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Flying Together Class 5 Notes CBSE English Chapter 2 (Free PDF Download)

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Flying Together Revision Notes for Quick and Easy Preparation

Class 5 English Chapter 2 is a story about a skein of geese. They lived in a tree. A wise goose lived with them. He wanted to destroy a small creeper underneath the trunk as it will grow stronger and make way for the hunters to get on the tree. The other birds did not pay attention and the same thing happened. Eventually, they learned a new trick from the wise goose to escape the hunter’s trap. Refer to the Flying Together revision notes prepared by the subject experts to understand the context.

Find out the simpler explanation from the revision notes and learn the moral of this story. Find out how the geese escaped from the hunter’s clasps. Get the easier version of the Flying Together summary from the notes.

Class 5 English Revision Notes - Chapter-wise List

The class 5 english notes will help students prepare better for their examinations. They are prepared by experts and are in accordance with the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines.


Access Class 5 English Revision Notes Chapter 2: Flying Together

Flying Together Revision Notes

  • The story ‘Flying Together’ by Shiv Kumar is a story adapted from the Panchatantra stories which talk about a flock of geese and their narrow escape from a hunter.

  • A flock of wild geese lived deep in a forest in a very tall tree. The leafy branches of the tree made the birds feel safe. A wise old bird was also part of this flock of geese.

  • This wise bird saw a small creeper at the base of the tree. He told the other birds to destroy the creeper. One day it would grow and a hunter could come up the tree with the help of the creeper and kill all the birds.

  • The other birds did not take the wise old bird seriously. They said that the creeper was very small at that time.

  • They ignored the advice of the wise bird and the creeper grew stronger and stronger and it became as strong as a thick rope.

  • One morning while the geese had gone out in search of food, a hunter came to the forest. He planned to catch the geese when they returned in the evening.

  • The hunter climbed up the tree, reached the top of the tree and spread his net there.

  • When the geese came back unaware of the net they all got trapped in it. 

  • They tried very hard to get out of the net but they could not and then asked help from the wise old bird.

  • The wise geese told them all to pretend to be dead. Dead birds would not interest the hunter.

  • Being of no interest, when he throws away the birds all should wait till the last bird is thrown down, then they should all get up at once and fly away.

  • Next morning, the young ones executed the plan to perfection and when the last bird was thrown down, all the birds got up at once, flapped their wings and flew away. 

  • The hunter sat at the top of the tree taken aback and watched in despair as all the birds flew away.

Moral of Flying Together Class 5

  • The story ‘Flying Together’ teaches us an important lesson that we should take care of our problems while they are small and insignificant. 

  • We should never sit on our problems and allow them to grow.

  • The story also teaches us the value of wisdom and experience.

  • We should appreciate and take the advice of the experienced and learned ones.

Flying Together Class 5 New Words Meaning with Examples 





Plural form of the word ‘goose’. A kind of bird which has webbed feet.

I saw a flock of geese in my uncle’s farm.


Climber plant usually grows on its own. It needs support to grow, generally seen on a wall or on the trunk of a tree.

Cut the creepers that have grown outside the window.


The movement of something in a circular path.

Avoid the winding path to the woods.


Say something in a low voice in anger or irritation

Please stop all the muttering.


The word used to describe the up and down motion of a bird’s wing.

The little sparrow flapped its wings and tried to fly.


Showing undue or senseless concern about something.

What is all this fuss about?

Flying Together Class 5 Questions Answers

The following has Flying Together worksheet answers from the NCERT textbook.

Let’s Read

1. Where did the geese live?

Ans: A flock of wild geese lived deep in a forest in a very tall tree. The leafy branches of the tree made the birds feel safe. A wise old bird was also part of this flock of geese.

2. Why did the old bird advise the other birds to destroy the creeper?

Ans: Though the creeper was small and tender in the beginning, the old bird advised the other birds to destroy it. This is because that small creeper can grow big and strong with time. A hunter might come up the tree with the help of the creeper and kill all the birds.

3. Why did the geese cry, “Help Help”?

Ans: The geese cried “Help Help” because they were caught in the hunter’s net. They struggled very hard to come out of the net but they failed. 

4. What did the hunter do when he thought that the geese were dead?

Ans: The geese lied still and pretended to be dead. The hunter climbed up the tree and muttered as he thought that all the birds were dead. He took out the geese from the net and threw them down one by one. 

5. Why did the geese pretend to be dead?

Ans: The geese pretended to be dead following the advice from the old wise bird to save themselves from the hunter’s trap.

6. Describe one incident when you got into trouble because you did not do your work on time. 

Ans: I am very punctual with my homework, but once in grade 4, I lost track of time watching a tv show and later was too tired to complete the work. And the next day, I tried to finish it hurriedly before the teacher arrived. There were many mistakes and I was called out for them.

