English Class 12 Chapter 1 - The Last Lesson: Question and Answer (FREE PDF Download)
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English Flamingo Chapter 1 The Last Lesson
1. What are the Advantages of NCERT Solutions for English Class 12 Chapter 1 Question Answers?
Students who are willing to fetch more marks in English can completely rely on these NCERT solutions for English. The solutions are designed keeping in mind the latest CBSE guidelines. Also, these NCERT solutions come with an elaborate explanation of the given topic. Several questions such as short answer type and long answer type questions, tick the correct options, words with their etymological sources are stated elaborately. The writing section gives students an extensive idea about the style of writing that is important for the exam and how to write them. The solutions provide the best help before Class 12 English board examinations.
2. How will I Benefit from studying Class 12 English Chapter 1 Short Question Answers?
NCERT Solutions for English Class 12 Chapter 1 Question Answers contain of all important exercises, new rods and phrases. The ‘Writing’ section covers notice and survey writing. The Short and Long Answer questions play a great role in laying the foundation of Class 12 English Chapter 1 - The Last Lesson. The intricate details and underlying themes of the lesson such as patriotism and the importance of native language are thoroughly explained in the solutions.
3. What is the Underlying Concept of the Last Lesson?
The first chapter of Class 12 English, The Last Lesson is written in the backdrop of the Franco-Prussian War between 1870-1871, where France was conquered by Prussia under the leadership of Bismarck. The story revolves around a boy named Franz, and the last day of his French teacher M. Hamel.
Till that day Franz had a strong dislike towards the subject, but suddenly an order from the Germans changed everything. From that day onwards, they would have German language classes at school. Therefore, M. Hamel can not continue to teach French. All the native people suddenly felt uprooted due to the new order, so did little Franz. They started to realize the importance of the mother tongue, and a sense of patriotism started to evolve among them.
4. What is the theme of the last lesson in Class 12?
The central theme of the last lesson in Class 12 is linguistic chauvinism. The themes of freedom of language, patriotism, and love for one’s mother tongue are also predominant in this chapter. The author shows the oppression by the majority in this story. The people residing in the region in Alsace and Lorraine are forced to learn German, and they are the victims of aggressive linguistic chauvinism. This means the idea that one’s language is more important while disregarding other languages.
5. What is the summary of the last lesson?
The story highlights the importance of education and how important it is to learn your language. Franz is a French boy who stays in the region of Alsace and Lorraine in France which was overpowered by Germans. He and people in his language did not learn their mother tongue and regretted it. They realize that they have been defeated by the Germans due to illiteracy. Franz understands that a language comes naturally to a person.
6. Is the last lesson real?
The last lesson is not real. However, the historical events are true and are used for reference to put light on the theme of the story. The districts of Alsace-Lorraine were under Prussian control until World War I. This story is set in 1870 when Bismarck’s army stormed the regions of Alsace Loraine and held them under their control. The Germans forced the French schools to teach German. Hence, the French living in that area did not know their language.
7. What is the first chapter of English Class 12?
The first chapter of English Class 12 is the ‘last lesson’. It is a story of a boy named Franz, who is attending the last class in his mother tongue, which is French. He has been avoiding this subject for a long time, but knowing that it is his last class, he develops an interest in this language. This story highlights the necessity of knowing your mother tongue and freedom of speech.
8. Why should you refer to Vedantu’s NCERT Class 12 English Solutions?
Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English contains answers to all the questions in your English book. You can download these free of cost from the official website of Vedantu (vedantu.com). These can also be downloaded using the Vedantu app. The answers are framed by experts and aim at helping you understand the chapters in an easy way. It includes all the important points from your chapter and will help you to score high in your exams. All the complex words are elaborated and will enhance your vocabulary. You will learn to frame answers in the right way.
9. Where can I download the PDF for Class 12 English Question Answer Chapter 1?
You can download the FREE PDF for Class 12 English The Last Lesson Question Answers along with solutions for other chapters here on Vedantu. You can also find supporting study material, important questions, and more from Vedantu to ace your examinations.