Class 11 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Chapter 9 | Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Hindi Chapter 9 - Kabeer
1. What was Kabeer Das saying on the caste system?
Kabir condemned the caste system. He declined the authority of both the Veda and the Kuran. He always taught that there should be no difference based on caste. He addressed a religion of love which aimed at developing unity among all castes and creeds. He was the first saint to mitigate Hinduism and Islam. He criticises customs, rituals or superstitions. Kabir stated: “If by worshipping stones one can find God, I shall worship a mountain.” Kabir rebuked selfishness and pride. He wanted people to give up ego, hatred, hostility and pride.
2. With reference, explain the line - “Kaun raha hai jai.”
The following line in the poem “Kaun Raha hai jai'' has complicated connotations. From ancient times till the present time, people have adhered to this quandary as to which path one should choose. In a country like India, there are many religions like Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Jainism, Man has remained trapped amidst their ideologies. He does not understand whom he should embrace to get the right path of life. This line from the poem tries to highlight the multi-pronged aspect of religion, and its effort to stand above the other.
3. How can the second part of the poem be interpreted as?
In the first interpretation, the second part of the poem presents before us the plight of the wife due to her separation from her husband.
But if we take into account the other interpretation, it will bring before us the desire of the devotee to meet her God. The devotee is sad as, despite her prayers and desperation, she has been unable to get a glance of her Almighty. She speculates that her devotion might not have been strong and powerful enough because of which the favours of her loved one have shifted upon someone else.
In desperation, she urges the people nearby to inform her loved one that without his blessings on her, the little life she has left will leave her body.
4. Are the NCERT Solutions helpful for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 9?
Yes, the NCERT solutions by Vedantu are extremely helpful for the students. These solutions are designed by experts with the aim of preparing the students for the exams. Every exercise helps the student get one step closer to the concepts and the topics that the particular chapter offers. With the understanding of this, the students will be able to solve any question that is asked in the question paper. The students can avail these exercises for free on the website of Vedantu (
5. How to prepare for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 9?
In order to read the poem, it is important to know about the poet. So the first thing that the student ought to do is to learn about the poet Kabir. After this, the student should read the poem line by line and mark all the important words and look up the meanings of these words. Once the student is done with the reading of the poem, it is important that they refer to the NCERT Solutions to decipher the meaning behind the poem. With a thorough understanding of the poem and the practice of the exercises, the student will be able to answer any question from this poem.
7. How to prepare for Class 11 Hindi Antra Chapter 9?
In order to read the poem, it is important to know about the poet. So the first thing that the student ought to do is to learn about the poet Kabir. After this, the student should read the poem line by line and mark all the important words and look up the meanings of these words. Once the student is done with the reading of the poem, it is important that they refer to the NCERT Solutions to decipher the meaning behind the poem. With a thorough understanding of the poem and the practice of the exercises, the student will be able to answer any question from this poem.