State whether the following statements are True or False.

1. The tree was the house of a flock of parrots. _________________

Ans: False

2. The wise old bird wanted the creeper to be destroyed. _________________

Ans: True

3. The hunter climbed the tree with the help of a ladder.  _________________

Ans: False

4. When caught in the net the foolish birds began to weep. _________________

Ans: True

5. The wise old bird helped them to escape. _____________

Ans: True

Solved Example Practice Questions

Now with the knowledge of ‘Flying Together’ Summary let us answer a few questions.

1. Why did the other geese not take the words of the wise old goose seriously when he told them to destroy the creeper?

Ans: The other geese did not take the words of the wise old goose seriously because the creeper initially was very small and tender. They did not have the wisdom to know about the threats that the creeper might pose as it grows big and strong. 

2. How did the hunter come up the tree?

Ans: The hunter came up the tree with the help of the creeper. The creeper with time had become big and strong. The hunter used the creeper like a ladder and climbed up the tree. 

3. Where were the geese when the hunter climbed up the tree?

Ans: The geese had flown away in search of food when the hunter climbed up the tree.

4. How did the hunter plan to catch the geese?

Ans: The hunter planned to spread a net on the top of the tree. When the geese would return in the evening, they would not notice the net and would get caught in it. In this way, the hunter planned to catch the geese.

5. “Don’t make a fuss now,” said the wise old bird. Why did the wise old bird say this?

Ans: The wise bird said these words to the other geese when they were trapped in the hunter's net. Despite the wise old bird’s warnings, the other birds did not destroy the creeper. As a result, they all got trapped in the net.

Importance of CBSE Class 5 English Chapter 2 Flying Together

This chapter describes a unique story of a group of geese living on a tall tree. The story explains that a wise goose lived with them. He was the most experienced among all. One day, he told to destroy a creeper emerging from the ground towards the tree.

The young ones did not pay attention to the wise geese’s wisdom. We know where did the geese live and how a creeper can grow stronger to make way for a hunter to climb a tree.

Eventually, it happened what the wise goose predicted. A hunter climbed a tree and put a net on all the geese. This is why the geese cry help help. The wise goose asked all to not panic and to concentrate on the plan he has.

Find out why did the geese pretend to be dead from the revision notes and learn how the geese managed to escape the hunter.

Benefits of Class 5 English Chapter 2 Flying Together Revision Notes

  • These notes have been designed by subject experts at Vedantu following the CBSE Class 5 standards. 

  • The explanation of the entire story is given in a simpler way. It will completely help in your preparation and revision.

  • The story has an inner message in the form of a moral. Learn what this story wants to explain from the notes. Get the context of this chapter easily and find accurate answers to all the questions in the exercise.

  • Solve the Flying Together Class 5 Notes given with the notes to test your skills. Learn how the experts have formulated the solutions. Get ideas of how to write an answer to the questions of this chapter.

Download Flying Together Revision Notes PDF

Get the free PDF version of the revision notes for this chapter. Complete your study material for this chapter and prepare it well. Use the revision notes to recall what you have studied during a revision session.


In conclusion, "Flying Together" likely refers to the concept of teamwork, collaboration, and unity. The phrase highlights the importance of individuals coming together, pooling their skills and efforts, and working in harmony to achieve common goals. In various contexts, "Flying Together" may represent the power of collective action, the strength of partnerships, and the spirit of cooperation in achieving success. The idea of "Flying Together" can apply to various aspects of life, such as team projects, community initiatives, organizational endeavors, or even global challenges. By flying together, individuals and groups can overcome obstacles, leverage each other's strengths, and create a positive impact on their surroundings.

FAQs on Flying Together Class 5 Notes CBSE English Chapter 2 (Free PDF Download)

1. Why the young geese did not destroy the creeper?

The young geese were unable to see the imminent danger of a creeper climbing up the tree trunk. They forgot the suggestion given by the wise goose.

2. What happened when the creeper got bigger?

As the stem of the creeper became stronger and bigger, it made way for the hunter to climb a tree and put a trap to catch the geese.

3. Why did all the geese pretend to be dead?

In Class 5 English Chapter 2 Flying Together, all the geese pretend to be dead so that the hunter throws them to the ground. They did this to get a chance to fly away.

4. How can "Flying Together" be applied in real-life scenarios?

"Flying Together" is applicable in various real-life scenarios, such as sports teams, community projects, work environments, and family activities. It is a powerful concept that emphasizes the strength of unity and collective efforts.

5. What challenges may arise when "Flying Together" as a team?

Challenges in teamwork may include communication issues, conflicting ideas, time management, and the need to balance individual contributions with group dynamics. Resolving these challenges requires effective leadership and open communication.