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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 12 - Pani Ki Kahani


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 12 - Pani ki Kahani PDF Download

Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 12 is a beautiful piece of literature written by Ramchandra Tiwari. This prose tells us about the formation of dewdrops and the story of water. He describes how seawater forms clouds which lead to rains and create meandering streams. These streams then unite with the river and eventually the water returns back to the sea. Hindi Class 8 Vasant Chapter 12 is a beautiful explanation of a natural phenomenon that every student will be fascinated to study. The scientific reasons are explained properly in the chapter so that the students can answer the questions accurately. To make it easier for you, Vedantu has framed the best answers to the exercise questions in the Class 8 Hindi Chapter 12 NCERT Solutions. This file can be downloaded on your computer or smartphone in PDF format. You can use it offline to study the chapter and complete your syllabus within a short period. Subjects like Science, Maths, English will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 8 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Vasant

Chapter Name:

Chapter 12 - Pani Ki Kahani

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi पाठ १६ - पानी की कहानी

1. लेखक को ओस की बूँद कहाँ मिली?

उत्तर: लेखक को बेर की झाड़ी पर ओस की बूंद मिली।

2. ओस की बूँद क्रोध और घृणा से क्यों काँप उठी?

उत्तर: पेड़ों की जड़ों में निकले रोएँ द्वारा जल की बूंदों को जबरदस्ती धरती के भूगर्भ से खींच लाना व उनको खा जाना याद करते ही बूँद क्रोध व घृणा से काँप उठी।

3. हाइड्रोजन और ऑक्सीजन को पानी ने अपना पूर्वज/पुरखा क्यों कहा?

उत्तर: जब ब्रह्मांड में पृथ्वी व उसके साथी ग्रहों का उद्गम भी नहीं हुआ था उस समय ब्रह्मांड में हाइड्रोजन व ऑक्सीजन - दो गैस, सौरमंडल में लपटों के रूप में विद्यमान थीं। ऑक्सीजन व हाइड्रोजन के बीच रासायनिक क्रिया होने से दोनों का संयोग हुआ जिससे पानी का जन्म हुआ। इस वजह से बूंद ने इन दोनों को अपना पूर्वज या पुरखा कहा है।

4. “पानी की कहानी के आधार पर पानी के जन्म और जीवन-यात्रा का वर्णन अपने शब्दों में कीजिए।

उत्तर: पानी का जन्म (हद्रजन) हाइड्रोजन व (ओषजन) ऑक्सीजन के बीच रासायनिक प्रक्रिया के द्वारा होता है। जब ब्रह्मांड में पृथ्वी व उसके साथी ग्रहों का उद्गम भी नहीं हुआ था उस समय ब्रह्मांड में हाइड्रोजन व ऑक्सीजन - दो गैस, सौरमंडल में लपटों के रूप में विद्यमान थीं। किसी उल्कापिंड के सूर्य से टकराने से सूर्य के टुकडे हो गए। उन्हीं टुकड़ों में से एक टुकड़ा पृथ्वी रूप में उत्पन्न हुआ और इसी ग्रह में ऑक्सीजन व हाइड्रोजन के बीच रासायनिक प्रक्रिया हुई और दोनों के संयोग से पानी का जन्म हुआ। सर्वप्रथम बूंद वाष्प के रूप में पृथ्वी के वातावरण में ईर्द-गिर्द घूमती रही, तत्पश्चात ठोस बर्फ के रूप में विद्यमान हो जाती है। समुद्र से होती हुई वह गर्म-धारा से मिलकर ठोस रूप को त्यागकर अंत में जल का वेश धारण कर लेती है।

5. कहानी के अंत और आरंभ के हिस्से को स्वयं पढ़कर देखिए और बताइए कि ओस की बूँद लेखक को आपबीती सुनाते हुए किसकी प्रतीक्षा कर रही थी?

उत्तर: कहानी के अंत और आरंभ के हिस्से को पढ़कर यह पता चलता है कि ओस की बूँद लेखक को आपबीती सुनाते, हुए सूर्योदय की प्रतीक्षा कर रही थी।

6. समुद्र के तट पर बसे नगरों में अधिक ठंड और अधिक गरमी क्यों नहीं पड़ती?

