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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13 - Jaha Pahiya Hai

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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 13 - Jaha Pahiya hai PDF Download

The Class 8 Hindi Ch 13 NCERT Solutions are important study materials that will help the students to secure better marks in the exam. Proficient social science teachers prepare the Class 8 Hindi Ch 13 NCERT Solutions. The NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Jaha Pahiya Hain comprises precise and comprehensive answers to all the textbook questions of this chapter. Also, these NCERT Solutions are available for free download on Vedantu. So, download the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13 PDF from Vedantu and refer to them for effective exam preparation. Maths Students who are looking for better solutions, they can download Class 8 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. Science Students who are looking for NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science will also find the Solutions curated by our Master Teachers really Helpful.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Vasant

Chapter Name:

Chapter 13 - Jaha Pahiya Hai

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi पाठ १३ - जहाँ पहिया है

1. "..उन जंजीरों को तोड़ने का जिनमें वे जकड़े हुए हैं, कोई-न-कोई तरीका लोग निकाल ही लेते हैं।"

आपके विचार से लेखक ‘जंजीरों’ द्वारा किन समस्याओं की ओर इशारा कर रहा है।

उत्तर: लेखक ‘जंजीरों’ द्वारा रूढ़िवादी प्रथाओं को चिन्हित कर रहा है।

2. क्या आप लेखक की इस बात से सहमत हैं? अपने उत्तर का कारण भी बताइए।

उत्तर: ‘...उन जंजीरों को तोड़ने का जिनमें वे जकड़े हुए हैं, कोई-न-कोई तरीका लोग निकाल ही लेते है..’ लेखक के इस कथन से हम सहमत हैं क्योंकि मनुष्य अपने स्वभाव के अनुसार अधिक समय तक बंधनों में बंधकर नहीं रह सकता हैं। समाज के द्वारा बनाई गई रूढिया और रूढ़िवादी प्रथाएँ अपनी सीमाओं को लाँघने लगे तो समाज में इसके विरूद्ध एक क्रांति अवश्य जन्म लेती है, जो इन रूढ़ियों के बंधनों को तोड़ डालती है। ठीक वैसे ही तमिलनाडु के पुडुकोट्टई गाँव में हुआ है। महिलाओं ने अपनी स्वाधीनता व आज़ादी के लिए साइकिल चलाना प्रारंभ किया और वह आत्मनिर्भर हो गई।

3. 'साइकिल आंदोलन से पुडुकोट्टई की महिलाओं के जीवन में कौन-कौन से बदलाव आए हैं।

उत्तर: ‘साइकिल आंदोलन' से पुडुकोट्टई की महिलाओं के जीवन में निम्नलिखित बदलाव आए:

  • महिलाएँ अपनी स्वाधीनता व आज़ादी के प्रति जागरूक हुई।

  • कृषि उत्पादों को निकट के गाँवों में बेचकर उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति सुधरी और इस कारण वे आत्मनिर्भर हो गई।

  • समय और मेहनत की बचत हुई।

  • स्वयं के लिए आत्मसम्मान की भावना का जन्म हुआ।

4. शुरूआत में पुरुषों ने इस आंदोलन का विरोध किया परंतु आर. साइकिल्स के मालिक ने इसका समर्थन किया, क्यों?

उत्तर: शुरूआत में पुरुषों ने इस आंदोलन का विरोध किया क्योंकि उन्हें डर था इससे नारी समाज में प्रगति आ जाएगी। आर. साइकिल्स के मालिक गाँव के एकमात्र लेडीज साइकिल के डीलर थे, इस आंदोलन से उसकी आय में वृद्धि होना स्वभाविक था। इसलिए उन्होंने स्वार्थवश आंदोलन का समर्थन किया।

5. प्रारंभ में इस आंदोलन को चलाने में कौन-कौन सी बाधा आई?

उत्तर: फातिमा ने जब इस आंदोलन की शुरूआत की तो उसको बड़ी कठिनाइयों से निपटना पड़ा। उसे लोगों की फब्तियाँ (गंदी टिप्पणियाँ) सुननी पड़ी। फातिमा मुस्लिम परिवार की थी, जो बहुत ही रूढ़िवादी थे। उन्होंने उसके उत्साह को खत्म करने का प्रयास किया। पुरुषों ने भी इस आंदोलन का बहुत विरोध किया। दूसरी कठिनाई यह थी कि लेडीज साइकिल वहाँ पर्याप्त संख्या में उपलब्ध नहीं थी।

6. आपके विचार से लेखक ने इस पाठ का नाम ‘जहाँ पहिया है’ क्यों रखा होगा?

