Essay on Untouchability
The idea of the caste system is deeply embedded within Indian culture. It's known as one of the oldest civilisations on Earth, with over four thousand years under its belt. However, some scholars argue that this social structure was introduced around 500 BC when they were invaded by Aryan tribes from Central Asia, who brought their rigid class system into play shortly after settling down in the region.
As per tradition, once a person belongs to a specific caste - Brahmin (priests), Kshatriya (Kings/Warriors), Vaishya (traders) or Shudra (farmers and service providers) - he or she is stuck there for life and can never cross over to another rung on the ladder, regardless of individual talent or effort. This is what's known as untouchability which is still prevalent in India today.
Ways to Achieve Untouchability
There are several ways in which one can achieve untouchability. One way is by violating the caste rules and regulations, for example, by marrying someone from a different caste or eating meat (which is strictly forbidden). Another way is by performing unclean tasks such as scavenging or cleaning latrines - jobs that are traditionally reserved for Dalits, also known as "the Untouchables". And lastly, it's possible to become untouchable simply by being born into a low-caste family. Regardless of how it's achieved, the consequences are always the same: social isolation, discrimination and a lifetime of poverty.
Is Untouchability Necessary?
There is no easy answer when it comes to the question of whether or not untouchability is important. On the one hand, you could argue that this discriminatory practice is a violation of human rights and should be abolished immediately. After all, how can we claim to be a civilised society when some of our citizens are treated as second-class citizens? On the other hand, defenders of the caste system might say that it's an essential part of Indian culture and should be preserved at all costs. They would argue that without the caste system, India would descend into chaos and anarchy - a fate worse than death!
The truth probably lies somewhere in between these two extremes. Untouchability is a harmful and unjust practice that needs to be eradicated. However, we can't just abolish it overnight and expect things to go smoothly. There would likely be a period in which chaos and violence erupt on the streets as people fight over power and resources (sound familiar).
Essay on Untouchability
The definition of Untouchability has varied from period to period. Untouchability has been practised from ancient times, dating back to 1500-800 BC. Untouchability is an old concept that has been practised throughout history. It could be defined as the segregation of the group of people from the mainstream based on their caste and subcaste.
The untouchables were called by different names in different times, such as in the Vedic period, they were called ‘Chandala’.In Medieval times they were known as the ‘Achhuta’ and during British rule, they were called “Exterior Caste” or “Depressed Castes”.
The practise of untouchability is based on the caste system in which the untouchables come under the last varna known as Avarnas, which means not belonging to any caste. People belonging to Avarna were given jobs that had no dignity such as gutter cleaners, scavengers, watchmen, sweepers, cleaning animals such as pigs and cows, etc. People of the caste Avarnas are now called Dalits in modern times. They are also known as the “Scheduled Castes”, the name given by the Indian Constitution for their upliftment and development.
Seeing the oppression, the Dalits have faced from society, the government has passed acts that protect them from future violence. Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955 was passed to protect those subjected to untouchability and Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act 1955 was also passed to provide financial and legal help to the lower caste. Despite the constitutional amendments and the acts passed by the government, untouchability and discrimination based on caste are still followed in many parts of the country. The Dalits living in the cities are less vulnerable compared to those living in rural areas.
The Dalits living in rural areas are not allowed to enter the village as they are believed to pollute the healthy environment of the village. Basic requirements such as drinking water, electricity, etc., are not provided as they are considered to be not good enough. The Dalits living in rural areas have accepted their faith written by such orthodox people because of the fear for their lives and there is no one to help them. The politicians are corrupt who just care about increasing their vote count and gaining power in the government even if it requires sacrificing innocent people who just want to live their life with dignity.
Everyone in the eyes of the law is equal and discrimination in the name of caste and subcaste cannot be tolerated. The government has introduced laws that will help in uplifting the Dalits in society. The constant effort has been made to educate people living in rural areas about basic human rights and how practising untouchability directly violates them. Strict action is taken towards people who don’t allow Dalits in religious places, with no permission to drink water or eat food and beverages. It is important to educate the new generation about these evil practices as that would help in planting a seed that would grow and change the perspective of society.
10 Strategies for Writing a Better Essay on Untouchability
Start by doing your research. Read up on the history of the caste system and understand why it's such a controversial topic and after doing that, you will be in a much better place to form an opinion.
