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Essay on Seasons in India

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Indian Weather Essay

All the seasons of India are divided among 12 months of the calendar. They are divided among the twelve months of the calendar of two months for each season. Every season has its beauty and specialty that make it noticeable. Sometimes due to some environmental issue, this period may differ.

The meteorological department of India divided the months of a year according to the seasons as follows:

  • Summer (March, April, and May)

  • Monsoon (June to September)

  • Post Monsoon (October to November)

  • Winter (December, January, and February)

By knowing the month's distribution, one can easily understand the beauty of the season in India.

Introduction to India

India is one of those countries which sees four types of seasons. Each season is different due to its nature. However, the reason behind this diversification of these seasons depends on various factors such as latitude, longitude, topography, etc. Below are the two sample essays on Seasons in India which students can refer to for further use. Apart from the name of Seasons In India essay, these can also be referred to as weather essay, paragraph on seasons, etc. So, whatever the questions would be in your question paper, you must not get confused.

Long ‘Seasons in India’ Essay

India is a vast country with various geographical features and conditions. Hence it is important for all the kids to be aware of what are the seasons in India. When it comes to seasons, India is extremely diverse in nature. There are mainly four seasons that can be witnessed across the country i.e. Summer, Monsoon, Post-monsoon, and Winter.


Duration: Three months

Time of the Year: April to June

Summer in India generally stays for three to four months, which starts from April (sometimes in March) and continues to June. This season excites the kids the most as they get a month-long vacation. Many schools or authorities organize summer camps for the kids in various places in India which are comparatively cold. Besides, everyone can enjoy eating ice-cream and various other fun foods. It is the longest season. During this season, nature gets brighter and temperatures soar high. Lots of flowers and fruits bloom at this time. Sometimes, the season's temperature gets very high due to geographical reasons. The temperature is highest in April and May. In that season, the temperature varies from 32 to 40 degrees Celsius. In summer, the days appear longer than night.


Duration: Three to four months

Time of the Year: June end to September

Monsoon means rain, which delights the farmers across the countries. The first monsoon in India hits the state of Kerala. The Indian Monsoons typically start between the second week of June and extend until September. In India,  most precipitation is caused by the southwest monsoons. The two origins of the Indian monsoon are the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea. The south-west part of India also witnesses heavy downpour every year. However, following the scorching heat of summer, this season brings relief to everyone’s life including the farmers. India's agriculture is highly based on the monsoon season. But it has its downside too. Many areas get flooded due to deluge which damages a lot of crops and creates difficulty in a farmer’s life.


Duration: Two Months

Time of the Year: October, November

Post-monsoon is the most pleasant time of the year, which is nothing but a transition phase between monsoon and winter. During this time, some of the regions in India witnessed rainfall. This time is referred to as Autumn also in some parts of India. The months of October and November cover the post-monsoon season. This season marks the mixture between a wet and dry season. The temperature slowly starts getting low during this transition. However, it is the shortest season of all. Lots of festivals take place during this season such as Durga Puja (Navratri), Diwali, Bhaidooj, Halloween, etc.


Duration: Two to three months

Time of the Year: December, January (sometimes in February)

As the time moves fast towards winter, days become shorter and nights become longer. Temperature can be as low as minus 5 degrees Celsius at some places (such as the extreme northern regions in India). People wear woolen clothes to keep themselves warm. Some travel to sea-shore areas to enjoy the pleasant weather. This season is the season of cheerful festivals like Christmas, the new year, and various foods. This season's picnic is perfect. Some also travel to high altitude areas to experience snow falls like Uttarakhand, Kashmir, etc. The overall temperature increases as January ends and moves towards February.

Short Essay on ‘Seasons in India’

India is well known for its diversified nature and climate. Every year the country witnesses mainly four major seasons i.e. summer, monsoon, post-monsoon, winter. Each season has its own charm and characteristics. The duration of each season ranges from three to four months. In a nutshell, India is a tropical region.

The summer season mainly starts in April and stays until the month of June. Due to the country’s tropical nature, the summer season gets extremely hot in some parts of India such as Rajasthan, Gujarat, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh experiences the scorching heat of the summer sun. The temperature ranges from 30 to 40 degrees Celsius during this season and the length of the day is generally longer than the length of the night. The highest temperature during the summer season could be 50 to 52 degrees Celsius.

