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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan PDF Download

Hindi is considered to be one of the easiest subjects by most students. However, students still end up making a lot of mistakes while taking their Hindi exams. This shows that most students tend to underestimate this subject as it’s the mother tongue of the major population of India.

If a student wants to score better marks, then he or she should not underestimate this subject. Hindi is a subject that demands students to put in a lot of effort and hard work. Ideally, a student should start going through the stories and Hindi grammar section months before exams.

Subjects like Science, Maths, English, Hindi will become easy to study if you have access to NCERT Solution for Class 8 Science, Maths solutions and solutions of other subjects. You can also download NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Maths to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Vasant

Chapter Name:

Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi वसंत-Chapter 1 लाख की चूड़ियाँ

प्रश्न:1 बचपन में लेखक अपने मामा के गाँव चाव से क्यों जाता था और बदलू को ‘बदलू मामा’ न कहकर ‘बदलू काका’ क्यों कहता था?

उत्तर: गांव में लाख की चूड़ियाँ बनाने वाला कारीगर बदलू रहता था जो रंग-बिरंगी चूड़ियाँ बनाता था जिसके कारण लेखक बचपन में अपने मामा के गांव जाया करता था। लेखक बदलू काका से बेहद प्यार करता था उनके गांव के लोग उनको "बदलू काका" कहकर बुलाया करते थे इसलिए लेखक भी बदलू काका कहकर बुलाने लगा । वह लेखक को बहुत सारी लाख की गोलियां दिया करता था इसलिए लेखक अपने मामा के यहाँ बहुत ख़ुशी-ख़ुशी जाया करता था।  

प्रश्न:2 वस्तु-विनिमय क्या है? विनिमय की प्रचलित पद्धति क्या है?

उत्तर: जब किसी एक वस्तु या सेवा के बदले दूसरी वस्तु या सेवा का लेन-देन होता है तो इसे वस्तु विनिमय कहते हैं। जैसे एक गाय लेकर 10 बकरियाँ देना।  मुद्रा के प्रादुर्भाव के पहले सारा लेन-देन (विनिमय) वस्तु-विनिमय के रूप में ही होता था। विनिमय की प्रचलित पद्धति धन है। 

प्रश्न:3 मशीनी युग’ ने कितने हाथ काट दिए हैं।’ – इस पंक्ति में लेखक ने किस व्यथा की ओर संकेत किया है?

उत्तर: "मशीनी युग’ ने कितने हाथ काट दिए हैं।" इस पंक्ति में लेखक ने कारीगरों की दुःखद व्यथा की ओर संकेत किया है इस पंक्ति से लेखक का यह तात्पर्य है की मशीनों के आने से कारीगरों के हाथ काटने के साथ-साथ उनके पेट पर भी लात मारी गयी है। कारीगरों का घर उनकी मेहनत-मजदूरी से ही चलता था। इसके अलावा उनके पास और कोई हुनर नहीं होता जिससे वह अपना घर चला सकें। वह अपने आने वाली पीढ़ी को भी मजदूरी करना ही सिखाते है लेकिन मशीनों के आने से इनकी रोजी रोटी छीन गई  है जिसके कारण वह बेरोजगार है। 

प्रश्न:4 बदलू के मन में ऐसी कौन-सी व्यथा थी, जो लेखक से छिपी न रह सकी?

उत्तर: बदलू लाख की चूड़ियाँ बना कर उनको बेच कर ही अपना घर चलाता था। लेकिन जैसे ही मशीनों ने प्रवेश किया लोगो ने कांच की चूड़ियों को ज्यादा पसंद किया जिसके कारण बदलू का काम ठप्प हो गय। अपने व्यवसाय की यह दुर्दशा देख बदलू मन ही मन उदास होने लग। बदलू यह सोचने लगा की मशीनों का प्रयोग ज्यादा होने से उसके जैसे कई और कारीगरों को अपने रोजगार से हाथ धोना पड़ा होगा।  अब लोग कारीगरों की बनाई चीजों से ज्यादा मशीनों से बनी चीजें ज्यादा पसंद करते है। यही वह व्यथा है जो लेखक से छिपी न रह सकी। 

प्रश्न:5 मशीनी युग से बदलू के जीवन में क्या बदलाव आया?

