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Vertebrates and Invertebrates

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The classification of animals largely can be done into two groups: invertebrates and vertebrates. The basic difference between the two is the presence of a backbone or a spinal column. Animals like birds, snakes, and human beings are vertebrates due to the presence of backbone, and flatworms and insects are examples of invertebrates. It is worthy to be mentioned here that 98 percent of the animals on the earth are invertebrates and only 2 percent create vertebrates. The vertebrates can be classified into five groups mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish; whereas the vertebrates are classified as 30 phyla.



The animals that do not possess or develop the vertebral column that is usually grown from the notochord are termed invertebrates.

Invertebrates are animals without a skeletal system. As a result, the majority of them lack an intricate body structure and cannot develop to enormous sizes. The open circulatory system of most invertebrates means that blood flows via an open cavity. The respiratory system of most invertebrates is simple, with gills and trachea being the most common.

Because they lack an internal skeleton, most invertebrates have an external skeleton to protect their soft, inner body. This material is frequently made from chitin, a glucose derivative.

These usually are little and do not grow to be especially large. They do not possess lungs as they are adapted to breathe through their skin. Gamete fission occurs during reproduction.

Except for the subphylum Vertebrata, this class includes all the animals. This class of animals does not possess a backbone and they can exist anywhere on the surface of the earth. In the canopies of wettest rainforests, high reaches of the atmosphere, and driest of deserts; these groups of animals can be found. Even under the deepest oceans and the frozen Antarctic – these animals can exist. Below mentioned are some of the terrestrial invertebrates; however many others are also found in freshwater as well as marine environments.

  • Slaters

  • Landhoppers

  • Velvet worms

  • Worms

  • Centipedes

  • Millipedes

  • Insects

  • Spiders

Invertebrates living in freshwater as well as in the marine environment include the following groups. However, some of these are also found to live on the land as well.

  • Lobsters, crayfish prawns & crabs.  

  • Jellies and bluebottles.

  • Spongers.

  • Slugs and snails.

  • Corals and anemones.

  • Sea urchins and sea stars.

While discussing the meaning of invertebrates, it is evident here to mention some of the important characteristics of the creature in order to have a better understanding of the same:

  • The reproduction of these animals takes place through the fission of gametes.

  • As they are not able to produce their own food, this group of animals is heterotrophic in nature.

  • They respire with the use of their skin; hence the invertebrates do not have lungs.

  • It is generally found that these animals do not grow very large and remain small. 

  • All invertebrates possess an exoskeleton that skirts around their entire body. They do not possess a vertebral column or a spinal cord.

The Invertebrates can Mainly be Classified into the Kinds as Listed by Phylum:

  • Phylum Coelenterata

  • Phylum Arthropods

  • Phylum Annelida

  • Phylum Mollusca



Vertebrata is a subphylum of the Chordata phylum. They are categorized as Vertebrates because they have backbones or vertebrae. They also have a muscular system made up of bilaterally paired aggregates and a partially encased central nervous system.

Although going by the literal term 'Vertebrata', we expect all of them to have a vertebral column. The first vertebrates did not have one, instead, they possessed a notochord. The vertebrate is thus characterized by a distinct head, a differentiated brain, and three sense organ pairs. The body's trunk and tail portions are separated. The presence of pharyngeal openings with gills indicates a high metabolic rate.

A well-developed notochord remains enclosed in a tubular spinal cord. It also has a segmented muscle mass flanking it. A sensory ganglion arises on the dorsal root of the spinal nerve, and segmental autonomic ganglia form below the notochord. The trunk region is filled with a vast, bilateral body cavity known as the coelom. The digestive system consists of an esophagus that connects the pharynx to the stomach and a gut that connects the stomach to the anus.

Unlike the invertebrates, vertebrates possess the quality of having a spinal cord. The derivation of the term vertebrate takes from the bones that create the spine. The body of a vertebrate is generally found to be divided into several parts; a brief description of the same is given below:

  • Gill Arches: Gill arches in some amphibians as well as in the fish basically has the purpose of supporting the gills. Some of the arches in most of the vertebrates are found to be evolved in the form of other organs, jaws as for instance.

  • Bones: These are helpful in providing points for the attachment of the muscles and protect and support the soft tissues of the body. 

  • Vertebrae: Separated with the help of the joints, these are basically a series of stiff and short vertebrae. It is basically the backbone that is protective towards the spinal cord. The joints existing between the vertebrae allow the backbone to bend. 

  • Braincase: A braincase, also called the cranium, is responsible for protecting the brain. 