उत्तर: समुद्र के तट पर बसे नगरों में अधिक ठंड और अधिक गरमी नहीं पड़ती क्योंकि वहाँ के वातावरण में हमेशा नमी रहती है।

7. पेड़ के भीतर फव्वारा नहीं होता तब पेड़ की जड़ों से पत्तो तक पानी कैसे पहुँचता है? इस क्रिया को वनस्पति शास्त्र में क्या कहते हैं।

उत्तर: पेड़ के भीतर फव्वारा नहीं होता तब पेड़ की जड़ों से पत्तो तक पानी पहुँचता है क्योंकि पेड़ की जड़ों वतनों में जाइलम और फ्लोएम नामक वाहिकाएँ होती हैं जो पानी को जड़ों से पत्तियों तक पहुँचाती हैं। इस प्रक्रिया को वनस्पति शास्त्र में संवहन' (ट्रांसपाईरशन) कहते हैं।

• भाषा की बात

8. किसी भी क्रिया को पूरी करने में जो भी संज्ञा आदि शब्द संलग्न होते हैं, वे अपनी अलग-अलग भूमिकाओं के अनुसार अलग-अलग कारकों में वाक्य में दिखाई पडते हैं; जैसे-“वह हाथों से शिकार को जकड़ लेती थी।

जकड़ना क्रिया तभी संपन्न हो पाएगी जब कोई व्यक्ति (वह) जकड़नेवाला हो, कोई वस्तु शिकार) हो जिसे जकड़ा जाए। इन भूमिकाओं की प्रकृति अलग-अलग है। व्याकरण में ये भूमिकाएँ कारकों के अलग-अलग भेदों; जैसे - कर्ता, कर्म, करण आदि से स्पष्ट होती हैं।

अपनी पाठ्यपुस्तक से इस प्रकार के पाँच और उदाहरण खोजकर लिखिए और उन्हें भलीभाँति परिभाषित कीजिए।


1. आगे एक और बूंद मेरा हाथ पकड़कर ऊपर खींच रही थी।

  • पकड़कर - सबंध कारक

2. हम बड़ी तेजी से बाहर फेंक दिए गए।

  • तेज़ी से - अपादान कारक

3.  मैं प्रतिक्षण उसमें से निकल भागने की चेष्टा में लगी रहती थी।

  • मैं - कर्ता

4. वह चाकू से फल काटकर खाता है।

  •  चाकू से - करण कारक

5. बदलू लाख से चूड़ियाँ बनाता है।

  • लाख से - करण कारक

Pani Ki Kahani: Class 8 Hindi Chapter 12 Solution Summary

The writer has an excellent grip on the scientific facts behind the natural phenomena. In this chapter, he has beautifully described how seawater evaporates due to the heating effect of sunrays and form clouds. He also mentions how beautifully a dewdrop is formed on the leaves of a berry tree. He is fascinated by the fact that water vapor in the air condenses when the temperature falls to form a dewdrop on a leaf. The perfect description of these natural phenomena in Class 8th Hindi Chapter 12 is very interesting to read and study.

He has used daily incidents to complete this piece of literature so that the students can also relate to the facts easily. He describes how a dewdrop fell on his wrists and then slipped to his hand. He looked at the dewdrop and it stopped moving. He describes that the dewdrop intentionally stopped moving for some time and then started slipping to his hand. This experience is explained so well that you can visualize the same happening to you. If you follow NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 12 Pani Ki Kahani, you will be able to find out better explanations for every line and can answer the questions in the exercise. There are many other explanations in the chapter. Take the help of the solution to prepare it well.

Pani Ki Kahani Important Word-Meaning (शब्द-अर्थ)

साँसत - बड़ा कष्ट, कठिनाई में पड़ना 

वर्णनातीत - जिसका वर्णन न किया जा सके   

Benefits of Using Class 8 Hindi Ch 12 NCERT Solutions

The Hindi syllabus of a Class 8 CBSE student is quite intimidating. To complete all the chapters, you will have to start early and find the best study material to utilize your study schedule. Similarly, Ch 12 Class 8 Hindi can be perfectly prepared when you have the right solution to follow and find out the best answers to the questions. You can rest assured that these answers are to the point and follow the CBSE guidelines. Preparing this chapter using this solution as a base will be ideal. You will be able to score more in the exam.