उत्तर: बदलू के जीवन में मशीनों के आगमन से यह बदलाव आया की वह अब बेरोजगार हो चूका है उसका घर चलाना बेहद मुश्किल हो गया है। काम न करने से उसका शरीर भी समय से पहले बूढ़ा दिखने लगा है वह बीमार भी रहने लगा है।  

प्रश्न:6 लाख की वस्तुओं का निर्माण भारत के किन-किन राज्यों में होता है? लाख से चूड़ियों के अतिरिक्त क्या-क्या चीज़ें बनती है? ज्ञात कीजिए।

उत्तर: लाख की वस्तुओँ का निर्माण राजस्थान, मध्य प्रदेश, आंध्र प्रदेश, उत्तर प्रदेश व गुजरात में होता है। लाख से चूड़ियों के अतिरिक्त कई प्रकार के आभूषण, खिलौने व साज-सजावट का सामान बनाया जाता है।

भाषा की बात

प्रश्न: 7 बदलू को किसी बात से चिढ़ थी तो काँच की चूडि़यों से’ और बदलू स्वयं कहता है -” जो सुंदरता काँच की चूडि़यों में होती है लाख में कहाँ संभव है? ”ये पंक्तियाँ बदलू की दो प्रकार की मनोदशाओं को सामने लाती हैं। दूसरी पंक्ति में उसके मन की पीड़ा है। उसमें व्यंग्य भी है। हारे हुए मन से, या दुखी मन से अथवा व्यंग्य में बोले गए वाक्यों के अर्थ सामान्य नहीं होते। कुछ व्यंग्य वाक्यों को ध्यानपूर्वक समझकर एकत्र कीजिए और उनके भीतरी अर्थ की व्याख्या करके लिखिए।

उत्तर: व्यंग्य वाक्य - “अब वो पहले वाली बात कहाँ ?” 

व्याख्या - आज कल किसी के भी मुँह से यह सुनने को मिलता है की अब वो पहले वाली बात कहाँ ? यानि की किसी भी चीज में चाहे वह खाना हो या फिर लोग। सभी यही कहते है की अब वह पहले वाली बात कहाँ ? 

प्रश्न: 8 बदलू’ कहानी की दृष्टि से पात्र है और भाषा की बात (व्याकरण) की दृष्टि से संज्ञा है। किसी भी व्यक्ति, स्थान, वस्तु, विचार अथवा भाव को संज्ञा कहते हैं। संज्ञा को तीन भेदों में बाँटा गया है –

(क) व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा, जैसे – लला, रज्जो, आम, काँच, गाय इत्यादि

(ख) जातिवाचक संज्ञा, जैसे – चरित्र, स्वभाव, वजन, आकार आदि द्वारा जानी जाने वाली संज्ञा।

(ग) भाववाचक संज्ञा, जैसे – सुंदरता, नाजुक, प्रसन्नता इत्यादि जिसमें कोई व्यक्ति नहीं है और न आकार या वजन। परंतु उसका अनुभव होता है। पाठ से तीनों प्रकार की संज्ञाएँ चुनकर लिखिए।

उत्तर: (क) व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा – बदलू, जनार्दन, रज्जो। 

(ख) जातिवाचक संज्ञा – आदमी, मकान ,शहर।

(ग) भाववाचक संज्ञा – स्वाभाव,व्यथा ,रूचि।

प्रश्न: 9 गाँव की बोली में कई शब्दों के उच्चारण बदल जाते हैं। कहानी में बदलू वक्त (समय) को बखत, उम्र (वय/आयु) को उमर कहता है। इस तरह के अन्य शब्दों को खोजिए जिनके रूप में परिवर्तन हुआ हो, अर्थ में नहीं।

उत्तर: सकूल - स्कुल

एतवार - इतवार

बलब - बल्ब

गिलास - ग्लास

Download NCERT Solution of Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan

If a student wants to clear lakh ki chudiyan Class 8 Hindi Vasant Ch 1 concepts thoroughly,  then he or she must first begin with reading. Reading is a crucial part of any language, and this tip also holds true when it comes to the subject of Hindi in CBSE.

Once the student is done with reading, then the next step is to solve the questions. There are many questions within the exercise section at the end of the chapter. Students must solve these questions while attempting to come up with an explanation.

But what if a student is stuck? What if you just can’t think of the correct solution? In that case, the best thing would be for the student to download the PDF file containing Ncert Solutions Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1. This pdf file for the Chapter 1 Vasant given below is easy to download and will allow the student to get rid of doubts.

About Class 8 Hindi Lakh Ki Chudiyan

This chapter showcases a touching story that was written by Kamtanath, who was an Indian author. This story brings up many issues and important topics that are valid even to the current day.

Hence, it is suggested that while reading the story, students must pay attention to the relationship between the characters, the socio-economic attributes that are brought up, and any major incident that one believes is of value.

The NCERT Solutions for class 8 Hindi Chapter 1 Lakh Ki Chudiyan is included in the Hindi Vasant Textbook and narrates the story of Badlu, who used to make lakhs of glass bangles and sold them to make a living. It says how once these glass bangles were a thing of joy to many people and the sellers like Badlu depended on them to earn their livelihood. But later the machines took over and thus, it became difficult for him to sell his glass bangles. The chapter focus on the various socio-economic challenges that are faced by the world today. It also discusses the difficulties faced by the economically backward classes due to all the scientific developments and technologies which has hampered the earnings of these poor people.

