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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 16 - Budi Amma Ki Baat


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 - Budi Amma ki Baat PDF Download

Students are affected by a plethora of changes from 8th Class onwards, especially those who are trying to gain proficiency in Hindi. The academic pressure they feel cannot be underestimated as they try to develop into conscious responsible individuals who have a strong core basis of academic integrity. Thus, to cater to your 8th class students, refer to the Hindi Chapter 16 Class 8 Durva solutions and explanations pdf offered by Vedantu on this page. It aims at removing some of this academic pressure a lot of you tend to put yourself through. To add to the before mentioned, the PDF of the Hindi Durva Class 8 solutions Chapter 16 makes learning the language easier as this text has a multitude of important points to keep in mind. Refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 carefully as it will ensure you score those extra marks, additionally offering you the competitive edge that you require to get better at answering questions. Please find below the Budi Amma ki Baat Class 8 solutions along with a summary of the chapter. Subjects like Science, Maths, English will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 8 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 16 - Budi Amma Ki Baat

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 16 बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात (लोककथा)


1. पाठ से

(क) लोककथा में गोमा बिना खेत जोते अपने बैलों को हांककर घर की ओर क्यों चल पड़ा?

उत्तर: वर्षा न होने की वजह से सूखा पड़ा था। उसने सोचा वर्षा की कोई उम्मीद नहीं है तो खेत जोतकर क्या करूँगा। इसलिए वह बिना खेत जोते बैलों को घर वापस ले गया।

(ख) गोमा को पेड़ के नीचे बैठा देखकर बूढ़ी अम्मा ने उससे क्या कहा?

उत्तर: गोमा को पेड़ के नीचे बैठा देखकर बूढ़ी अम्मा ने कहा, ये वक्त तो खेत जोतने का है और तुम विश्राम कर रहे हो। तुम अपना खेत जोतो। वर्षा भी हो जाएगी। तुम अपना कार्य वक्त पर करो। प्रकृति अपना काम अपने वक्त पर ही करेगी।

(ग) गोमा ने अपने खेतों को क्यों जोता?

उत्तर: गोमा ने अपने खेतों को बूढ़ी अम्मा के कहने पर जोता क्योंकि उसे समझ में आ गया था कि अपना कार्य समय पर करना चाहिए।

2. क्या होता अगर

(क) गोमा खेतों को तैयार न करता?

उत्तर: यदि गोमा खेतों को तैयार न करता तो बारिश का पानी पूर्ण रूप से खेतों को नहीं मिल पाता।

(ख) गोमा को बूढ़ी अम्मा नहीं मिलती?

उत्तर: यदि गोमा को बूढी अम्मा नहीं मिलती तो शायद वह बेहद परेशान हो जाता और समय पर खेत नहीं जोत पाता।

(ग) बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात पर गोमा ध्यान न देता?

उत्तर: यदि गोमा बूढ़ी अम्मा की बात पर ध्यान न देता तो बारिश का उपयोगी पानी खेतों को नहीं मिलता।

(घ) इस साल भी वर्षा न होती?

उत्तर: यदि इस साल भी वर्षा न होती तो सूखा पड़ जाता। अनाज की उपज भी नहीं होती।

3. गाँव और पशु

(क) "इस वर्ष भी आषाढ़ सूखा ही रहा।" 

लोककथा से जाहिर होता है कि गोमा के गाँव में तीन साल से वर्षा नहीं हुई थी। वर्षा न होने के कारण उनके गाँव के बैलों, खेतों और पेड़ों में क्या बदलाव आए होंगे?

(ख) “सवेरे-सवेरे अपने पशुओं की ये आवाजें सुनने के लिए उसके कान तरस गए थे। 

गोमा ने बहुत समय बाद अपने पशुओं की वे आवाजें सुनी थीं। क्यों?


(क) वर्षा ना होने के कारण गाँव के बैलों, खेतों और पेड़ों की हालत खराब हो गई होगी। खेत और पेड़ सूख गए होंगे। बैलों को खाने के लिए कुछ सही तरीके से नहीं मिला होगा। जिसके परिणामस्वरूप वे सभी  कमज़ोर हो गए होंगे।

(ख) वर्षा ना होने के कारण उन सभी ने यह आवाज़ें काफ़ी समय के बाद सुनी थी। क्योंकि बारिश न होने से जानवर कमज़ोर और उदास हो गए थे। बादलों को देखकर गाय और बैल खुशी के मारे रंभाने लगे थे । बकरियाँ मिमियाने लगी थी । पुरा माहौल खुशनुमा हो गया था।

4. अपनी भाषा

नीचे लिखे वाक्यों को अपने ढंग से सार्थक रूप में तुम जिस तरह भी लिख सकते हो वैसे लिखो।

(क) उसने बादलों को जी भर निहारा।

(ख) वर्षा की कोई आशा नहीं बँध रही थी।

(ग) गोमा ने फिर हिम्मत बटोरी।

(घ) उसने घर की राह पकड़ ली।

(ङ) वर्षा बरसाना तुम्हारे हाथ में नहीं है।


(क) जी भर कर, उसने बादलों को निहारा।

(ख) वर्षा की कोई आशा नहीं दिख रही थी।

(ग) गोमा ने फिर हिम्मत की।

(घ) उसने घर की राह ली।

(ङ) वर्षा का होना तुम्हारे हाथ में नहीं है।

Hindi Class 8 Chapter 16 Durva - Free PDF Download

NCERT books solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 16 Durva are a brief insight into what the text actually means and what are the key points to remember from it. Our NCERT solutions are aimed at giving students clarity as well as to give them a chance to score well in Hindi Exam. Another benefit of downloading this PDF is that it's free! Not only is it free, but can be easily accessed. Along with the questions and answers, we have prepared a PDF download option for the original text, which should suffice. A student knows what the context behind the plot of the story is, while also having practised some questions related to Ch. 16 Hindi Class 8 durva, will see the positive impact our PDFs have had on his/her exam results.

