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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 5 - Natak Mein Natak

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 - Natak Mein Natak PDF Download

Understand the narrative description and the storyline of the chapter Natak Mein Natak with NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 5. The solutions include all the essential topics with detailed explanations. Students who are preparing for their Class 8 examinations should go through these NCERT Solutions to secure good grades. The solutions prepared by expert teachers can help students know how to approach and solve the problems in the exam. Subjects like Science, Maths, English will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 8 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Durva

Chapter Name:

Chapter 5 - Natak Mein Natak

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 - नाटक में नाटक (कहानी)

1. पाठ से

(क) बच्चों ने मंच की व्यवस्था किस प्रकार की?

उत्तर: मोहल्ले के बच्चों ने एक साथ मिलकर फ़ालतू पड़े एक छोटे से सार्वजनिक मैदान में घास व फूल-पौधे भी लगाए थे। और वहीं एक मंच भी बना लिया था।

(ख) पर्दे की आड़ में खड़े अन्य साथी मन-ही-मन राकेश की तुरतबुद्धि की प्रशंसा क्यों कर रहे थे?

उत्तर: पर्दे की आड़ में खड़े अन्य साथी मन ही मन राकेश की तुरतबुद्धि की प्रशंसा कर रहे थे क्योंकि राकेश ने  बिगड़े हुए नाटक को सम्भाल लिया था। सभी ने समझा कि नाटक में नाटक की परेशानियां  बताई गई हैं और अंत में सभी दर्शक नाटक  की तारीफ़ करते चले गए।

(ग) नाटक के लिए रिहर्सल की जरूरत क्यों होती है?

उत्तर: नाटक बिना तैयारी के नहीं हो सकता क्योंकि नए कलाकार मंच पर आकर भयभीत हो सकते हैं। अच्छे-अच्छे कलाकार भी बिना रिहर्सल के परेशान हो जाते हैं। उन्हें पता नहीं चलता कब, क्या, कहाँ और कैसे बोलना है। रिहर्सल में नाटक की इन्हीं महत्वपूर्ण बातों पर बातचीत  होती है।

2.  नाटक की बात

जब नाटक में अभिनय करने वाले कलाकार भी नए हों, मंच पर आकर डर जाते हों, घबरा जाते हों और

कुछ-कुछ बुद्धू  भी हों, तब तो अधूरी तैयारी से खेलना ही नहीं चाहिए।"

(क) ऊपर के वाक्य में नाटक से जुड़े कई शब्द आए हैं; जैसे-अभिनय, कलाकार और मंच आदि। तुम पूरी कहानी को पढ़कर ऐसे ही और शब्दों की सूचीबनाओ।

तुम इस सूची की तालिका इस प्रकार बना सकते हो-

व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के नाम : काम

कलाकार, मंच : अभिनय

उत्तर :

व्यक्तियों या वस्तुओं के नाम : 


कलाकार, मंच 


चित्रकार, ब्रश, पेन्ट 


संगीतकार, वायलिन 

स्वर लहरी

राकेश, कुर्सी :


मोहल्ले वाले : 


3.  सोचो, ऐसा क्यों?

नीचे लिखे वाक्य पढ़कर प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो।

"राकेश को गुस्सा भी आ रहा था और रोना भी।"

(क) तुम्हारे विचार से राकेश को गुस्सा और रोना क्यों आ रहा होगा?

उत्तर: राकेश को गुस्सा इसलिए आ रहा था क्योंकि उसके साथी सही से अभिनय नहीं कर रहे थे और रोना इसलिए आ रहा था क्योंकि उसकी मेहनत व्यर्थ होती दिख रही थी l

"राकेश मंच पर पहुँच गया। सब चुप हो गए, सकपका गए।"

(ख) तुम्हारे विचार से राकेश जब मंच पर पहुँचा, बाकी सब कलाकार क्यों चुप हो गए होंगे?

उत्तर: राकेश नाटक का भाग नही था इसलिए जब वह मंच पर पहुँचा, बाकी सब कलाकार चुप हो गए। उन्हें इसका कारण समझ में नही आया। 

"दर्शक सब शांत थे, भौंचक्के थे।"

(ग) दर्शक भौंचक्के क्यों हो गए थे?

