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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 11 - Surdas Ke Pad


NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 - Surdas Ke Pad PDF Download

NCERT books and solutions have always given the best and most knowledgeable tools to the children and have made their reading and learning much more enjoyable. There are many chapters and sections of the various subjects of the NCERT books, which build a good foundation for the children. The NCERT solutions have resulted as the best options for the children of various classes and their multiple subjects such as Hindi, English, Science, etc. A beautiful example of superb dictation of the NCERT book is the Hindi Class 8 Chapter 11. This chapter's name is 'Surdas Ke Pad,' and it inspires the children in a lot of different and unique ways. You can learn this chapter in a better way with the help of the NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11- Surdas Ke Pad.


NCERT Solutions For Class 8


Class 8 Hindi Vasant

Chapter Name:

Chapter 11 - Surdas Ke Pad

Content Type:

Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

Chapter Wise

Other Materials

  • Important Questions

  • Revision Notes

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Access NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 11- सूरदास के पद

1. बालक श्रीकृष्ण किस लोभ के कारण दूध पीने के लिए तैयार हुए?

उत्तर: श्रीकृष्ण अपनी चोटी बलराम जी की चोटी की तरह करना चाहते थे जो की मोटी और बड़ी थी इसी कारण जब माता यशोदा ने उन्हें बताया की दूध पीने से उनकी चोटी बलराम भैया की तरह हो जाएगी तो लोभ में आकर वे दूध पीने के लिए तैयार हुए।

2. श्रीकृष्ण अपनी चोटी के विषय में क्या-क्या सोच रहे थे?

उत्तर: श्रीकृष्ण सोच रहे थे कि जब उनकी चोटी भी बलराम भैया की चोटी की तरह लम्बी और मोटी हो जाएगी फिर वह नागिन जैसे लहराएगी।

3. दूध की तुलना में श्रीकृष्ण कौन-से खाद्य पदार्थ को अधिक पसंद करते हैं?

उत्तर: श्रीकृष्ण माखन-रोटी दूध की तुलना में अधिक पसंद करते हैं।

4. ‘तैं ही पूत अनोखी जायौ’ – पंक्तियों में ग्वालन के मन के कौन-से भाव मुखरित हो रहे हैं?

उत्तर: ‘तैं ही पूत अनोखी जायौ’ – पंक्तियों में ग्वालन के मन में कृष्ण पर क्रोध क्योंकि वे उनका माखन चुरा लेते हैं व यशोदा के लिए कृष्ण जैसा पुत्र पाने पर ईर्ष्या की भावना मुखरित हो रहे हैं। इसलिए वह यशोदा माता को उलाहना दे रही हैं।

5. मक्खन चुराते और खाते समय श्रीकृष्ण थोड़ा-सा मक्खन बिखरा क्यों देते हैं?

उत्तर: श्रीकृष्ण माखन ऊँचे टंगे होने के कारण ऊखल पर चढ़कर उतारते हैं जिसके कारण माखन गिर जाता हैं तथा चुराते समय वे आधा माखन खुद खाते हैं व आधा अपने सखाओं को खिलाते हैं, जिसके कारण माखन जगह-जगह बिखर जाता है।

6. दोनों पदों में से आपको कौन-सा पद अधिक अच्छा लगा और क्यों?

उत्तर: दोनों पदों में प्रथम पद सबसे अच्छा लगता है। क्योंकि यहाँ श्रीकृष्ण का बाल स्वभाव बड़ा ही मनमोहक है।दूध पीने में आनाकनी करने के कारण एक दिन माता यशोदा ने श्रीकृष्ण को प्रलोभन दिया कि कान्हा ! तू नित्य कच्चा दूध पिया कर, इससे तेरी चोटी दाऊ (बलराम) जैसी मोटी व लंबी हो जाएगी। मैया के कहने पर कान्हा दूध पीने लगते है परंतु जब अधिक समय बीतने पर भी उनकी चोटी लम्बी नही होती तो वे बालपन में मैया से अनुनय-विनय करते हैं कि तुम्हारे कहने पर मैंने दूध पिया पर फिर भी मेरी चोटी नहीं बढ़ रही। उनकी माता से उनकी नाराज़गी व्यक्त करना, दूध न पीने का हट करना, बलराम भैया की तरह चोटी पाने का हट करना बड़ा ही आनंदनीये लगता है।

7. दूसरे पद को पढ़कर बताइए कि आपके अनुसार उस समय श्रीकृष्ण की उम्र क्या रही होगी?

उत्तर: दूसरे पद को पढ़कर लगता है कि उस समय श्रीकृष्ण की उम्र चार से सात साल रही होगी तभी सावधानी बरतने पर भी उनके छोटे-छोटे हाथों से माखन बिखर जाता था।

भाषा की बात

1. श्रीकृष्ण गोपियों का माखन चुरा-चुराकर खाते थे इसलिए उन्हें माखन चुरानेवाला भी कहा गया है। इसके लिए एक शब्द दीजिए।

उत्तर: माखन चुरानेवाला – माखनचोर

2. श्रीकृष्ण के लिए पाँच पर्यायवाची शब्द लिखिए।

उत्तर: श्रीकृष्ण के पर्यायवाची शब्द – गिरधर, गोपाल, माखनचोर, वंशीधर, कान्हा।

3. कुछ शब्द परस्पर मिलते-जुलते अर्थवाले होते हैं, उन्हें पर्यायवाची कहते हैं। और कुछ विपरीत अर्थवाले भी। समानार्थी शब्द पर्यायवाची कहे जाते हैं और विपरीतार्थक शब्द विलोम, जैसे –

पर्यायवाची : चंद्रमा-शशि, इंदु, राका मधुकर-भ्रमर, भौंरा, मधुप सूर्य-रवि, भानु, दिनकर