Download the NCERT Solution of Class 8 Hindi Chapter 12 PDF file on your computer and start studying this chapter beforehand. Stay ahead of the competition in the class as you can finish preparing this chapter way before everyone. The prime benefit of using this solution is convenience. Your study schedule will become more efficient as you will not have to spend time finding the right answers. Once you are done with the study, proceed to the exercise and find the respective answers for all the questions.

Understanding the deep thoughts of the author is not easy when you do not have the right material to follow. By following the CBSE Class 8 Hindi Chapter 12 Solutions, you can revise the chapter and shorten the preparation time considerably. Your exam preparation will get an immense boost.

Other Study Material for CBSE Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 12

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Important Links for Chapter 12 Pani Ki Kahani


Class 8 Pani Ki Kahani Important Questions


Class 8 Pani Ki Kahani Revision Notes

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi (Vasant)

Book-wise Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions

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Class 11 Hindi NCERT Solutions - Book-wise Links


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Bharat Ki Khoj


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Durva


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Sanshipt Budhcharit

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi

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Other Study Materials for CBSE Class 8 Hindi


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Important Questions


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes


CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Textbook


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 12 - Pani Ki Kahani

1. How can You Use Pani Ki Kahani Class 8 NCERT Solutions Efficiently?

Once you have completed studying the chapter, you can test your understanding of the author’s thoughts by answering the questions in the exercise. What is the way to find the intelligence level of your answers? When you compare your answers with that of the NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Pani Ki Kahani, you will find out where you need to be better.

2. How can You Score Better in the Hindi Exams?

You can follow the respective solutions for the chapters provided by Vedantu’s experts. For instance, download the PDF file for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 12 Pani Ki Kahani solution and use it as a reference for studying well and scoring better in the exams.

3. How can you Make Your Answer-Writing Skills Better?

Follow the format of answers in NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Chapter 12. Practice using this solution as a base to make your answer writing skills better.

4. What is the main theme of Chapter 12 “Paani Ki Kahani” of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Chapter 12 “Paani ki Kahani” of Class 8 Hindi Vasant, is an informational piece of literature. It gives information about the origin of the water. Students will learn how clouds are formed by seawater and how rain occurs. It will give information about how water circulates in the atmosphere. The water enters the stream and unites with the river. Finally, it returns to the sea. It is a natural phenomenon, and it is appropriately explained in the chapter for a clear understanding of the students.

5. Who is the writer of Chapter 12 “Paani ki Kahani” of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Chapter 12 “Paani ki Kahani” of Class 8 Hindi Vasant, is written by Ramchandra Tiwari. He has explained how evaporation of seawater takes place due to the heating effect of the sun. Evaporation of water forms clouds. He also explains in beautiful words how dewdrops are formed on the leaves. He feels joy and happiness to see that water vapor condenses and forms dewdrops in the leaves. The writer has beautifully described the natural phenomenon of the water cycle.

6. Describe the birth and story of water in your words according to Chapter 12 “Paani ki Kahani” of Class 8 Hindi Vasant.

When the Earth and other planets were not even present in the universe, then hydrogen and oxygen were already there in the solar system. When a meteorite collided with the Sun, the Sun broke into smaller pieces. A chemical reaction took place between oxygen and hydrogen, thus giving rise to water. The first drop kept revolving around the Earth in the form of steam, and then it came down in the form of ice. After that, it melted to form water by the heat of the hot stream.

7. How many questions are there in Chapter 12 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

There are seven questions in Chapter 12 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant. Students can find solutions to all NCERT questions free of cost on the Vedantu website and the Vedantu app. Students can prepare for their exams from the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 12 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant online. All solutions are given simple language for quick and easy understanding of the students. Expert teachers prepare all solutions to help students understand the concepts and obtain high marks in their exams.

8. Why are hydrogen and oxygen called the ancestors of water, according to Chapter 12 “Paani Ki Kahani” of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Hydrogen and oxygen were the two gases present in the universe even when the earth and other planets were not present. Water is formed due to a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen are two gases that combine to form water. Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen combine and form water. Therefore, hydrogen and oxygen have been called the ancestors of water.