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NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 11 - Ghar Ki Yaad

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Class 11 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Aroh Chapter 11 Poem Ghar ki Yaad

Table of Content
1. Class 11 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Aroh Chapter 11 Poem Ghar ki Yaad
2. Access NCERT Solutions For Hindi Class – 11 Chapter-11, घर की याद
3. NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Hindi Aroh Poem 11 Ghar ki Yaad - Free PDF Download
    3.1Benefits of NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Hindi Aroh
    3.2How Would Vedantu Study Material Help the Students?
4. Conclusion 

What is the purpose of including so many questions in NCERT textbooks? Why, over the years, the focus on studying NCERT solutions has shifted a lot? The most predictable answer is that NCERT solutions offer the basic blueprint of the mode of questions the examiner is looking for. NCERT solutions pave the path of manner exactly expected by examiners. It covers almost all the minor concepts and questions hidden in the chapter.

It also reveals how a single statement of an author can raise a plethora of questions from various perspectives. NCERT solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh Poem 15 by Vedantu available in PDF format created by experienced faculty following the latest guidelines of CBSE. The answers are accurate in a precise word limit, enhanced vocabulary, and well versed in language skills - all equipped with features essential to upgrade marks.

There is a complete series of learning, testing, revision, and at last practice. NCERT solutions lay the foundation for understanding and testing your concepts in the concerned chapter.


NCERT Solutions For Class 11


Class 11 Hindi Aroh

Chapter Name:

Chapter 11 - Ghar Ki Yaad

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions For Hindi Class – 11 Chapter-11, घर की याद

PAGE – 156, प्रश्न – अभ्यास – कविता के साथ 

11:1:15:प्रश्न – अभ्यास – कविता के साथ:1

1.पानी के रात भर गिरने और प्राण – मन के घिरने में परस्पर क्या सम्बन्ध है?

उत्तर: कवि भवानी प्रसाद मिश्र अपने घर से बहुत दूर जेल में बन्द हैं।अपने घर और प्रियजनों से दूर रहने का दर्द उनके भीतर है।एक दिन जब बदल बरसने लगते हैं, तब कवि का मन यादो से घिर जाता है।गिरती हुई पानी की बूंदों के साथ कवि कि आंखों के सामने घर कि यादे एक चलचित्र की तरह प्रदर्शित हो रही थी।बारिश के कारण कवि अपने घर की यादों में व्याकुल हो जाते हैं।

11:1:15:प्रश्न – अभ्यास – कविता के साथ:2

2.मायके में आई बहन के लिए कवि ने घर को परिताप का घर क्यों कहा हैं?

उत्तर: बहन जब ससुराल से अपने मायके आती है तो उसके मन में अलग – अलग विचार आते हैं।वह मन ही मन प्रसन्न होती हैं कि वह घर जाकर सबसे मिलेगी।अलग – अलग लोगों से क्या – क्या बात करेंगी।इसी प्रकार की बातें सोचकर वह रोमांचित हो उठती हैं।ऐसी स्थिति में जब उसे पता चलेगाकेi उसका भाई जेल में हैं तो उसके मन्न पर क्या बीतेगी। उसकी सारी प्रसंता समाप्त हो जाएंगी।उसके हृदय की प्रसनता ताप नहीं लगने लगेगी?इसलिए कवि ने बहन के लिए उसे ' परिताप का घर 'कहा हैं।

11:1:15:प्रश्न – अभ्यास – कविता के साथ:3

3.पिता के व्यक्तित्व की किन विशेषताओं को उकेरा गया है?

उत्तर:कवि के पिता इस उम्र में भी पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ हैं।वह नियमित रूप से व्यायाम करते हैं,दौडते हैं,और दंड पेलते हैं।बुढापे ने उन्हें छुया तक नहीं है।वह पूरी रफ्तार से सारे काम पूरे करते हैं और खिलखिलाकर हंसते हैं। वें प्रतिदिन गीता का पाठ करते हैं।वह अपने पांचवे पुत्र अर्थात कवि के विषय में भावुक हो जाते हैं।उन्हें अपने पुत्र पर गर्व है,क्योंकि वह उनके लिए एक देशभक्त हैं।उनकी प्रेरणा से उसने आंदोलन में भाग लिया और जेल गया ।

