NCERT Class 7 English Chapter 2: Complete Resource for Bringing Up Kari
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English An Alien Hand Chapter 2 Bringing Up Kari
1. What is the best way to prepare for any examination?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to prepare for an examination will vary depending on the individual and the specific examination. However, there are some general tips that can be helpful for anyone who is looking to improve their exam performance.
Here are some of the best ways to prepare for an examination:
The earlier you start preparing for an examination, the more time you will have to cover the material and the less stressed you will feel.
A study schedule will help you stay on track and make sure that you are covering all of the material that you need to know.
Don't try to study for hours on end without taking a break. Get up and move around every 20-30 minutes to avoid getting too tired or stressed.
Get enough sleep
Eat a healthy breakfast on the day of the exam.
Arrive early on the day of the exam.
Make sure that you understand the instructions for the exam before you start answering the questions.
Don't try to rush through the exam. Take your time and answer the questions carefully.
If you find yourself struggling with a question, take a deep breath and try to work through it. If you can't answer the question, skip it and come back to it later.
Review your answers carefully before submitting the exam. Make sure that you have answered all of the questions and that you have filled in the answer sheet correctly.
2. What are the benefits of studying from NCERT Solutions for Class 7th ENGLISH An Alien Hand Chapter 2?
If you study from the NCERT Solution sets, you will learn about both the superficial and the inner meanings related to the chapter. You will also learn about how to write answers and fetch maximum marks.
3. How can you develop writing skills by preparing NCERT Solutions?
Reading different types of writing will help you develop your own writing style and become familiar with different writing techniques. Write regularly, The more you write, the better you will become at it. Try to write something every day, even if it's just a short paragraph.
Here are some ways you can develop your writing skills by preparing NCERT Solutions:
Use clear and concise language.
Structure your writing in a logical way.
Use a variety of sentence structures.
Proofread your work carefully before submitting it. This will help you catch any errors in grammar or spelling.
You will be able to understand the different types of questions that are asked in exams.
You will be exposed to a variety of writing styles.
You will be able to get feedback on your writing.
You will be able to practice writing regularly.
4. Who is Kari in Class 7th English ‘An Alien Hand’ Chapter 2?
Kari in Class 7 English 'An Alien Hand' Chapter 2 was a naughty elephant full of mischief but at the same time he was a loving animal too. He was brought to the author at the age of five. The author was nine years old at that time. Kari was fond of chewing twigs and playing with them. He used to live in a pavilion and he loved to bathe in the river every morning. Kari and the author were great friends.
5. What were the things taught to Kari?
In Class 7 English 'An Alien Hand' Chapter 2 'Bringing up Kari', the author tells the audience that when Kari was growing up, he was used to being taught some basic commands to follow. The author says that Kari was a quick learner. It took him just three lessons to learn the command to walk 'Mali' but on the other hand it took him three weeks to learn the command to sit 'Dhat'. Elephants are also often taught 'Master call'.
6. How should I make notes of Class 7th English ‘An Alien Hand’ Chapter 2?
Class 7 English 'An Alien Hand' Chapter 2 is a very beautiful and interesting story about an elephant named 'Kari'. To make notes of this chapter, the first step you need to take is to read the entire chapter at least two to three times. Reading the chapter will make you clear with the story. As you go along reading, mark the events or incidents that you feel are important and can be asked to explain. Understand the characters and the theme of the story and jot them down in your notebook.
7. Is it possible to download PDFs of NCERT Solutions Class 7 English 'An Alien Hand' Chapter 2 from an online website?
Yes, it is absolutely possible to download NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English 'An Alien Hand' Chapter 2. Now if you're wondering from where you can download them, then Vedantu is your answer. You can find answers to all the questions provided in NCERT textbook of Class 7 English 'An Alien Hand' Chapter 2. You can download the PDF file for the NCERT Solutions of this particular chapter from either the Vedantu website or from the Vedantu app at absolutely no cost at all. These solutions are 100% authentic as they have been prepared by the best English teachers in India.
8. What do you mean by 'the master call'?
The master-call was a bizarre combination of snake hissing and tiger wailing. It sounded like a tiger and a snake were fighting. It was necessary to make the sound in the elephant's ear. It was a necessary indication for Kari to uproot trees and clear a path to the house through the impenetrable forest. This command or call is often used when the owner and the animals get lost in the forest. This call makes the animal understand that their master needs them.