Budi Amma ki Baat Class 8 Durva

NCERT solution for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 is a compelling folk tale about a man known as Goma and his relationship with a plowed field. Students are stuck asking themselves why Goma does all these acts related to the plowed field, whether it was at the behest of the old Amma.

The entire story is centred around Goma’s efforts to take care of the field which he is tasked with taking care of. Whether it is drought or rain, he works hard at taking care of what is his, while at the same time taking into account the old Amma’s advice.

The story also expands a bit about the eventualities which may occur if Goma does not listen to the advice of Amma. As a folk tale, naturally one should assume that there is a moral to the story. Eventualities like what would happen if Goma did not take care of certain aspects of the field, such as, if Goma did not prepare the field, the rain water would go to waste and a lot of it would not be directed towards the fields.

CBSE Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 solutions is aimed at providing you snippets of the most important parts of the text, therefore, one should keep in mind the story of Goma Budhi, his mentor Amma, and the field which he worked tirelessly on for days. Textually speaking, it is enforced with a lot of philosophical ideologies and symbols. The language being Hindi, for hindi students the reading it might not pose as much of a problem as properly understanding the text. Keeping the before mentioned in mind, peruse carefully through the text and truly try to understand Goma and how he took care of the plow-field, while at the same time coming upon certain realisations by himself.

NCERT Books Solutions For Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 - Weightage Marks

The weightage of Durva Chapter 16 might vary between 2 to 5 marks, making it an important element of the Hindi exam. Therefore, coupled with our summary of the story will ensure you manage to score that mark you wish to obtain when giving the Hindi exam.

Benefits of Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions Durva Ch. 16

Here are some of the benefits of studying these solutions, keeping in mind how they play a major role in determining your results.

  • The questions are pertinent and are aimed solely towards understanding the Hindi text.

  • The PDF is holistic and makes sure that you as a student are not misled by wrong information.

  • The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 Budi Amma ki Baat available in PDF form is simple and easy to download.

  • The solutions follow the CBSE guidelines closely.

Other Study Material for CBSE Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16

S. No

Important Links for Chapter 16 Budi Amma Ki Baat


Class 8 Budi Amma Ki Baat Important Questions


Class 8 Budi Amma Ki Baat Revision Notes

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi (Durva)

Book-wise Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions

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Class 11 Hindi NCERT Solutions - Book-wise Links


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Bharat Ki Khoj


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Vasant


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Sanshipt Budhcharit

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi

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Other Study Materials for CBSE Class 8 Hindi


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Important Questions


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes


CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Textbook


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 16 - Budi Amma Ki Baat

1. Where can I Find the PDF?

Ans: You can find it on Vedantu official website and use it as your ultimate study companion. In such trying times, ensuring that you manage to compete in these exams to the utmost of your ability, Vedantu’s approach is to make available for you sets of PDF solutions on Ch 16 Hindi Class 8 Durva.

2. What is the Volume of the Content?

Ans: The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Budi Amma ki Baat should suffice in your understanding of the text. However, it is advisable to approach these problems and solve them only after understanding the main text left at hand. Ch 16 Hindi Class 8 Durva is supposed to be a folk tale, therefore, it is advisable to read it thoroughly like a story.

3. How can I get the summary of Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva?

Ans: Students can easily find the summary of Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva online. It is available on the Vedantu website. Students have to go to this Vedantu website or Vedantu Mobile app to get the summary of chapter 16. They can download the summary on their computers and can refer to it while studying. They can understand the main theme of the chapter after reading the summary of the chapter.

4. What is given in Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva?

Ans: Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva is about a man who looks after his field. In the entire story, the man takes care of his field. He does everything and he takes different steps to care for his field. The whole story revolves around this man. He works hard in his field. There are different aspects given in the story like what would have happened if he would not have listened to Amma.

5. What is the use of NCERT Solutions for Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva?

Ans: NCERT Solutions for Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva are very important for the students. NCERT Solutions for Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva can help students to understand the chapter and prepare for their exams. All solutions are given comprehensively and concisely. Students can prepare for their Hindi exam easily as all answers are available online in the PDF file. All answers are written in simple language for easy grasping of the ideas given in the chapter.

6. Why should students study from NCERT Solutions for Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva?

Ans: Students should study from NCERT Solutions for Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva because answers to all questions are given. NCERT Solutions not only contain textbook questions but also consist of extra questions for Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva. Extra questions can help students ace the Hindi exam easily. NCERT Solutions aim to provide correct information to the students because all solutions are given by professional and experienced subject teachers. Students can download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 16 for free from Vedantu website.

7. Is Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva important for exams?

Ans: Yes, Chapter 16 of Class 8 Hindi Textbook Durva is important for exams because students can get one or two short questions from the chapter. Therefore, students should read this chapter carefully. They can refer to the NCERT Solutions for a complete understanding of the chapter. NCERT Solutions provides relevant information to the students. They are given in simple language that makes it easy for the students to remember the story and prepare well for their exams.