उत्तर: तमिलनाडु के रूढ़िवादी पुडुकोट्टई गाँव में महिलाओं का पुरुषों के विरूद्ध खड़े होकर ‘साइकिल को अपनी प्रगति के लिए चुनना एक बहुत बड़ा कदम था। पहिए को गतिशीलता का प्रतीक माना जाता है और इस साइकिल आंदोलन से महिलाओं की ज़िंदगी भी गतिशील हो गई। लेखक ने इस पाठ का नाम ‘जहाँ पहिया है’ तमिलनाडु के पुडुकोट्टई गाँव के साइकिल आंदोलन के कारण ही रखा होगा।

7. अपने मन से इस पाठ का कोई दूसरा शीर्षक सुझाइए। अपने दिए हुए शीर्षक के पक्ष में तर्क दीजिए।

उत्तर: ‘साइकिल करेंगी महिलाओं को आत्मनिर्भर' भी इस पाठ के लिए उपयुक्त नाम हो सकता है क्योंकि साइकिल आंदोलन से महिलाएँ अपनी स्वाधीनता व आज़ादी के प्रति जागरूक हुई। कृषि उत्पादों को निकटवर्ती गाँवों में बेचकर उनकी आर्थिक स्थिति सुधरी और इस तरह वे आत्मनिर्भर हो गई। इस कारण से यह शीर्षक भी उपयुक्त है।

8. साइकिल चलाने से फातिमा और पुडुकोट्टई की महिलाओं को आज़ादी का अनुभव क्यों होता होगा?

उत्तर: फातिमा के गाँव में पुरानी रूढ़िवादी परम्पराएँ थीं। वहाँ औरतों का साइकिल चलाना सही नहीं माना जाता था। इन रुढियों के बंधनों को तोड़कर स्वयं को पुरुषों की बराबरी का पद देकर फातिमा और पुडुकोट्टई की महिलाओं को आज़ादी का अनुभव होता होगा।

भाषा की बात

9. उपसर्गों और प्रत्ययों के बारे में आप जान चुके हैं। इस पाठ में आए उपसर्गयुक्त शब्दों को छाँटिए। उनके मूल शब्द भी लिखिए। आपकी सहायता के लिए इस पाठ में प्रयुक्त कुछ उपसर्ग और प्रत्यय इस प्रकार है - अभि, प्र, अनु, परि, वि(उपसर्ग), इक, वाला, ता, ना।

उत्तर:  उपसर्ग

  • अभि - अभिमान

  • प्र - प्रयल

  • अनु - अनुसरण

  • परि - परिपक

  • वि - विशेष


  • इक - धार्मिक (धर्म + इक)

  • वाला - किस्मतवाला (किस्मत + वाला)

  • ता - सजीवता (सजीव + ता)

  • ना - चढ़ना (चढ़ + ना)

  • नव - नवसाक्षर (नव + साक्षर)

  • ता - गतिशीलता (गतिशील + ता)

NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13 - Free PDF Download

The Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 13 Jaha Pahiya Hai will provide you with the basic idea about the chapter. The answers provided in the solutions are as per the CBSE guidelines. These NCERT Solutions will assist you in learning the chapter thoroughly. Students can study the NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13 and incorporate the writing patterns in their answers during the exams. They can refer to these NCERT Solutions online, and also, download them for studying offline. The NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13 PDF can be accessed easily and students do not have to pay any charges to download these NCERT Solutions.

NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13

Going through the Chapter 13 Jaha Pahiya Hai Class 8 NCERT Solutions will help you understand the chapter precisely. Every question from the chapter is solved in these NCERT Solutions.

P. Sainath is the author of the chapter Jaha Pahiya Hai. Here the author talks about the empowerment of women sharing equivalent rights as compared to men. In the chapter, the author addresses a small district from Tamil Nadu named Pudukkottai, where every woman is seen riding a bicycle as a symbol of the freedom movement. The cycling movement helped the women of Pudukkottai to come out from their homes and society to become self-sufficient, self-reliant, and also, to have the freedom to work on their own. In this chapter, the author shows the social transformation and evolution taking place in the district of Tamil Nadu.

In Class 8 Hindi Ch 13 NCERT Solutions, students will get to learn the explanation for every paragraph of the chapter that will help them to score good marks in the exam.

Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 13 Jaha Pahiya Hai - Weightage

The Class 8th Hindi Chapter 13 is an essential part of the Class 8 Hindi syllabus. You can expect questions carrying 2 to 4 marks from this chapter. Also, the NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Jaha Pahiya Hai PDF covers are very beneficial for self-study, as students can address their doubts from the chapter in these Solutions without any delay.

Benefits of Hindi Class 8 Vasant Chapter 13

Here are some of the benefits of studying the CBSE Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13 Solutions.

  • Experienced social studies teachers prepare these solutions to help the students understand the chapter easily.

  • The questions and answers of the chapter are accurate and precise.

  • The NCERT Solutions cover detailed explanations for the chapter. Studying this PDF will help students to get a clear idea to answer every type of question from this chapter in the exam.

  • The Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13 NCERT Solutions are easily accessible and free to download.

  • All the answers provided in the PDF are according to the CBSE guidelines.

  • All essential questions from the chapter are covered in NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 Class 8 Hindi. Therefore, students will not have any difficulty addressing their doubts.

Therefore, the Hindi Class 8 Vasant Chapter 13 NCERT Solutions will help the students in understanding the chapter thoroughly.

NCERT Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapterwise Solutions

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 13 - Jaha Pahiya Hai

1. How Does P. Sainath Describe that the Cycling Movement Brought Changes Beyond Economic Profits?

P. Sainath witnessed how tens of thousands of women in the Pudukkottai district of Tamil Nadu started to learn cycling. Headed by the Arivoli activists, N. The Kannammal "cycling" movement became a social consensus. Once the campaign became a prominent force, every woman in Pudukkottai volunteered to learn cycling. These boosted women's family income. Women did not have to waste their time waiting for buses and it gave them more time to focus on selling their products. It also helps them to travel to the area they prefer, and it can also extend their leisure time. Therefore, Sainath says that the bicycle has become a metaphor for liberation for these women in Tamil Nadu.

2. How did Women of Pudukkottai React to the Shortage of Ladies' Bicycles?

When the Cycling Movement became a prominent force, every woman in Pudukkottai volunteered to learn cycling. This led to a scarcity of ladies' cycles. However, the ladies did not hesitate. They proposed buying gents' bicycles and learning how to cycle. Later, many women preferred the gents' cycle because it had an additional metal rod extending from the seat to the handle, and that helped them to go out with their child. Even today there are thousands of women in Pudukkottai who still ride the gents' bicycles.

3. In the beginning of Chapter 13 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant, men opposed the movement but the owner of the cycles supported it. Why was it so?

In the beginning, men opposed this movement because they thought it would bring awareness to women’s society. They thought that women would start opposing men and they would become independent. The owner of the cycles supported the movement because he was the only owner of the ladies' cycle in the village. This movement will help to grow his business. So, to earn more money, he supported the movement.

4. What difficulties were faced in starting the movement in the beginning of Chapter 13 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Fatima had to face many difficulties at the beginning of the movement. People started giving bad comments to her. Fatima belonged to a Muslim family, and her family was very conservative. People wanted to break her confidence and enthusiasm. Men were also not in favor of this movement. Another difficulty faced by her was that there were not enough ladies' cycles available in the village. However, Fatima did not lose heart and made this movement a great success.

5. Why did Fatima and the women of Pudukottai feel freedom by riding a cycle in Chapter 13 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

People in the village of Fatima were very orthodox. They did not consider it suitable and appropriate for women to ride a bicycle. Fatima and women of Pudukottai felt freedom by breaking the stereotypes and getting an equal status to men. Women felt that they could become independent by riding a cycle, and this increased their confidence. Earlier, men were not in favor of women cycling. They strongly opposed the movement, but Fatima and other women worked hard and made the movement successful.

6. Why has the writer named Chapter 13 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant as “Jahan Pahiya Hai”?

In Tamil Nadu’s Pudukkottai village, people were very orthodox. It was a significant change for women to start cycling their progress after standing up against men. The wheel signifies mobility and the cycling movement brought several changes in the lives of women. The writer has named the lesson “Jahan Pahiya Hai '' because the cycling movement of Pudukkottai village in Tamil Nadu was revolutionary. 

7. How many questions are there in Chapter 13 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

There are eight questions in Chapter 13 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant. Students can find answers to all NCERT textbook questions free of cost on the Vedantu website and the Vedantu app. NCERT Solutions for Chapter 13 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant can help students to solve all questions easily. All solutions are given in simple and easy language to score high marks in their Hindi exams. Students can download the NCERT Solutions to revise and prepare for their exams.