उत्तर: दर्शकों को प्रतीत हो रहा था कि नाटक खराब हो गया है लेकिन राकेश ने आकर उसे सम्भाल लिया था तो उन्हें लगा कि नाटक में ही नाटक है इसलिए वे शांत और भौंचक्के हो गए थे। 

4. "मैंने कहा था न कि रिहर्सल में भी यह मानकर चलो कि दर्शक सामने ही बैठे हैं।"

(घ) राकेश ने ऐसा क्यों कहा होगा?

उत्तर: राकेश ने अपने कलाकारों को समझाने के लिए ऐसा कहा था लेकिन इस तरह बोला कि ऐसा लगा मानों यह नाटक का ही भाग हो। उसने ऐसा कहकर नाटक सम्भाल लिया।

5. शब्दों का फेर

"जब संगीत की स्वर लहरी गूंजती है तो पशु-पक्षी तक मुग्ध हो जाते हैं, शायर साहब! आप क्या समझते हैं संगीत को?"

इस संवाद को पढ़ो और बाताओ कि-

(क) कहानी में इसके बदले किसने, क्यों और क्या बोला? तुम उसको लिखकर बताओ।

(ख) कहानी में शायर के बदले गाजर कहने से क्या हुआ? तुम भी अगर किसी शब्द के बदले किसी अन्य शब्द का प्रयोग कर दो तो क्या होगा?


(क) इसके बदले संगीतकार ने अपना संवाद भूलने और राकेश की बात ठीक से न सुनने पर कहा कि जब संगीत की स्वर लहरी गूँजती है तो सभी पशु-पक्षी तक मुँह की खा जाते हैं, गाजर साहब! आप क्या समझते हैं हमें गाजर साहब!

(ख) यदि हम किसी और शब्द की जगह गलत शब्द का प्रयोग करेंगे तो पूरे वाक्य का मतलब बदल जाएगा और सामने वाला हमें भी वैसा ही जवाब देगा l 

6. तुम्हारा शीर्षक

इस कहानी का शीर्षक 'नाटक में नाटक' है। कहानी में जो नाटक है तुम उसका शीर्षक बताओ।

उत्तर: रिहर्सल की अनिवार्यता

7.  वाक्यों की बात

नीचे दिए गए वाक्यों के अंत में उचित विराम चिह्न लगाओ-

(क) शायर साहब बोले उधर जाकर सुन ले न

(ख) सभी लोग हँसने लगे

(ग) तुम नाटक में कौन-सा पार्ट कर रहे हो

(घ) मोहन बोला अरे क्या हुआ तुम तो अपना संवाद भूल गए


(क) शायर साहब बोले, "उधर जाकर सुन ले न।"

(ख) सभी लोग हँसने लगे।

(ग) तुम नाटक में कौन-सा पार्ट कर रहे हो?

(घ) मोहन बोला, "अरे! क्या हुआ तुम तो अपना संवाद भूल गए।"

NCERT Solutions For Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 - Free PDF Download

NCERT Solutions are a rich source of useful information so that students learn and adapt the methods that help them answer questions efficiently. After going through Chapter 5 of the Durva Hindi Class 8 solutions, students will get a brief understanding on how to decode the storyline, questions, explanations and how to frame descriptive yet concise answers of Natak Mein Natak.

Hindi Durva Chapter 5 PDF is an easy-to-read document and includes all the necessary study materials described clearly in an incisive manner. Students will acquire full preparation for their board exams in advance with these NCERT Solutions.

NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 - Natak Mein Natak

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 - Natak Mein Natak NCERT PDF is a short story written by author Mangal Saxena. The storyline for the Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 is entirely based around a child named Rakesh. The creation of the drama is filled with humor. Rakesh is the brain behind the drama and is very enthusiastic about participating in the drama, but succumbs to minor injuries which barricade his participation in the drama. However, the drama continues without Rakesh’s participation and the drama loops in another drama and the struggle to put the ‘perfect’ drama creates a jovial atmosphere.

Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 Natak Mein Natak- Weightage Marks

NCERT Class 8 Hindi Durva Ch 5 Natak Main Natak is based on the images, synonyms, one-word answers and the explanations about who said to whom from a set of context. In the annual examination, this unit holds a weightage of two marks questions for short and one-word answers and five mark questions for brief long answers. Elementary knowledge about the author is necessary as the questions may comprise one mark each in the annual exam.

