NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Chapter 3 Torch Bechnewale Hindi (Antra) - FREE PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 3 Torch Bechnewale
1. Are NCERT chapter-wise solutions enough for examinations?
NCERT questions are carefully made of varying difficulty levels and cover the chapter very well. But are they enough? Well, it depends if you have read and understood the chapter well enough, and then practising them will fetch you good marks. For excellent marks, you have to follow the previous year's trends and solve some standard books too.
2. Which website should I look for the latest news about my examinations?
You can always look to Vedantu for any help you need regarding your examinations. The site is up to date with the latest syllabus and trends and will give you confidence while preparing for your exams. Free direct links to the PDFs of resources are provided for your ease.
3. What are the tips which can be followed to fetch good marks in exams?
You should first complete all the NCERT solutions by understanding the topics. It will provide you with a firm base and then try to solve the previous year questions which will give you an insight into the trends of questions generally asked in the exams. Follow up by taking lots of mock tests, which will give you an edge over other candidates.
4. How did the person selling the torch attract the customers?
The person selling the torch would often use the metaphor of darkness to attract his customers. He would talk in theatrical and dramatic gestures and say that in the present times, everywhere one looks around there is only darkness to be seen. In the night, even a glance at our own hands is impossible. While walking on the streets people get lost and might step on thorns that might lead to excessive bleeding. Even at night while sleeping, when someone needs to use the washroom, there is darkness, and in this darkness, they might step on a snake that might bite them leading to their death. All these exaggerated suggestions would frighten the common people gathered around him and in this way they would buy his torch.
5. What confusion were the two friends going through?
The two friends, both in their teens, were confused about their future. There was a big question in front of them, that they were finding difficult to solve. This question was about what they should do in order to earn a living. After much deliberation, they come to the conclusion that each of them should take different paths to find a job for themselves. They promise each other to meet at a particular spot after a span of five years, to compare what they have been doing for all these years.
6. Why was the friend laughing while listening to the talk of the saint on the stage?
The friend who used to sell the torch found the talk to the other friend on the stage funny. He found it much more hilarious when he saw the people who had gathered around, paying close attention to him. This is because he traced the similarity between the way he sells the torch and the way the saint puts forth his thoughts. Both use the example of darkness, but the difference arises in the fact that the first friend talks about the outer darkness whose remedy is the buying of the torch that he sells. While the other friend talks about the darkness that every individual has within themselves, whose remedy remains in the direction of spirituality.
7. What does the story try to convey?
In today's world, everyone is confused about what they want to achieve and attain. This dilemma leads the man astray. To save oneself from this situation it is important that they look within themselves and figure out what makes them happy. They need to illuminate their inner darkness with the light of their knowledge and intellect. The story conveys this thought stating that just by getting rid of the outer happiness, a man can never attain peace. To attain peace, they need to get rid of the darkness within themselves.
8. How does the torch-selling friend retort to the other friend?
The friend selling the torch tells the other friend that both of them have the same profession, that is, of selling the torch. This is because they both use the example of darkness in order to attain light. The first friend uses it in order to sell his torches, while the other friend uses it to teach his audience about the path of spirituality to attain light. The saint is against this statement and believes that both of them have completely different paths of approach, but the friend selling the torch claims that he is right. He does this by stating that no one has ever started by saying that the outside world is filled with brightness, they all start by claiming that it is filled with darkness, and therefore they are not different from each other. For a more detailed explanation, visit Vedantu.
9. How does the story reflect human nature?
The interactions between the torch seller and various characters highlight different aspects of human nature, including ambition, greed, and disillusionment, providing a mirror to societal behaviours.
10. How does "Torch Bechnewale" relate to contemporary society?
The themes of ambition and societal critique in "Torch Bechnewale" resonate with contemporary issues, prompting readers to reflect on their own experiences and the complexities of modern life.