Monsoon follows the summer season and brings relief to everyone’s life. Monsoon stays for three to four months. It begins at the end of June and stays until September. The origins of the Indian monsoon are basically the Arabian sea and the Bay of Bengal. The first monsoon rains in India are witnessed in the state of Kerala. Some other regions too experienced heavy downpours, especially the south-western part of India (Mumbai, Nashik, Nagpur, etc).

There comes the post-monsoon season which stays for two seasons approximately i.e. October and November. Some also refer to this season as Autumn in India. This is the transition phase between the monsoon and the winter season. This transition period brings very comfortable and pleasant weather which prepares everyone for the dry winter season. Some regions might witness a little bit of deluge at this time.

Thereafter, this season is followed by the most awaited season - winter. The temperature can go down to 10 to 15 degrees Celsius in this season. The extreme north and north-eastern region of India also witnesses heavy snowfall in this time of the year, i.e., Kashmir, Uttarakhand, etc, and other northern regions see an extreme fall in the temperature. The temperature might be around minus 5 to 5 degrees Celsius. The coldest months in the entire year are December and January. As opposed to summer, the season has the longest nights compared to the days.

Effect on Season Change

Due to heavy pollution, some disturbances have been created in India's generally smooth seasonal cycles. Various activities like urbanization, industrialization, deforestation,  etc., have affected the seasonal changes in India. Excessive deforestation for residential buildings and industries to cope with the growing demands.  People have led to the loss of valuable green forests in the country.  By this, a disturbance is caused in the rainfall pattern and has led to floods and drought in various countries.

Causes of Effect on Indian Climate

The cause of climate change is happening  as follows:

  • Burning of fossil fuels

  • Industrialization

  • Deforestation

  • Emission of greenhouse gasses

  • Urbanization

Due to the change in rainfall and temperature patterns, people face extreme climatic conditions. Indian monsoons lead to floods in parts of the northeast and northwest while the southern parts experience drought to the extreme levels. These changes have been confusing scientists and meteorological experts for a long time. It is difficult to identify exact reasons for these adversities. These changes can be permanent if we will not take a severe step as soon as possible.


In a nutshell, India is one of those beautiful countries which witness the diversity of nature. Each region is popular for its various conditions of nature. Each season is beautiful in its way and Indians are lucky to experience such wide ranges of nature at its best.

FAQs on Essay on Seasons in India

1. What are the Seasons in India?

There are mainly four seasons in India i.e. Summer, Monsoon, Post-monsoon, Winter.

2. Which Months are the Coldest in India?

December and January are the coldest months in India.

3. Which Months is the Post-Monsoon Season?

Generally, the post-monsoon season comes between monsoon and winter. Hence, October and November are the two months that experience the transition.

4. Why is the season change essential in India?

The season change is essential in India because everything depends upon it. According to the season change, the various crops also grow at different times. AS north to south, there are various geographical issues for that season change is essential. There is uniqueness and beauty in every season. So every season has its reason of importance.

5. How does the season affect human life?

For the variety of every season, people have to change their regular habits. They can not continue with the same in every season. For example, One may have to wear lite cloth, eat incredible food or drinks, and feel irritated in scorching heat in Summer. On the other hand, one must wear woolen clothes, eat hot food, drink, and feel happy in sunlight in the winter season. In the monsoon season, people have to survive with colds and coughs. There are also various effects that may occur due to season change.

6. What is the reason behind season change?

As India is situated in the tropical part of the earth, it faces maximum season changes. Besides that, we all know that the world moves around the sun and has a tilted rotation axis. The different parts of the planet get different light and heat from the sun, which is the main reason behind season change.

7. How to write an essay on season change?

Season change is one of the favorite topics for children. So one can follow some simple steps to write a good and attractive essay about season change. First, one must write an overview of the seasons of India. After that, they may include detailed information about seasons. In the next step, one may include the case and effect on season change. At last, the student must include the conclusion. One may also add some exciting content to their essay as they want.

8. How can a student get help on writing essays easily?

Nowadays, everything can be found on the internet. Especially about the study of different topics, there are thousands of online learning websites where one can get help in any subject or topic. But choosing the best is the priority. Vedantu is one of the best learning platforms where students can get help on any topic. Not only that, but Vedantu also provides courses, study material, online classes, and thousands of blogs and videos for study. All the students of ICSE, CBSE as well as State Boards can get maximum help from Vedantu.