Benefits of Natak Mein Natak Chapter 5 NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 5 Natak Mein Natak is an easy and scoring chapter. With the basic understanding of the story and with regular practice, students can secure a good to average percentage in their board exams. A few of the benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 Natak Mein Natak are as follows:

  • The Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 Solutions are provided by teachers and professional experts who have several years of experience in this field.

  • NCERT solution of Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 offers the best pieces of study material for students to study better. The solutions aim to lessen the stress level that students face during the preparation of the exam.

  • After a thorough practice of the Hindi Chapter 5 Class 8 Durva solutions provided by experts and experienced teachers, students can attempt either the subjective or the objective questions covered from the NCERT Hindi Chapter 5.

  • The solutions provided by the NCERT are not complicated but concise and simple to understand. Students can make their learning and syllabus revision hassle-free with the help of these solutions.

  • The questions given at the end of the chapters of Class 8th Hindi Durva Chapter 5 books create a deep understanding of the chapter. In the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5, the questions are given for every level, and to solve such questions, a profound understanding of the topic is required.

  • NCERT Solutions saves a lot of time and helps students prepare quickly and easily with brief knowledge on the subject matter.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 5 - Natak Mein Natak

1. Why did the Play Require Rehearsal? What was its Importance?

The play required a thorough rehearsal and could not proceed without preparation as most of the actors were new to the play and were experiencing stage fright. Even good artists get nervous and break down without a run-through rehearsal. Rehearsals help artists to know what, where, when and how to speak and a run-through rehearsal enables them to get over their stage fright.

2. What is the Outline of the Story Natak Main Natak?

The storyline of NCERT Hindi Durva Chapter 5 short story revolves around a child named Rakesh. Rakesh, the brain behind the drama direction, is enthusiastic about participating and perfecting the drama line, but, unfortunately, he succumbs to minor injuries that block his participation in the drama. However, the drama continues without Rakesh’s participation and the drama loops in another drama with several ups and downs. Finally, the struggle to put out the ‘perfect’ drama in front of the audience creates a jovial atmosphere.

3. Who is the author of Chapter 5 in Class 8 Hindi Durva?

Mangal Saxena wrote Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 “Natak Mein Natak”. “Natak Mein Natak” is a simple and scoring chapter in Class 8 Hindi. Students can achieve a good to average percentage on their board examinations if they have a fundamental knowledge of the tale and practise often. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 “Natak Mein Natak” have several advantages. Teachers and experienced specialists with years of expertise in this industry design the Class 8 Hindi Durva Chapter 5 NCERT Solutions.

4. What is Chapter 5 Class 8 Hindi Durva about?

The plot for Hindi Durva Chapter 5 in Class 8 is primarily about a little boy named Rakesh. The drama's construction is rife with comedy. Rakesh is the brains behind the play and is really excited to be a part of it, but he suffers minor injuries that prevent him from taking part in it. However, the play continues without Rakesh's participation, and the drama cycles in another drama, creating a cheerful mood as the battle to put together the “ideal” drama continues.

5. Why does a play need rehearsals?

The play cannot happen without preparation because newcomers get scared when they come on stage. Rehearsal is crucial because it allows you to rehearse different sections of your speech before delivering it to an audience. Rehearsal is crucial because it allows you to put the effective portions back together to form a whole speech. Good actors get nervous without rehearsals. They do not know when, what, where and how to speak. These important things of the play are discussed in the rehearsals. 

6. Why were the other comrades standing under the cover of the screen praising Rakesh's quick-witted mind?

The other comrades, standing under the cover of the screen, were praising Rakesh's quick wit as he handled the messed up drama. Everyone understands that the difficulties of the play have been told in the play. He learned that the play was not spoiled.  All the spectators went on applauding. The children of the locality had planted trees and flowers together in a small public ground lying idle. A stage was also made there. To study more about the story, students can download the free PDF of NCERT Solutions from the Vedantu website.

7. Why do you think Rakesh got angry and was crying?

We think Rakesh got angry because they were not acting properly and cried because his hard work was going in vain. He was feeling sad at the thought that his honour would be buried in the dust. Rakesh was not acting. So suddenly seeing him on the stage, everyone became silent and trembled. The audience understood that the play had gone awry, so they were laughing. In fact, when Rakesh came and took care of him, he felt that there was drama in the play itself. To get the answer to more questions and other study material related to this chapter students can visit the Vedantu website or the app.