NCERT Solutions for English Marigold Chapter 6 - The Scholars Mother Tongue Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Marigold Chapter 6 The Scholars Mother Tongue
1. Who came to King Akbar’s court and what was the challenge thrown by the pundit to the court members of Akbar? WHo took up the challenge?
A learned pundit visited the court of King Akabar who had mastery in many languages. The scholar could speak fluently in many different Indian languages. He was so eloquent in all the languages that it was difficult to guess his mother tongue from the various languages he could speak. He threw the challenge to the court people to guess his mother tongue. The famous court member and leading commander of Akbar’s army, Birbal, took up the challenge.
2. What did you infer from this story?
From this story, one understands that in your most difficult times you spontaneously switch to your mother tongue even if you know umpteen languages fluently. Another thing that comes out from the story is not to be pompous about your knowledge or anything you are good at. If you show-off and are not humble then you can get ridiculed if someone stands up to you and defeats you in any challenge. Like it happened to the scholar when Birbal could guess his mother tongue in just a matter of seconds.
3. Where can I download the Solutions for NCERT for Chapter 6 The Scholars Mother Tongue Class 4 English Marigold?
You can download the Solutions for NCERT Chapter 6 The Scholars Mother Tongue Class 4 English Marigold from Vedantu NCERT Solutions. Here you will find a detailed analysis of the question followed by an aptly structured answer that will help you score maximum marks and understand the chapter better. The solutions are best suited to answer the NCERT questions with utmost precision and accuracy and it is made sure that all the points regarding that topic are used while answering the question.
4. Are all the topics covered in NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6 The Scholars Mother Tongue of Class 4 English Marigold?
In the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 6 The Scholars Mother Tongue of Class 4 English Marigold, almost all the important topics are covered. The answers are answered in a way that they cover all the topics as per the requirement of the question. They are framed in such a way that they pay heed to the question as well as expand upon the chapter’s theme and make sure that nothing important is missed in the answer.
5. What is Chapter 6 The Scholars Mother Tongue of Class 4 English Marigold textbook about?
One of the most well-known stories taken from Akbar and Birbal stories is Chapter 6 of the Class 4 English Marigold textbook. Birbal was an extremely brilliant and intelligent guy who served as Akbar's counsellor and army's main commander (Mughar emperor). He was also a poet and a vocalist, and his humour was well-known. The anecdote is amusing, and it communicates the idea that in our most trying moments, we should only talk in our own tongue. Our mother tongue is imprinted in our system, and even if we speak several languages, we will naturally express ourselves exclusively in our mother tongue.
6. What happened when the pundit visited Akbar's court in Chapter 6 The Scholars Mother Tongue of Class 4 English Marigold?
Chapter 6 of the Class 4 English Marigold textbook is a story adapted from one of the infamous Akbar and Birbal tales. A renowned pundit once paid a visit to Emperor Akbar's court. He claimed to be a multilingual man who could converse in a variety of Indian languages. His fluency and knowledge of all languages made judging his mother tongue impossible. He dared everyone in Akbar's court to guess his mother tongue, and Birbal accepted the challenge.
7. How did Birbal find out the pundit’s mother tongue?
In the middle of the night, Birbal went to the scholar's room and tickled him with a feather while whispering into his ears. The scholar awoke shocked and terrified, shouting in his own tongue. The scholar's mother tongue was Telugu, Birbal announced the next day in court. This guess startled the commentator, but he acknowledged it as right. Birbal's rationale was that in times of extreme anguish, a person naturally screams out exclusively in his mother tongue. That's why he used this method to determine The Scholars Mother Tongue.