11:1:15:प्रश्न – अभ्यास – कविता के साथ:4

4.निम्नलिखित पंक्तियों में ' बस ' शब्द की विशेषता बताइए।

मैं मज़े में हूं सही हैं,

घर नहीं हूं ,बस यही है,

किन्तु यह बस बडा बस हैं,

इसी बस से सब विरस हैं।

उत्तर: कवि ने “बस”शब्द का प्रयोग लाक्षणिक रूप से किया है।पहले उपयोग का अर्थ हैं कि वह घर पर या अपने घर पर नहीं है।दूसरे उपयोग का अर्थ हैं कि वह अपने घर से दूर रहने के लिए मजबूर हैं।तीसरा उपयोग उनकी बेबसी और लाचारी को दर्शाता है।चौथी बार प्रयोग कवि के मन की पीड़ा को दर्शाता है, जिससे कवि की सारी खुशी गुम हो गई है।

11:1:15:प्रश्न – अभ्यास – कविता के साथ:5

5.कवि की अंतिम 12 पंक्तियों को पढ़कर कल्पना कीजिए कि कवि अपनी किन स्तिथि व मन:स्तिथि को अपने परिजनों से छुपाना चाहता है?

उत्तर: जेल में होने एक कारण कवि अपने घर से वियोग झेल रहा है।जेल के वातावरण के कारण पूरी रात जागना,लोगों से दूर भगाना,खुद को चुप,निराशा और तनाव में रखते हुए, कवि की मनोस्थिति अब खुद को पहचानने की नहीं रह गई हैं। इसलिए कवि नहीं चाहते कि उसकी हालत उनके घर वालो को बताई जाए।इसलिए वह वर्षा सावन से अपनी सच्चाई को छिपाने और यह दिखाने के लिए अनुरोध करता है कि वह आंनद में हैं।वह यह खेलने – कूदने और पढ़ने – लिखने में मस्त हैं।जेल में रहते हुए भी उससे किसी तरह की कोई समस्या नहीं हैं।

PAGE 157, प्रश्न – अभ्यास – कविता के आसपास

11:1:15:प्रश्न – अभ्यास – कविता के आसपास:2

6.घर से अलग होकर आप घर को कैसे याद करते हैं?लिखे।

उत्तर: घर से दूर होने पर मुझे मा का प्यार और दुलार याद आता है।पिता जी का स्नेह और समर्पण याद आता है।सबसे ज्यादा मां के हाथो का भोजन याद आता।जो घर से अलग होने पर कहीं नहीं मिलता।भाई बहनों का प्रेम और लड़ाई याद आती हैं।घर के सामने की गलियां याद आती हैं,जिसमें हम दिन भर खेलते थे।

NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Hindi Aroh Poem 11 Ghar ki Yaad - Free PDF Download

The Class 11 Poem 15 Ghar ki Yaad is composed of the great legendary poet Bhavani Prasad Mishra.  The poet is reminiscing the cherished memories with his family. He is missing his family, including brothers, sisters, and parents. Meanwhile, he is lost in the chaos of the city and struggling to unveil his actual identity. He is exploring himself in the crowd of selfish people.

As soon as the clouds rain and lightning thunder, every drop falling on the ground makes him feel vulnerable to his situation. He misses the love of his beloved father, the pampering of the sweet-hearted mother, and the mischievous siblings. He requests the clouds and the season to convey his feelings to his loved ones, but not the sufferings he is facing. He is alone and upset there.

The poem is a little longer; however, many lines have very deep meaning other than the words. There is a marvelous use of poetry tools and language. Hence, having a deep understanding of every statement and solving up to point NCERT questions is a priority. Download the NCERT solutions for Class 11 Aroh Poem 15 Ghar ki Yaad free pdf available below to understand the hidden meaning of the poem.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions For Class 11 Hindi Aroh

There are numerous benefits of NCERT solutions; however, the benefits of NCERT solutions in Hindi subjects are worth more than any other. Because the language subjects require concepts, exact meaning, fine vocabulary, and excellent language skills in a precise manner. The more precise your answer, the wiser you are.

  • NCERT solutions summarise the chapter.

  • NCERT solutions depict the manner an answer should be in.

  • It reveals the most important part of the concerned chapter.

  • NCERT solutions help to attain the highest marks by highlighting important parts.

  • NCERT solutions provide a format of answers in required language skills.

  • The solutions not only enhance your practice but also provides an opportunity for quick revisions.

  • These are available in both online and offline modes.

How Would Vedantu Study Material Help the Students?

The Vedantu study material is a one-stop solution for all the subjects of all classes. Most of the resources and references are concerned before designing these answers.

Not only NCERT solutions, but also many practice questions are available. These will help you to solve every perspective of the chapter in a single place. You need not look at any other references. The mock test series and practice papers are designed by one of the best topics specialized teaching staff. Hence, there is no room for doubt or confusion.

The aim is not only to score the highest marks but also to enhance a world of conceptual learning. Study and fun should go hand in hand together to raise an urge to explore more.

