NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Marigold Chapter 7 - The Giving Tree Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Marigold Chapter 7 The Giving Tree
Q1. How would you define the relationship between the boy and the apple tree?
Ans: The relationship can be defined in many ways, and one of them is of a parent and child. The way parents are always giving to their children and children selfishly only take. Similarly, the boy used to remember the tree only when he needed something from it but forget the tree otherwise.
Q2. How did the tree help the boy who was an old man towards the end of the story?
Ans: Through the tree had given away most of its things like fruits, branches, and trunk to the boy, yet at the end when the older man needed a place to rest, the tree offered its stump, and the older man rested on it.
Q3. What message does the story of “The Giving Tree” convey?
Ans: The story presents the unconditional parental love that the tree had towards the boy. The tree, even after losing most of its valuable assets, never thought twice when the boy was in need of something. It gave away all that it had from its cool shade to its apples and even its trunks to help the boy without asking or expecting anything in return. One of the lessons that we learn through this story is that we should always be ready to lend a helping hand whenever we see someone in distress. To know more about the Chapter you can refer to the NCERT Solutions and explanations on the Vedantu website or download the mobile app.
Q4. What does the tree symbolize?
Ans: The tree can be said to represent the picture of parents and the boy can be represented as a child. Just as we notice how the tree is always ready to sacrifice itself to help the boy, similarly a parent always puts his child first and is present to help their child. They do not expect anything in return and are forever sacrificing themselves for the welfare of their children. On the other hand, the tree can also be a representation of Mother nature. In this context, the book can be viewed as teaching the students about the importance of the environment and nature.
Q5. What should one do to help and conserve nature? Does the boy in the story fulfill his duties towards Nature?
Ans: The most important task that one needs to conserve nature is to understand his duties and responsibilities towards the environment. The first important duty of every individual is planting a tree. Just like the plant gives life to us in the form of oxygen, it is our duty too to give life to them by minimizing the cutting of trees, and planting at least one tree in our lifetime. The boy in the story fails to fulfill his duties as he is unable to realize that the tree was a part of the ecosystem and needed to be conserved. The boy can be thought to be selfish, as he never tried to realize the pain and the sacrifices that the tree had to go through just to fulfill his wishes.
Q6. Do the tree and the boy have a happy friendly bond?
Ans: The tree has never been demanding and has always been there in the time of need for the boy. The boy, on the other hand, had grown up to be a very demanding adult as all his demands were fulfilled by the tree without any questioning or any demand for compensation. Thus, one can decipher that the relationship between the tree and the boy is a complicated relationship, or rather an abusive relationship, where the child had always been getting his demands fulfilled and the tree has been his submissive servant, giving him all it had. The answers to all NCERT questions of this chapter are available at NCERT Solutions Class 4 English on Vedantu for free download.
Q7. Is the tree always happy to help the boy?
Ans: The tree has always loved the boy and therefore has helped him in any way possible. Helping the boy has always given the tree an immense sense of happiness and satisfaction. Even after doing so much for the boy, at the end of the story, he feels sorry and guilty for not having anything left with him to help the boy. This shows the immense love and adoration he had for the boy, and thus he never felt any regret when he helped the boy. He was always happy when he was of some aid to the boy, and never demanded anything in return. Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions Class 4 English contains answers to all the questions in your English book.