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Plant Kingdom

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The plant kingdom is considered to play one of the most significant roles in the lives of mankind. Without the existence of plants, human survival would not be possible. It is an open book that plants are the essential source for the various vital components for the existence of life on the planet earth. 


The most prominent component is oxygen, without which the life of most species would come towards extinction. This oxygen is released by the plants through the process of photosynthesis, where the green plants utilize the energy obtained from the sunlight that helps in converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. This oxygen that is available to humans is an essential source of breathing and survival. 


Apart from this, the plant kingdom also gifts mankind with essential food and medicinal sources. 


The plant kingdom is divided into two types: one is cryptogamia i.e plants without flowers and another one is phanerogamic plants with flower-like structures or flowers. In this way, Eichler classifies plant kingdoms into five divisions arranged in them in the order of evolution i.e Phylogeny. Cryptogamia is divided into three types, they are thallophyta, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta whereas Phanerogamic is divided into two types, they are Gymnosperm( flower-like structure) and Angiosperm(real flower). 


Engler classifies plant kingdoms on the basis of embryos. They are thallophyta( embryo absent) and Embryophyta(embryo present). Further embryophyta is divided into two types based on fertilization one is Zooidogamy i.e male gametes are motile and reach the female gamete by swimming and another one is Siphonogama i.e male gamete is non-motile as male gamete reach the female gamete through pollen tube. 

Classification of the Plant Kingdom in Order of Evolution

Division of Plant Kingdom

  1. Cryptogamia (Plants without Flower): Those plants in which reproductive organs are not visible i.e not arranged in flower. A cryptogam is a name given to the plants that are known to reproduce via spores and without any involvement from the flowers or the seeds. The name Cryptogamae means “hidden reproduction” that hints at the process of reproductions without the seeds. These plants are also termed the non-seed bearing plants. Other titles such as the ‘thallophytes’, ‘lower plants’ and ‘spores plants’ are also devoted to this plant kingdom. 

  1. Thallophyta

  2. Bryophyta

  3. Pteridophyta

2. Phanerogamia (Plants with Flower-like Structure and Flower): Those plants in which reproductive organs are arranged in flower or flower-like structure. These plants are among the most vital divisions in the plant kingdom and consist of plants that have visible reproductive structures and organs, consisting of the angiosperms and the gymnosperms. 

  1. Gymnosperm (flower-like structure)

  2. Angiosperm (Real flowers)

Classification of the Plant Kingdom on the Basis of Embryo

This Classification was given by Engler.

  1. Thallophyta (Embryo Absent): This is a division of the plant kingdom encompassing primitive plant forms consisting of a simple plant body. They range from unicellular plants to larger ones such as the algae, fungi etc. they are known to be the polyphyletic group consisting of the non-mobile organisms. Other names used to describe them include “thalloid plants”, “lower plants”, “relatively simple plants” etc.

  2. Embryophyta (Embryo Present): The Embryophyta, also known as the land plants, are said to comprise the maximum plant vegetation on the planet earth. One of the major innovations attributed to the land plants was the evolution of the embryo. The embryo is an immature sporophyte that is attached to or surrounded by the gametophyte. In most land plants that are seed-producing plants, the embryo remains dormant for a considerable period of time and is seen to undergo growth only if the required environmental conditions are met. They are further divided into two types on the basis of fertilization.

  1. Zooidogamy: Fertilisation by zooidogamy i.e male gametes are motile and reach the female gametes by swimming. This phenomenon can be witnessed in plants such as algae, bryophytes, pteridophytes, and also in certain gymnosperms. They are further divided into two types:

               a. Bryophyta

               b. Pteridophyta

  1. Siphonogamy: fertilization by Siphonogamy i.e male gamete is non-motile, male gamete reach the female gamete through pollen tube. This is the process wherein the pollen tubes in the plants are developed to transfer the male cells to the eggs. As a result of this, the spermatophytes are often termed siphonogama. They are further classified into three classes.

  1. Gymnospermae

  2. Monocotyledonae

  3. Dicotyledonae: they are further divided into two different subclasses, they are Archichlamydeae (free petalous and non-petalous condition) and Monochlamydeae (united petalous condition). 


Oswald Tippo Classification of Plant Kingdom

In 1942, Oswald Tippo classified the entire plant kingdom into two major divisions. This division was made on the basis of the presence or absence of the embryo in the plant. These were termed the Thallophyta and the Embryophyta.

It proposed the biggest phylogenetic classification of the plant kingdom and it is the most acceptable classification for books and study.

  1. Thallophyta: 

They are further divided into 10 types.

  1. Cyanophyta: Blue-green algae

  2. Euglenophyta: Euglenoids

  3. Chlorophyta: Green algae

  4. Chrysophyta: Yellow-green-algae

  5. Pyrrophyta: Diatoms and Dinoflagellates

  6. Phaeophyta: Brown algae

  7. Rhodophyta: Red algae

  8. Schizomycophyta: Bacteria

  9. Myxomycophyta: Slime molds (false fungi)

  10. Eumycophyta: True fungi

These ten divisions include three types of organisms, they are algae, bacteria and fungi. 

B. Embryophyta:

They are further divided into two types on the basis of vascular tissue. 

  1. Atracheata: Bryophyta(non-vascular plants): they are further divided into three classes:

  1. Hepaticopsida: Liverworts

  2. Anthoceropsida: Hornworts

  3. Bryopsida: Moss(true)

      2. Tracheophyta (Vascular Plants): they are further divided into four classes. 

                  a. Psilopsida: psilotum

                  b. Lycopsida: Club moss(false moss)

                  c. Sphenopsida: horsetail

      d. Pteropsida: ferns, gymno, angiosperm

Karl Menz Classification of Plant Kingdom

He shows the importance of serology in taxonomy. Similarities and dissimilarities in the structure of protein help to know the phylogenetic relationship of living beings. Living organisms that are phylogenetically close relatives have more similarities in their proteins. Organisms that are distantly related have different proteins. 

