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Sunita in Space Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 11 (Free PDF Download)

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Exam - Focused Revision Notes for CBSE Class 5 EVS Chapter 11 - Sunita in Space

Chapter 11 of Class 5 EVS introduces students to the concept of space and the remarkable feat of Sunita Williams, the famous astronaut. She stayed in space for 6 months straight. This chapter explains what the Earth looks like from space. It also explains how the different continents also look from space. This chapter also dedicates a section to the experience of Sunita in space. To understand the Sunita in Space summary, check the revision notes prepared by the experts of Vedantu.

In these Sunita in Space revision notes, you will find out how she spent 6 months there and what are the natural things that happen in the spaceship. You will also learn the reasons behind such phenomena happening in outer space.

Class 5 EVS Revision Notes - Chapter-wise List

The class 5 EVS notes will help students prepare better for their examinations. They are prepared by experts and are in accordance with the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines.

Access Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 11: Sunita in space

Summary of Sunita in Space

  • The chapter talks about the special type of vehicle used to visit space, called a spaceship.

  • The chapter tells us that the globe is nothing but a model for Earth. The planet Earth pulls everything to itself (gravity). Since gravity is absent in space, the things in space will float.

  • Sunita in the space chapter discusses what countries and states on the Earth look like from space. There will be no difference between them and no boundaries among them.

  • It also tells how the moon pretends to change shape since it is always moving around the Earth. Festivals such as Eid and Karwa Chauth are related to the moon. Sunita Williams is the first woman to land on the moon.

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What is Our Earth Really Like?

  • There is a conversation between Uzaira and Shahmir as they are playing with a globe.

  • Uzaira explains to Shahmir that the sky, star, sun, and moon all are in space. She tells Shahmir that from space we can see Earth. The globe is the model for Earth.

  • They are currently discussing where we are on the globe. Uzaira tells him that we are in India by pointing a pen at the globe.

  • Shahmir asks Uzaira why the people of Brazil and Argentina are standing upside down, Will they not fall?

Talking with Sunita

  • Once Sunita visited India, where thousands of children like Uzaira and Shahmir got the chance to meet her.

  • Sunita said it was her friend Kalpana Chawla’s dream to visit India and hence Sunita is fulfilling Kalpana Chawla’s dream.

  • Sunita Williams shared her experience of what space actually looks like. She said they were not able to sit and they will keep on floating.

  • She continued that even water tends to float as blobs. If they have to wash their face, they have to catch the blobs and wet the paper.

  • Even the plates with food tend to float. The people in space never comb their hair since it will be straight.

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Isn’t Amazing?

  • Earth is different from space. On Earth, things or people won't keep on floating. The food also does not float. Water does not become a blob as in space.

  • Earth has the tendency to pull everything towards itself. This is the gravitational force. Sunita Williams travelled approximately 360km away from Earth in the spaceship.

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Where are the Lines, Really?

  • Sunita Williams explains how the Earth will appear from the spaceship.

  • According to her, the Earth is very beautiful from far away and the view can be seen for hours without hesitation.

  • The Earth looked like a curved shape.

  • She continued that since astronauts like us visited space, we have an idea of what Earth will look like. But thousands of years back, we cannot imagine the shape of the Earth. 

  • Uzaira and Shahmir were talking about the lines present in the globe. They found lines between countries and states too and wondered what they really are.

  • Sunita clears out that from space, one can see only the land and the sea. No one can see any line among countries and she said lines are just imagined by people and are not really found on Earth. 

Look at the Sky

  • The ‘moonlight' we see is actually the Sun's light reflected off the lunar surface, rather than the Moon emitting (giving off) light.

  • As the Moon revolves around the Earth, the Sun illuminates’ various sections of it, giving the impression that the Moon is changing shape.

  • When the Moon looks to be becoming larger, it is said to be waxing, and when it appears to be shrinking, it is said to be waning. It's a Full Moon when the Moon's face is entirely turned toward the Sun, and we can see everything. 

  • The face facing towards us, however, progressively becomes concealed from the Sun as the Moon revolves around the Earth until we can barely see it at all - this is a New Moon.

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The Theme of the Chapter

  • The chapter explains what exactly is the Earth and space

  • How exactly do they look?

  • It explains the difference between Earth and space.

  • It emphasizes the look and phases of the moon from space.

Facts to Remember

  • American astronaut & aeronautical engineer Neil Alden Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. In addition, he was a test pilot, university professor, and navy aviator.