Make sure that you understand what is meant by untouchability. It's not enough to just know the definition; it's also important to familiarise yourself with some of the different ways in which it can be achieved so that you'll have more material for your essay.
Keep your thesis clear and concise. Your thesis should summarise the main points of your essay and argue why they are significant or relevant.
Be creative when thinking of a title for your essay. This will help to capture your reader's attention right from the start.
Write in a clear, concise and easy-to-read manner. Don't overload your reader with too much information at once. Break down your points into manageable chunks and make sure that each paragraph supports your argument.
Use real-life examples to illustrate your points. This will help to make your essay more interesting and engaging.
Don't be afraid to take a stand on this controversial topic. Whether you agree or disagree with the caste system, make sure that your opinion is clear and well-argued.
Plan your essay before you start writing. This will help to ensure that your thoughts are organized and coherent.
Proofread your work carefully for mistakes. A well-written essay is always more impressive than one that is filled with spelling and grammar errors.
Get feedback from a friend or classmate. They can offer helpful insights and suggestions which will improve the quality of your essay.
Everyone should remember that all people are equal in the eyes of the law, and discrimination and intolerance of others based on their caste are not entertained. There is no denying the fact that though the caste system has shaped Indian society for a longer time and possibly it is still doing it. This led to widespread persecution and genetic rights, which continue to this day. We must ensure that the measures taken to remedy the damage caused by such medieval practices will be more effective and will not create further inequality in society.
Writing an essay on Untouchability can be a little intimidating. There are many different perspectives to take into account and not enough time to cover them all. It is important that you do your research and understand the background of this topic, but what if you don't have the time.
FAQs on Essay on Untouchability: Social Reform and Equality
1. What is Untouchability? How Can it Be Abolished?
Untouchability is the discrimination done to a person based on the caste or subcaste. According to the untouchability law that was passed on 29th November 1949, the practice of untouchability of any kind is forbidden and is considered to be a criminal act. Strict action will be taken against people who practice untouchability.
2. Which Article is Related to the Abolition of Untouchability?
Article 17 is related to the abolishment of untouchability. Untouchability is abolished and its practice in any form is forbidden.
3. What was the Role of BR Ambedkar in Fighting Untouchability?
B. R. Ambedkar, was Dalit himself and he knew the harsh reality of Dalits in the society and how they were treated. He strongly condemned the practice of untouchability in India. He also fought for the abolition of the caste system in India which is considered to be the root for the discrimination which the Dalits faced. He is often referred to as the hero by many Dalits these days.
4. How should I start my essay? What are some of the different ways in which untouchability can be achieved?
Start by doing your research so that you have a clear understanding of the topic. This will help to ensure that your essay is well-informed and thought-out. There are many different ways in which untouchability can be achieved, but some of the most common include social isolation, discrimination, and a lifetime of poverty.
5. How does the caste system work?
The caste system is an ancient Hindu tradition that divides people into different social classes based on their occupation. There are four main castes (or varnas): Brahmin (priests), Kshatriya (warriors), Vaishya (merchants) and Shudra (peasants). People are born into their caste and it's impossible to change your social status.
6. How do I come up with a good title for my essay? Which perspective should I take when writing this essay?
Look through some of the books in the library or online to get inspiration for your topic. You could also ask your teacher or professor what they think would make an interesting, captivating essay. It doesn't matter which perspective you take; all that matters is that you write about an issue that is important to you and that you include reasons why people might agree or disagree with your perspective on it.
7. Why is it important that you do your research before writing an essay on Untouchability?
It's important to understand why this topic is considered controversial by many people so that you'll have more material for your essay. When you're finished with your research, make sure that you summarise what you've learned into manageable chunks so that they are easy to read for readers who aren't familiar with the topic.
8. How can you make your essay more interesting?
Find some real-life examples that are relevant to your topic, then use these examples to support your ideas and arguments throughout the essay. This will make it easier for readers to follow what you're saying and keep their attention piqued.
9. How do I write a good introduction for my essay? How do I write an effective conclusion for my essay?
Start by writing down a list of important points that you'll want to include in the rest of the essay, then organize them so that they flow smoothly from one point to another. Make sure that there is a clear link between each point so that the final paragraph ties everything together neatly at the end of the essay. A good conclusion should do two things: summarise the main points made in the essay and leave readers with something to think about. You could also suggest ways in which the issue of untouchability could be improved or offer your own thoughts on how this problem could be solved.