will help you understand the subject more thoroughly. The PDF covers every question of the chapter.  The chapter Saste Ka Chakkar Class 8 Durva is composed by Surya Bala. The story is about two boys Narendra and Ajay. Narendra is mischievous and does not listen to anyone. His behaviour and bad habits annoy everyone around him. While, Ajay is a sensible, smart and thoughtful child who respects and listens to his elders. 

The story showcases how Narendra goes after a stranger to buy cheap candies and gets abducted, and later Ajay, with the help of a police inspector saves him. The story helps to understand how it is necessary not to be greedy as it leads to dangerous consequences in life. The story teaches the importance of humility, trust, contentment, kindness and awareness.      

In NCERT Book Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 8, students will get all the answers regarding each question in the chapter that will help them to score well in the exam.

NCERT Solutions for Class 8th Hindi Durva Chapter 8 - Marks Weightage

The solution for the chapter will build a strong understanding of the textbook questions . Class 8th Hindi Durva Chapter 8 is an essential chapter of the Hindi exam. You can expect 2 marks to 5 marks from this chapter. Each part of the chapter is necessary as it will help you to secure good marks in the exam. The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Saste Ka Chakkar will guide the students regarding the chapter.

Benefits of Saste Ka Chakkar Class 8 solutions

Here are some of the benefits of studying the CBSE Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 8 solutions:

  • The solutions of the chapters are prepared by expert and experienced teachers which assist students in understanding the chapter quickly.

  • The questions and answers of the chapter are accurate and precise. 

  • The PDF covers every paragraph from the chapter. Studying this PDF will help you boost your confidence.

  • Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions Durva ch 8 are easily accessible and free to download. 

  • All the answers provided in the PDF are according to the CBSE guidelines. 

  • All essential questions are covered in Hindi Durva Class 8 solutions Chapter 8. Students will not have any difficulty in the chapter while preparing for the exam.

Therefore, Hindi Chapter 8 Class 8 Durva solutions will help students in understanding the Hindi chapter and help secure good marks in the exam.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 8 - Saste Ka Chakkar

1. What is the Outcome of the Story?

The chapter Saste Ka Chakkar is composed by Surya Bala. The story is about two boys Ajay and Narendra. They studied in the same school but were different from each other. Everyone loved Ajay as he was honest and respected his elders. On the other hand, Narendra never listened to his elders. The story illustrates how Narendra goes after a stranger to buy cheap candies and gets abducted and later Ajay with the help of an inspector and saves him. The story helps us understand how it is essential not to be greedy, as it leads to dangerous consequences in life. 

2. Why Should We Not Trust a Stranger?

Trust is an important quality in human beings. In recent times, this is slowly withering away in the commercial world where people trust each other based on benefits. It is essential to understand that trust between two individuals is merited and should never be assumed implicitly. A wise man thoughtfully chooses whom to believe and whom to ignore. Trusting a stranger is naive.  A healthy “cautiousness” should exist between friends and strangers. It is tough to concede what is good or bad. So one should be aware before trusting a stranger because sometimes the good we see can be evil on the other side.

3. What and why did Ajay explain to Narendra?

Narendra's money was spent on churan, sips and ice cream. Ajay explained to Narendra that I think that "the seller of Lollipops is selling Lollipops cheap because they have either stolen them from somewhere or they have picked up harmful perishable goods from somewhere." That's why I don't feel like taking this redness pop at all. If Narendra did not have money for fees, he would not have gone to get Lollipop.

4. What did Ajay's other friends say about Narendra and why?

Ajay's other friends said about Narendra that he is such a boy who likes to eat outside things, he also falls into his own confusion. Therefore Ajay should not fall in the trap of Narendra. Narendra will do as he does. If Ajay had gone home obeying the third boy, then Narendra would never be found because that red pop man would pick him up and take him away and then it would be very difficult for everyone to catch him.

5. What is Chapter 8 Hindi Durva Class 8 about?

Narendra and Ajay are the protagonists of the narrative. Narendra is a thief who refuses to listen to anyone. Everyone around him is irritated by his poor habits and behaviour. Ajay, on the other hand, is a reasonable, intelligent, and considerate young man who respects and listens to his elders. Narendra is kidnapped while pursuing a stranger to purchase cheap sweets, and Ajay saves him with the assistance of a police officer. Students can study more about the chapter by visiting the Vedantu website or the app.

6. What does Chapter 8 Hindi Durva Class 8 demonstrate?

Chapter 8 Hindi Durva Class 8 demonstrates why it is important not to be greedy since it has hazardous repercussions in life. We should be happy and grateful for what we have. Happiness, humility, compassion, trust, and attentiveness are all values emphasised in the narrative. Hindi Durva Chapter 8 Class 8 NCERT Solutions will provide you with a general overview of the chapter. The material presented in the Saste Ka Chakkar pdf answers follows CBSE Hindi rules and is available free of cost.

7. Why is greed a bad deed?

By greed, we often get into trouble which is harmful to us. For this reason, it is said that greed is a bad force. The result of greed is always bad. Greed is the tendency to kill the rights of others. No greed can last for long, one day the ill-effects of that greed are bound to come to the fore. Even if we are caught in the trap of any greed, then come out of it in time.