NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 13 Gazal Hindi (Aroh) - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Aroh Chapter 13 Gazal
1. What Does the Poet Want to Talk About in this Poem?
In this Ghazal, the poet talks about the prevailing brutal condition of the society and uses several different images to make the concept clear and poetic. He further states that the only people who can survive in this society are those who do not bother. And the people who get bothered by the surroundings but cannot do anything about it due to their lack of power can only escape through dreams.
2. How Vedantu Helps the Student, NCERT Solutions of Class 11 Chapter 13?
Vedantu provides question based solutions to the students and explains the poem of NCERT Hindi Class 11 Chapter 13 line by line so that the student can understand the concept behind the poem most clearly. They even provide topic based discussion, which can be beneficial.
3. Who does the poet target in the poem?
The poet is targeting the various politicians who trick innocent people into supporting them by giving them false hopes. He uses the metaphor of electricity, stating that this was promised to everyone in return for their win in politics. But with time, one comes to realize that this was a false promise which has left everyone in darkness with no light to help and assist them. The naive citizens trust the words of their leaders and give them their whole trust, just to be betrayed afterwards. The poet, through this, emphasises the difference between empty talk and working on one’s statements. The politicians of today, with their sweet talks, get followers but ultimately do not work upon their promises.
4. What was claimed after Independence by the politicians?
After independence, the politicians had promised all the citizens that their demands would be fulfilled. They were promised that their voices would be heard and their difficulties would be gotten rid of. They were assured that their lives would be filled with containment and satisfaction and that the families would live decent lives. But, sad as it is, the poet claims that none of this has met its fruitful end. The people still continue to suffer and find it difficult to make ends meet. This is because the politicians who had manipulated the people to vote them into power have turned selfish. They are unable to see the plight of the people and therefore remain blind to their sufferings.
5. What does the poet compare these people in power to?
The poet compares the people in power to a stone. The poor and deprived people are assured that their corrupt politicians have a heart of stone through which their cry for help and aid will never penetrate. These people in need only desire for their voices and demands to be heard, which is never fulfilled. These deprived people shape themselves by the way they are treated and mould themselves according to the demands of these politicians.
They have accepted their fate and have lost any hope they had left with them. Through this poem, the poet wants to bring to light the plight of his fellow citizens and the corruption of the leaders who rule over these people. He ignites his fellow citizens to come forward for a revolution to fight for their rights and demand their integrity.
6. Why are the politicians afraid of the poets?
The politicians feel threatened when a poet or writer voices his or her opinion or concerns on the situation and plight of his fellow citizens. These politicians have the fear that their power will get snatched away if the common people get influenced by the writings of these poets and writers. In fear of this, they place various restrictions on them, which takes away their rights to free speech. The poet is aware of this mistreatment and knows that the same might be meted on him. But even that does not stop him from presenting the real picture of these corrupt leaders that they hide behind their masks.
7. Can these NCERT Solutions be used for revision purposes?
Absolutely! These solutions are perfect for revision as they cover all the key points and questions in the chapter.
8. How do NCERT Solutions help with writing good answers?
NCERT Solutions provide model answers that show how to structure responses effectively, which can help you in exams.
9. Does the chapter Gazal have any important literary features?
Yes, the chapter includes important literary features such as imagery, emotion, and cultural references that are explained in the NCERT Solutions.
10. What advice does the poet give to the common people?
The poet writes that even under the shade of the politicians, the common people always feel as though they are exposed to the sun. They had hoped to get rid of the darkness, but that hope was never fulfilled by the leaders whom they had trusted and supported. The poet asks the people to distance themselves from such a society, where they are mistreated and where their integrity is lost. He assures them that even if these god-like figures appear to be dead, they can always resort to their determination and dreams to find the strength to fight these atrocities. The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost.