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Seeds and Seeds Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 5 (Free PDF Download)

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Seeds and Seeds Class 5 EVS Chapter 5 Worksheets and Revision Notes for Faster Preparation

Chapter 5 of Class 5 EVS is an excellent chapter introducing students to seeds. This chapter includes the seeds we eat as food. It tells the story of how a boy named Gopal soaked chana seeds for preparing a dish the next day. To his surprise, the bowl was overflowing with chana seeds the other day. This is how the chapter explains that seeds grow in size when soaked in water. To understand the Seeds and Seeds summary for all the fundamental concepts, refer to the revision notes.

These Seeds and Seeds revision notes are prepared by the experts at Vedantu to simplify the concepts for the students. Use these notes to get an easier description of the chapter for quick studying and answering questions accurately.

Class 5 EVS Revision Notes - Chapter-wise List

The class 5 EVS notes will help students prepare better for their examinations. They are prepared by experts and are in accordance with the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines.

Access Class 5 Environmental Studies Chapter 5: Seeds and Seeds

Summary of Seeds and Seeds

  • The chapter Seeds & Seeds discusses many types of seeds as well as seed sprouting.

  • It also explains how seeds move from one location to another.

  • It also discusses the origins of numerous seeds from various locations that were later brought to India.

Seeds – A seed is a little embryonic (baby) plant that is surrounded by a seed coat. It develops as a result of seed plant reproduction. After germination, seeds develop into new plants.

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Sprout – A sprout is a germinated seed with a growing stem and roots. It is eaten because it is very nutritious.

Now Let us Understand - How to Make Sprouts?

  • Take some chana and moong in a bowl

  • Fill the bowl halfway with water and leave it overnight.

  • Drain out the water from the bowl the next day

  • Tie the seeds in a wet cloth and hung them someplace

  • Keep the cloth damp by making it wet regularly

  • After 2 days you will see seed sprouts

What are the Conditions Needs to Follow to Make Sprouts?

  • The production of sprouts requires both air and water.

  • Seeds that have been soaked in water for an extended period of time will not sprout.

  • They will not sprout if they are merely maintained in the air.

Plant Which Hunts – Pitcher Plant

  • Insects, frogs, and even mice are caught and eaten by some plants.

  • One such plant is the Pitcher Plant (Nepenthes), which can be found in Australia, Indonesia, and India's Meghalaya state.

  • It has a pitcher-like shape, with a leaf covering its mouth.

  • The plant emits a distinct odour that attracts insects.

  • When an insect lands on the plant's mouth, it falls into the pitcher and is unable to escape.

Colour, Shape, and Texture of Seeds

Seeds come in a variety of sizes, hues, and textures. Different seeds, their hues, and textures are shown here. Allow us to clarify:


Seeds Name







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Black +51

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Whitish yellow 

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Green, black or yellow

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Wandering Seeds (also known as Seed Dispersal)

Plants are unable to move. They are confined to a single location where they thrive, yet their seeds are extremely mobile. They have the ability to travel far and broad. The following procedures are used to transport seeds from one location to another:

  • By Air - In the plant kingdom, the wind is the most natural and essential way of seed dispersion. This type of dissemination is most common in plants that produce very light seeds. Plants whose seeds are dispersed by the wind include orchid seeds, dandelions, swan plants, cottonwood trees, hornbeam, ash, cattail, puya, and willow herb seeds. 

  • By Water - Seeds float away from their parent plant in this process of seed dissemination. These are mostly found in plants that dwell in or near water bodies, such as beaches, lakes, and ponds. Plants whose seeds are distributed by water include coconut, palm, mangroves, water lily, and water mint. 

  • By Animals and Birds - Animals and birds disseminate their seeds in a number of different ways. Some are consumed by animals and expelled in the form of droppings, which sprout new plants. A few squirrel species harvest nuts from various plants, such as acorns, and bury them in the soil. There are a few plants that produce hook-shaped seeds. This type of plant is represented by the burdock plant. These plants' seed clings to the fur of animals and is taken away to other locations, far from their parent plants. 

The Idea of Making Velcro

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  • When George Mestral returned from a walk with his dog in 1948, he had the idea for Velcro. When he noticed seeds stuck to his clothes and his dog's fur, he was astounded.

  • He watched the seeds to determine what made them stick. Seeds, he discovered, had several little hooks that adhered to clothing and fur.