Deep learning, short tips and tricks, easy language, and online lectures are all available in every mode, facilitating your learning capability the most.


Vedantu's NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 11 - Ghar Ki Yaad offer a comprehensive and invaluable resource for students. The well-structured and insightful explanations help to grasp the essence of the chapter, 'Ghar Ki Yaad.' The platform provides a seamless learning experience, enabling students to deepen their understanding of the subject and enhance their linguistic skills. The interactive approach and user-friendly interface make learning enjoyable and engaging. Vedantu's commitment to delivering quality education and nurturing a love for literature ensure that students excel academically. With these solutions, students can confidently explore the depths of the chapter, igniting a lifelong appreciation for Hindi literature.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 11 - Ghar Ki Yaad

1. What is a Compelling Author to Remember his Family?

Ans: The continuous raining, thundering of clouds, and sparkling lightning is a compelling author to remember his family. Every drop which falls on earth provokes more to realize his situation.

2. According to the Author, How Would his Father be Consoling Himself?

Ans: According to the author, his father must be pretending to be strong. But, the years flowing through his old eyes would reveal everything to the author's mother. Father has to pretend to be strong to give strength to the younger children of the family and uphold them. However, inside, he would be desperate to meet his son.

3. Why is the Author Upset?

Ans: The author is upset because of two reasons. The first is the absence of his family near him. Second, he is lost among the crowd of selfish people. He is unable to identify himself, his aspirations, and his goals. The people around him are haunting him in this meaningless world.

4. Who is the Message Sender for the Author?

Ans: The author requests the dense black rainy clouds and season of rain to convey his message to the family. Here lies the deep concept of feelings. As feelings can travel from one place to another very easily, similarly, the clouds can too. Thus, they are the carrier of his feelings.

5. Is Vedantu Reliable for Language-Based Subjects too?

Ans: Vedantu is constructed by one of the most trusted faculty of India. They are experts in their subjects. So every study material is reliable, whether it is a language-based subject or numerical based calculation. Download the Vedantu app now and discover the truth by yourself only!

6. What does the poet want to hide from his family?

Ans: The poet lives away from his family. When it rains, it brings back memories to him about his “home”, where he used to live with his four brothers, a sister and mother and father. His parents worry about him, and in order to ease their tensions, he requests the rain and the clouds to hide his troubles and confusion from his family. He wants them to believe that he is living his best life while working and studying hard. He also wants them to believe that he is healthy and is never short of food. 

He does not want his parents to know that he is weak inside and not strong enough to face difficult situations and often runs away in the face of danger. Living alone and dealing with life, he is snatched of his own identity and interests, but he does not want to give any doubts or suspicions about this to his family members; rather he wants them to believe in him and have high opinions about him.

7. Why do the four brothers tease their father?

Ans: There are instances in every family when it is seen that one particular child is favoured more than his/her other siblings by the parents. A similar situation is seen in the poem, where the poet is seen to be favoured and loved more by his father, in comparison to the other children. This is the reason that his father feels extremely sad about the fact that his favourite child lives far away from him. The four brothers tease the father stating their friendly jealousy on how they were less loved and adored when compared to the poet. 

8. How does the mother console the father?

Ans: It is always seen among families that the father is always someone who hides their emotions in order to always be the strong and supportive member of the family. But, as a human, there are times when even this strong-headed person melts down. Something similar is witnessed in the poem where the father is missing his fifth son but tries to hide his emotions in front of his family. 

The mother would console the father by assuring him that his fifth son, Bhavani, is doing fine, as he has always followed his father’s footsteps. Just like the father had always marched forward in his life, without ever looking back, similarly, the mother asserts that the poet has his eyes fixed on his goals and that he has learnt this from his father. And so, she asks him to stay strong and support his son, even though he might be close to home. 

9. How does the poet describe his father?

Ans: The poet’s father is the head and an ideal figure for the family. He has forever sacrificed himself to provide more than enough for his family. Though, even after having five sons and one daughter, old age does not seem to have touched him yet, as he still is younger and full of vigour. But even this manliness and strength breaks down when he remembers his fifth son, whom he loves so much. He gets emotional at the thought of the poet, who lives far away from the family. 

10. Do the NCERT solutions help in understanding the poem?

Ans: Yes, the NCERT solutions will help the student to understand the poem in an easy and fruitful manner. These guides are designed for the students to make their learning process easier. The language used is extremely simple and helps the student to retain the concepts that the poem has to offer. Therefore, it is advisable that the student refers to the NCERT solutions if they find it difficult to understand the context of the poem. For poems, it is important that the student be aware of the ideas that the poet is trying to convey, and this guidance is well provided by these NCERT solutions. The students can access these easily on the website Vedantu.