NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Marigold Chapter 4 - Alice in Wonderland
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Marigold Chapter 4 Alice In Wonderland
1. Statement – Alice can go to the Wonderland. True or False?
It’s false. She cannot go to the wonderland as she cannot pass her head through that little door taking to the wonderland.
2. Do you Think Alice was a Curious Person? Why?
Alice was a curious girl as we have seen in the story that she was very curious by looking at a rabbit who can talk. So, she followed him through the rabbit hole where she discovered the wonderland.
3. Who Took Alice to the Wonderland and Why?
Alice was taken to the wonderland by a white rabbit. She became very curious to see the White Rabbit and she immediately followed the rabbit. She then finally saw the wonderland.
4. Why did Alice Want to be a Smaller Person?
The gate leading to the wonderland was very small. It was so small that she could not manage to get her head off the gate.
5. What are the main characters in the Chapter 4 English?
The two main characters in Chapter 4 of Class 4 English Marigold are Alice and the rabbit of white color. They used to talk and chit chat with each other. The rabbit was unique as most of the rabbits don’t talk, seeing this quality of the rabbit she was amazed. The rabbit wore a red coat and was followed by Alice when she saw it going. However, this all was imaginary. To practice questions and study, students can download NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Chapter 4 free of cost.
6. What is the idea behind the story?
The idea behind the story is simple. These days, in this busy era, everyone is running around doing something and no one is appreciating nature's beauty. No one is interested to step ahead and do something for the beautification of nature, let alone appreciate it. Instead, people are destroying nature for their own sake which will result in their harm only. In this particular story, the idea is to conserve or acknowledge nature.
7. What is the starting scene in the story?
The starting scene in ‘Alice in Wonderland’ is set between Alice and her sister who were sitting beneath the tree. Her sister was reciting a story and Alice was listening to the story silently. When she was listening to the story, she saw a rabbit running who could even talk and was carrying a watch. Alice, being a curious girl, had the curiosity to know where the rabbit was going. It was an imaginary scene. For more information about the story, students can visit the vedantu website ( or the app.
8. Is ‘Alice in Wonderland’ an interesting story?
Yes, it is a very interesting story. It is a fantasy story where Alice is the main element. The narration of the story is very well phrased. Children love to read this story as it is revolving around the imaginary scenes followed by various creatures in the rabbit hole. “Alice in Wonderland” is itself a great title, where you get to enter into the dream of discovery and normal implications don't apply.
9. Who has written this novel? Write something about the author.
The novel ‘Alice in Wonderland’ has been written by Lewis Carroll who is a great writer. His ability to recreate childhood tales is, by far, the best among other writers. He can engross the audience into his stories, leaving them excited about what is to come next. This novel is popular even today, not only with children but also with adults. When adults read this story, they revive all their childhood memories.