Almost 45, 000species around the earth constitute this group of animals. The verbal column is probably the most important feature that makes the difference but it is to be noted here it did not exist in terms of the first vertebrates. It is considered that they probably had only one notochord. 

The vertebrates are generally found to have three sense organs’ pairs including otic, optic, and nasal; a differentiated tubular brain along with a separate head. Generally, their body is divided into tail and trunk regions and the presence of gills with pharyngeal slits signifies that their metabolic rate is relatively high. Depending on the morphological facts and phenomena, the vertebrates are generally subdivided into the following groups:

  • The Tetrapods

  • The Teleostomi (Bony Fishes)

  • The Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous fishes)

  • The Cyclostomes (Jawless Fishes)

The size of the vertebrates is widely varied and involves small fish as well as large whales and elephants. A vertebrate may weigh up to 100 tons. The largest animal that has ever existed on the surface of the planet is a vertebrate. They can be found in the air, on the surface as well as under the ground. The vertebrates are generally found to be dependent on the invertebrates, the plants as well as one another. To human beings, for the purpose of recreation and food, vertebrate faunas are significantly essential. 

They belong to the kingdom Animalia and possess bilateral symmetry that can be separated into two groups: deuterostomes and protostomes depending on their embryonic development pattern. In all the vertebrates, a stiff run through the entire body of the animal along with a nervous tissue which actually is a hollow tube-like structure. At the anterior end of the body, there exists a mouth and before the posterior end, there exists an anal.


Invertebrates do not possess a backbone and they can exist anywhere on the surface of the earth.  Animals like birds, snakes, and human beings are vertebrates. The derivation of the term vertebrate takes from the bones that create the spine. The vertebrates are generally found to be dependent on the invertebrates, the plants as well as one another.

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FAQs on Vertebrates and Invertebrates

1. Give the characteristics of the Invertebrates

The characteristics could be as follows:

  • Invertebrates have no backbone and no internal skeleton.

  • Exoskeletons are found in invertebrates.

  • An open circulatory system is found in nearly all invertebrates.

  • Compound eyes are seen in the majority of invertebrates.

  • Body symmetry can be radial or bilateral.

  • There is a simple and disorganized nervous system present.

  • Autotrophic, parasitic, and heterotrophic nutrition are the three types of nutrition.

  • Invertebrates include roundworms, butterflies, octopuses, and insects, to name a few.

2. What are the characteristics of the invertebrate phylum Arthropoda?

The characteristics could be listed as follows:

  • The body structure is symmetrical on both sides.

  • They have a triploblastic structure.

  • They can be found in various environments, including land, water, and soil.

  • Their limbs are joined.

  • The body is divided into three parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen.

  • The hemocoel is a bodily cavity that is filled with blood. The blood is a pale yellow colour.

  • The exoskeleton is composed of chitin and is tough.

  • Their central nervous system is well-developed.

  • The brain and sensory organs are housed in the well-developed head.

  • They have a mosaic vision and complex eyes.

  • With the mouth and anus at the opposite body end, the digestive tract is complete.

  • They have a dorsal heart and arteries and an open circulatory system.

  • In aquatic forms, respiration is accomplished through the general body surface or gills, while in terrestrial forms, it is accomplished by the trachea or book lungs.

  • Sexual dimorphism is present, and the sexes are separated.

3. What do you mean when you say Sexual Dimorphism?

This term does not refer to change in the sexual organs. Sexual dimorphism also refers to morphological variances in shape or appearance between males and females of the same species. This indicates that males of the same species can be distinguished from females of the same species. As a result, morphological traits can easily identify sex. The differentiation might be made based on size, shape, or colour variances. There are some instances of sexual dimorphism in both vertebrates and invertebrates.

4. Classify the invertebrates with their characteristic feature

The characteristics features are as follows:

  • Multicellularity, specialized cells but no tissues, asymmetry, and an underdeveloped digestive system characterize Porifera.

  • Radial symmetry, genuine tissues, and an underdeveloped digestive system characterize Cnidaria.

  • Cephalization, bilateral symmetry, and mesoderm with the complete digestive system in Platyhelminthes

  • Pseudocoelom, entire digestive system, Nematoda

  • In the Mollusca genuine coelom, organ systems, primitive brains in some is observed

  • Annelida's body is segmented, and its brain is primitive.

  • Arthropods have a segmented body, appendages with joints, an exoskeleton, and a brain.

  • In the phylum Echinodermata, the digestive system is whole, coelom, and the spiky internal skeleton is found.

5. What is the origin of the term "roundworm"?

Roundworms, also known as nematodes or ascarids, are parasitic worms that dwell in the intestine and feed on partially digested food. Their name comes from their bodies' tubular or 'round' form.

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