Haeckel Theory of Classification of Plant Kingdom

Haeckel gave the three kingdoms (Protista, Plantae, Animalia) a system of classification. He established the kingdom Protista. The term protista was given by C. Cuvier. He grouped those living organisms in Protista that did not have issues. Kingdom Protista includes Prokaryotes protozoa, Porifera, algae and fungi. 


This classification was carried out to overcome the limitations and objections that had aroused from the Two kingdom plant classification. The inconsistencies that had come along with the two kingdom classification, were thought to be resolved with the introduction of a third kingdom, as a result of which, Protista was introduced as the third kingdom by Haeckel. 


The arrangement of these kingdoms was carried out on the basis of the morphological complexity and the tissue system. The division of labour and the mode of nutrition also played a major role in the classification. The unicellular organisms, such as the algae and the fungi were separated from the other organisms as they lacked tissue differentiation. This new group called Protista, comprised organisms that lacked in the morphological complexities, division of labour, tissue system and the diverse modes of nutrients. This kingdom includes protozoa, bacteria, fungi and other organisms, although later the multicellular algae and fungi were removed from the group. 

Copeland Classification System of Plant Kingdom

He gave the four kingdom systems of classification. 

  1. Mychota: Dougherty and Allen gave the name “Monera” to Mychota of Copeland. All prokaryotes are grouped in monera. 

  2. Protista or Prototista: Copeland grouped those eukaryotes in Protista, which are visually different from normal plants and animals.

  3. Plants or Metaphyta: Remaining all eukaryotic plants are grouped.

  4. Animalia and Metazoa: Remaining all eukaryotic animals are grouped.

R.H. Whittaker Classification of Plant Kingdom

He gave the five systems of classification. This classification was believed to be modern. This classification is based on three main characters:

  1. Complexity of Cell: Cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic, on the basis, kingdom Monera is formed. And all the prokaryotes are grouped into it.

  2. Complexity of Organism: Organism is unicellular or multicellular, on the basis, kingdom Protista was formed and all the unicellular eukaryotes are grouped into it. 

  3. Nutrition: Organism is autotrophic and heterotrophic, on the basis kingdom mycota, Plantae and Animalia were formed. Except for fungi (heterotrophic) all the plants are autotrophs. Therefore fungi are separated from plants and placed in the kingdom mycota. And remaining all the autotrophic plants are placed in kingdom Plantae. Since all animals are heterotrophs, therefore they are placed in the fifth kingdom i.e kingdom Animalia.

Five Kingdom Classification

  1. Monera: All the prokaryotes (Eubacteria, BGA, Mycoplasma) and Akaryotes(virus).

  2. Protista: All the unicellular eukaryotes ( Dinoflagellates, Diatoms, Slime moulds and protozoa)

  3. Mycota: True fungi

  4. Plantae: All the multicellular plants- Algae, Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnosperm, Angiosperm.

  5. Animalia: All multicellular animals. 

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FAQs on Plant Kingdom

1. Write the Classification of the Plant Kingdom Based on Evolutionary Time?

Division of plant kingdom on the basis of evolution:

  1. Cryptogamia (plants without flower): those plants in which reproductive organs are not visible i.e not arranged in flower.

  1. Thallophyta

  2. Bryophyta

  3. Pteridophyta

2. Phanerogamia (plants with flower-like structure and flower): Those plants in which reproductive organs are arranged in flower or flower-like structure.

  1. Gymnosperm (flower-like structure)

  2. Angiosperm (Real flowers)

2. Define Classification?

Classification is a  systematic arrangement in groups or categories according to established criteria. Classification is based on various categories, we can classify anything on the basis of any category. 

3. Write Classification of Plant Kingdom on the Basis of Embryo?

This classification was given by Engler.

  1. Thallophyta (embryo absent): 

  2. Embryophyta ( embryo present): They are further divided into two types on the basis of fertilization.

  1. Zooidogamy: Fertilisation by zooidogamy i.e male gametes are motile and reach the female gametes by swimming. They are further divided into two types:

a. Bryophyta

b. Pteridophyta

  1. Siphonogamy: fertilization by Siphonogamy i.e male gamete is non-motile, male gamete reach the female gamete through pollen tube. They are further classified into three classes.

  1. Gymnospermae

  2. Monocotyledonae

c. Dicotyledonae: They are further divided into two different subclasses, they are Archichlamydeae (free petalous and non-petalous condition) and Monochlamydeae (united petalous condition).

4. How is the plant kingdom different from the animal kingdom?

The presence of the plants is a very important source of human and animal survival, as they are a source of oxygen, food, medicine etc. This plant kingdom differs from the animal kingdom in three main ways;

  • Firstly, plants produce chlorophyll. This is a green pigment that is essential to carry out photosynthesis.

  • The cell walls of most plants are composed of a strong material termed cellulose. 

  • Most plants are fixed to one spot, though the seeds that give rise to new plants are carried to different places through a diverse medium.

5. How are the divisions in the plant kingdom made?

All the plants fall under one umbrella term known as the Plant Kingdom. But this kingdom also undergoes numerous subdivisions based on a number of factors, some of which are; 

  • The size or the stature of the given plant.

  • The modes of their reproduction, for instance, the mode of reproduction through spores of seeds.

  • Whether they are able to circulate liquids/fluids through their body parts, or whether they absorb them from the moisture that surrounds them. 

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