विपरीतार्थक : दिन-रात,श्वेत-श्याम,शीत-उष्ण

पाठों से दोनों प्रकार के शब्दों को खोजकर लिखिए।

उत्तर: पर्यायवाची शब्द:

बेनी – चोटी

मैया – जननी, माँ, माता

दूध – दुग्ध, पय, गोरस

काढ़त – गुहत

बलराम – दाऊ, हलधर

ढोटा – सुत, पुत्र, बेटा

विपरीतार्थक शब्द:

लम्बी – छोटी

स्याम – श्वेत

संग्रह – विग्रह

विज्ञ – अज्ञ

रात – दिन

प्रकट – ओझल

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11 Surdas Ke Pad

The NCERT Class 8 Chapter 11 of the Hindi Vasant textbook explains the pure and trustworthy relationship between a mother and child and tells us about the bond's intensity between the two. There are two pads or short poems in this chapter which appropriately describes the beauty of their relationship and how a mother does everything that it takes to keep her child happy.

This chapter is included in the Hindi book to make the children realize the efforts that a mother takes to make their child happy and fulfill all her child's wishes. The poem 'Surdas ke Pad' presents a small yet beautiful account of Lord Krishna's childhood. This poem is written by Surdas, who was a prolific poet and a devotee of Lord Krishna.

In the first stanza, the poet clarifies that Yasoda, Krishna's mother Yasoda, used to lure him by telling him that his hair length would increase if he drinks milk regularly. Krishna observes that although he drinks milk regularly, his hair's length is more or less growing at the same rate. Out of curiosity, he asks his mother, "mother, you always told me to drink milk regularly to increase my hair length, but although I am doing that regularly, it is not growing. Why is that so?" He further asks, "You also said my hair would be long like that of my brother, but why is it now growing well?". He then goes on to say, "Mother you lure me to drinking raw milk, by exploiting my fondness towards long hair and you don't give me butter and Rotis which I want to eat,"

The second stanza tells about the nature of Krishna to takeaway butter of other milk women in the village, with the help of his friends. The milkwoman comes yelling at Yasoda's home, saying that Krishna had consumed all her Butter. She also added that Krishna had also shared some of the butter with his friends and spread some over her house. And due to Krishna, she is facing a shortage of milk and Butter. "Can't you control the child you have given birth to?" the milkwoman asked in frustration. The poem ends here.

Other Study Material for CBSE Class 8 Hindi Vasant Chapter 11

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Important Links for Chapter 11 Surdas Ke Pad


Class 8 Surdas Ke Pad Important Questions


Class 8 Surdas Ke Pad Revision Notes

Chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi (Vasant)

Book-wise Links for CBSE Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 11 - Surdas Ke Pad

1. Where can I clear my doubts regarding NCERT Hindi Class 8 Vasant Chapter 11 ?

At first, you have to go through the topics thoroughly, then follow your class notes. If you are not getting enough information regarding the case, you can go to the Vedantu website. We have provided the solutions of NCERT Hindi Class 8 Vasant Chapter 11. I hope it will help you clear your doubts. If you have any more queries, then you can join Vedantu. We provide live classes for each subject. We can assure you that our expert teachers will clarify all your doubts.

2. Where can I find NCERT Hindi Class 8 practice questions?

Well, you can find many questions in your NCERT textbook after each chapter's end. But it sometimes happens when a new item comes in the exam. So a student should make practice of each question to score well in the exam. Vedantu is an excellent option to find plenty of problems with their answer explained in the best manner. We also provide a mock test facility before the exam and provide students the opportunity to evaluate themselves before the real test.

3. Why did Shri Krishna get ready to drink milk?

Mother Yashoda told Shri Krishna that if he drinks milk, his choti will also become like that of Balaram Bhaiya. Shri Krishna wanted to make his choti thick and big like his elder brother Balaram. Due to this reason, Shri Krishna also agreed to drink milk. Students can read the NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant textbook questions to understand the meaning of the small poems written by Surdas. 

4. Why does Shri Krishna spread some butter while stealing and eating?

Shri Krishna was a small child, and the utensil was kept very high. It was difficult for Shri Krishna to reach the utensil that contained butter. Therefore, it was difficult for Shri Krishna to steal butter from the utensil. When Shri Krishna used to steal butter, some butter used to fall on the ground. He also used to eat half butter and give half butter to his friends, due to which some butter falls on the ground. 

5. What does the second Stanza in Chapter 11 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant tell you about the behavior of Shri Krishna?

In the second stanza, the author describes how Shri Krishna used to steal the butter from other village women. The women of the village come to his mother Yosodha complaining how Krishna had eaten all their butter. The women also used to say that he had also shared the butter with his friends and spread some butter on the ground. The village women were disappointed with the behavior of Krishna and asked his mother to control her child. 

6. What does Shri Krishna think about his Choti according to Chapter 11 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Shri Krishna thinks that if he drinks milk, his choti will become long and thick like the choti of his elder brother Balaram. Yasodha also insisted that Krishna drink milk to make his choti long, big, and thick like his brother. Therefore, Krishna also started drinking milk because he wanted to make his choti as long and big as his brother’s. Students can find all NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant from Vedantu.

7. How can I find the best NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant?

Students can find the best NCERT Solutions for Chapter 11 of Class 8 Hindi Vasant free of cost on the Vedantu website and the Vedantu app. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Chapter 11 are given by expert teachers who have deep knowledge of the subject. Solutions can help students to clear their doubts and understand the meaning of the chapter. Students can also use the solutions to prepare for their final Hindi exam and score high marks. All solutions for Chapter 11 are given in easy language.