Benefits of NCERT Solution for Class 8 Hindi Lakh ki Chudiyan

There are many benefits that a student can experience if he or she goes through the file titled NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1. We have prepared a list of all those benefits. And that list is mentioned below.

  • At Vedantu, we have gone to great lengths to make learning more fun for students. This means that student like solving questions instead of finding it a chore

  • All questions have been answered by talented and experienced educators

  • Every question comes with an explanation. This explanation answers any possible doubt that the student might have about the solution

  • All questions are divided according to marks weightage and type of concept

  • The focus at Vedantu is not to complete the syllabus as soon as possible but to provide students with material for learning that helps them grow and think

If you also wish to avail all of these benefits, then all you need to do is to download the Vedantu app from AppStore.

Other Study Material for CBSE Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 1

S. No

Important Links for Chapter 1 Lakh Ki Chudiyan


Class 8 Lakh Ki Chudiyan Important Questions


Class 8 Lakh Ki Chudiyan Revision Notes


Vedantu's solutions for Class 8 Hindi lakh ki chudiyan are designed to make tricky concepts easy to understand. They use simple language tailored for Class 8 students, helping them build a solid understanding of Hindi. The step-by-step approach ensures effective learning, covering both short and long-answer-type questions. To prepare for exams, students are encouraged to practice a variety of questions from NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1, including those in the book's exercise section. Vedantu is dedicated to providing quality education, evident in solutions that align with the NCERT curriculum and cater to diverse learning needs.

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi (Vasant)

Book-wise Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions

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Class 11 Hindi NCERT Solutions - Book-wise Links


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Bharat Ki Khoj


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Durva


Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions for Sanshipt Budhcharit

Important Related Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi

S. No

Other Study Materials for CBSE Class 8 Hindi


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Important Questions


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Revision Notes


CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Textbook


CBSE Class 8 Hindi Syllabus

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 1 - Lakh Ki Chudiyan

1. Can I download the solutions of chapter 1 Hindi vasant for free?

Yes, you can download the solutions of all Hindi vasant chapters for free from the Vedantu. Just go to the website and download the pdf of Hindi Vasant Chapter 1 or download the app and start learning.

2. I’m not good at remembering stories. What should I focus on to score the best possible marks?

There are some students who face issues in learning the entire plot of the story. This is not a cause for concern. You can simply remember the summary of the story and the main themes that were discussed. You should also make notes about the character sketch.

3. Do I need to solve all the exercise questions to score good marks?

Yes, it is always recommended that students should solve all the exercise questions if they want to score good marks.

4. What is to be learnt in Chapter 1 of Class 8 Hindi textbook Vasant?

Chapter 1 of Class 8 Hindi is Lakh ki Chudiyan. This is an interesting chapter and also easy to understand. One can read slowly to understand the concept of the chapter. While reading the chapters, focus on the difficult words and the sentences, and analyse in what context they are used. Once you analyze, it becomes easy for you to use those words while answering. This is the best way to learn the chapter in an easier way.

5. What is the concept of the Chapter Lakh ki chudiyan?

The story of Lakh ki Chudiyan means the bangles made of Lakh tells us the sorrow as there is an end to the village industry. These bangles were very much part of the village industry where the villagers used to make these bangles and sell them. Due to the development of industrialization almost all such industries have ended. We can conclude that we have lost a unique relationship with many such villages. This story is about cultural loss due to economical reasons.

6. What is the easy method of learning the answers from the Chapter 1 of Class 8 Hindi textbook Vasant?

The best way to learn the answers is to understand them and try to write in your sentence. You can compare your answers with NCERT Solutions of Chapter 1 of Class 8 Hindi to know how far you have written correctly and what mistakes you are making. Once you come to know about your mistakes, it is easier for you to write the answers in a better way. Always remember, practice makes you perfect.

7. What topics to be focussed on while learning the Chapter 1 of Class 8 Hindi textbook Vasant? 

The topics which can be focussed in the chapters are the question and answers, meaning and the grammar section. If you are thorough with the English grammar, Hindi grammar becomes easy. Make notes for the word meanings and phrases which are difficult to understand, and also note down the grammar. Understand and revise every day. This will help you to remember. 

8. Why was the poet interested to go along with his uncle to his village?

The poet was interested to go to the village along with his uncle because there was a person called Badlu who was making bangles of lakh(colourful beads). He used to give the poet many colour beads to play with. This was his main attraction to go to the village along with his uncle. He used to call Badlu, as  Badlu kaka(means uncle). You can find the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi textbook Vasant from Vedantu's website and also from the Vedantu app free of cost.