  • He flew for more than 1,100 hours, using both the X-15 rocket plane and several supersonic fighters.

  • Armstrong joined the second group of astronauts in the space program in 1962.

  • Armstrong said, "That's one small stride for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind," as he descended from the Eagle onto the dusty Moon's surface at 10:56 PM EDT on July 20, 1969.

Practice Questions

Q1: If the earth is round like a globe, how is it that we do not fall off?

Ans: We will not fall because of the gravitational pull of the earth towards itself.

Q2: Do the people in Argentina stand upside down?

Ans: They don't stand on their heads. There is no such thing as upward or downward standing; everything is relative.

Q3: Can you think why Sunita’s hair was standing?

Ans: Sunita's hair stood up since she was in space, where everything floats due to the lack of gravity.

Q4: Think about why water flows downwards on any slope. In mountains, water flows downwards, not upwards.

Ans: The earth has a gravitational pull, and the water goes down the mountain as a result of this force.

Solved examples

Q1: Do you find anything similar between the globe and this picture of the earth? In what ways are they different?

Ans: The earth and the globe are similar in that we can tell which parts are land and which are sea. However, pinpointing a specific country or place on the globe is challenging.

Q2: Do you think Sunita could make out Pakistan, Nepal, and Burma separately when she saw the earth from space?

Ans: No, identifying these countries is difficult because no country can be seen from space.

Q3: Why don’t you try to do the same with a coin? How many centimeters away from the eye did you keep the coin to hide the moon?

Ans: To totally obscure the moon, we must hold the coin at a distance of 25 cm from the eye.

Q4: Looking at the earth from space, Sunita said, “Different countries cannot be seen as separate from here. These lines are on paper. They are made by us.” What do you understand about this?

Ans: The border lines have been drawn by humans, and they are not for the benefit of nature. So, while we cannot identify a specific country or city from space, they have drawn lines and split the countries for human understanding.

Importance and Summary of CBSE Class 5 EVS Chapter 11 Sunita in Space

This is a beautiful chapter that explains to children about outer space. They learn how astronauts travel in spaceships to reach the Earth’s orbit and stay there for months. Children also learn how countries and continents look from space.

Children of Class will find out that there are no borders seen from space on Earth. Everything seems to be a single landmass surrounded by blue oceans. The conversation between friends led to the introduction of excellent concepts related to space, spaceships, and astronauts.

Studying Sunita in Space will also teach that maps and globes are entirely different from the Earth. There are no borders that can define a country. It means that the division is done by us only.

Students will also discover the answer to ‘from whom was Sunita inspired in her childhood?’ They will find out what shooting stars and satellites are.

Benefits of Vedantu’s Sunita in Space Class 5 worksheet and Revision Notes

  • The easier explanation of this chapter will help students understand what space is. It will help students to grab the concepts of space and answer questions on their own.

  • They will also learn to resolve doubts using these notes on your own. Find out the meaning of space and how the Earth looks from there from the summary of this chapter. Get the accurate answer to ‘what is the shape of the earth for Class 5?’

  • After preparing this chapter, focus on solving Sunita in Space Class 5 worksheet with answers. Learn how the experts have compiled the answers maintaining the CBSE standards. Learn how to accurately formulate answers from the solutions to score more in the exams.

Download Sunita in Space Worksheets and Revision Notes PDF

The notes for CBSE Class 5 provide a clear understanding of EVS - Chapter 11, "Sunitha in Space." Students gain insights into the properties and characteristics of space and Sunitha's adventure. The well-organized format supports efficient revision, helping remember the exciting details. Practical examples, like exploring space, enrich the understanding of the subject. These notes are essential for building a strong foundation in the captivating world of "Sunitha in Space," helping students excel academically. They've proven invaluable in guiding students towards success in their studies, making learning about space a fun and fascinating journey!

FAQs on Sunita in Space Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 11 (Free PDF Download)

1. What are the twinkling moving things in the night sky?

The twinkling moving things in the night sky can be satellites or shooting stars. Shooting stars are meteorites that fall due to the gravitational field of the Earth and burn down in the atmosphere.

2. Who was the first man to walk on the moon?

The first man to walk on the moon was Neil Armstrong in 1969. He was an American astronaut and is the role model of Sunita Williams.

3. What is the difference between our Earth and the moon?

Our Earth is a planet and the moon is a satellite revolving around our planet.