  • Mestral was inspired to create Velcro as a result of this. He created material with microscopic hooks that would adhere to the surface.

  • Velcro is used to secure a variety of items such as clothing, shoes, bags, belts, and more.

Who Came From where?

Many fruits and vegetables that we cultivate or see around us were not grown in the past. They arrived in India from various countries. Here's a table with several common fruits and vegetables along with their origins:  

Name of Fruit and Vegetable

Country from which it came


South America


South America

Green chili

South America





Coffee bean




Practice Questions

1. What are the conditions a seed needs to sprout?

Ans: To germinate, all seeds require water, oxygen, and the proper temperature. Dormancy is a state of dormancy in which seeds wait to germinate until the conditions are favorable for survival and growth.

Q2. How was velcro discovered?

Ans: Cockleburs caught in his clothes and his dog's fur inspired George De Mestral to create Velcro. De Mestral, a Swiss engineer and outdoorsman, caught hundreds of burrs in his clothes and his dog's fur during a walk in the woods in 1948. He was perplexed as to how they were able to cling to each other so firmly.

Q3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the box. 

air, water, warmth, space, light, cooling, heating, George Mestral, Bursting, spoiled, sprouted, wet, pods, seeds, fruits, Europe, South America

  1. Eating ............... seeds is good for health. 

  2. Seeds require ............... , ............... and ............... to sprout. 

  3. Velcro was discovered by ............... . 

  4. Soyabean seeds are scattered by ............... of their ............... . 

  5. Peas came from ............... .


  1. sprouted

  2. air, water and light

  3. George Mestral

  4. heating and bursting

  5. Europe

Q4. Give an example for each of the following categories.

  1. Seeds used as spices. ...................................... 

  2. Seeds used as foodgrains. ...................................... 

  3. Seeds used as pulses. ...................................... 

  4. Seeds which scatter by bursting of the pod. ...................................... 

  5. Seeds that scatter by sticking on fur of animals. ...................................... 

  6. Seeds that scatter by wind. ...................................... 

  7. Seeds that scatter by water. ...................................... 

  8. Seeds used as oil. ......................................  


  1. Black pepper

  2. Green Gram Seeds

  3. Baked Beans

  4. squirting cucumbers

  5. Burrs

  6. Orchid Plant

  7. Coconut Plant

  8. Sesame Seeds

Importance of CBSE Class 5 EVS Chapter 5 Seeds and Seeds

This chapter explains the different features of seeds in the form of stories. It also has excellent activities that students can do to understand how seeds grow and what they have inside. They will also find answers to questions such as ‘do some plants grow without seeds?’ accurately.

This chapter explains why eating sprouts is healthy. It will also offer hands-on experience on how seeds are sown to grow new plants. You will also learn to identify different types of seeds with pictures.

On progressing further, you will learn what you can eat from an edible seeds chart. It will explain how many types of seeds there are. The explanation with examples in this chapter will also introduce you to the germination of seeds.

Benefits of Vedantu’s Seeds and Seeds Class 5 Worksheet and Revision Notes

  • Refer to the notes to find out the easiest explanation of these scientific concepts related to seeds. Find out how seeds germinate and grow to become plants. You will also understand the structure of a seed for Class 5 and the different stages of growth.

  • Refer to the notes to recall these concepts easily before an exam. These notes will help you prepare well and find the answers to questions easily. Resolve doubts on your own and get ready for the next day’s exam.

  • Build your concepts related to this topic and find out ‘which of these is a seed that you eat?’ Learn how to identify different seeds from the revision notes.

  • Solve Class 5 EVS Chapter 5 worksheet to check your preparation status and refer to the solutions to learn how to accurately answer questions.

Download Class 5 EVS Chapter Seeds and Seeds Revision Notes PDF

Why wait then? Complete your study material by adding these PDF notes for free. Refer to the notes to get excellent guidance for preparing this chapter. Learn how to answer questions from the solutions of worksheets and score well in the exams.

FAQs on Seeds and Seeds Class 5 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 5 (Free PDF Download)

1. How does a seed germinate?

First, a root comes out of a germinating seed to get a grip on the soil. Then, a shoot comes out from the top of the seed. This is how a seed germinates.

2. Why does the height of plants differ?

The plants growing from different seeds differ in height due to their physical characteristics. Not all seeds are from the same plants.

3. What will happen if a seed does not get water?

From the growing plants Class 5 questions and answers, water helps seeds to swell and awaken the seedling inside to grow and become a plant.