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NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 1 The Squirrel


Class 7 English The Squirrel Poem Question Answers - FREE PDF Download

‘The Squirrel’ is a charming poem that captures the playful nature of a squirrel. It describes the squirrel's gray coat, question mark-shaped tail, and lively antics as it nibbles on nuts and scampers around trees. This poem invites readers to enjoy the simple joys of observing nature.

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Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT The Squirrel Poem Class 7 Questions and Answers. These solutions are regularly checked and updated to make sure they are aligned with the latest CBSE Class 7 English Syllabus. You can also find other supplementary study materials for NCERT Solutions English Class 7 such as important questions, exam patterns, and sample papers which are 100% accurate for your exam preparation.

Glance on The Squirrel Poem Class 7

  • The poem describes a squirrel with a bushy, question mark-shaped tail.

  • The squirrel has a gray coat.

  • It sits up straight to eat nuts.

  • The squirrel enjoys teasing and playing.

  • It darts around the tree, moving away when chased.

  • The poem highlights the squirrel's lively and playful nature.

Access NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1: The Squirrel Poem Class 7 English

1. You may have seen a squirrel sitting on the ground eating a nut. What did it look like?

Ans: Yes, I have seen a squirrel sitting on the ground eating a nut. It's light brown in colour with a beautiful white patch on its chest. It has a very beautiful bushy tail. It's a very playful naughty creature. It likes to eat nuts.

Working with the Poem

1. Why does the poet say the squirrel “wore a question mark for tail”? Draw a squirrel, or find a picture of a squirrel

sitting on the ground. How would you describe its tail?

Ans: The poet says that the squirrel "wore a question mark for tail" because the tail of the squirrel curled like a question mark while he was sitting and eating a nut.

A squirrel

2. Do we usually say that an animal ‘wears’ a tail? What do we say? (Think: Does an animal wear a coat? Consult a dictionary if you like, and find out how ‘wear’ is used in different ways.)

Ans: No, we don't say that an animal 'wears' a tail. We say that the animal 'has' a tail. 

Wear means to put on something on the body. Eg: we wear a dress. 

An animal doesn't wear a coat in the literal sense but we usually say that an animal wears a coat of fur. Eg: The Siberian Husky wears a beautiful shiny coat of fur.

3. “He liked to tease and play”. Who is teasing whom? How ?

Ans: The squirrel is teasing the poet and his friends. Whenever they ran around his tree, the squirrel used to go to the other side of the tree.

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for The Squirrel Poem Class 7

  • The NCERT Solutions for The Squirrel poem in Class 7 is designed to help students understand the poem's themes and imagery easily.

  • These solutions provide clear and precise answers to the questions in The Squirrel Poem Class 7, ensuring students learn key concepts.

  • Students can access "The Squirrel" poem Class 7 PDF for FREE, making it easy to study anytime and anywhere.

  • The solutions align with the NCERT syllabus, focusing on important points in "The Squirrel" poem, helping students prepare effectively for exams.

  • With detailed explanations, students can better understand the playful nature of the squirrel described in the poem.

  • The answers are logically structured, making it easy for students to follow and understand the flow of "The Squirrel" poem Class 7 questions and answers.

You can access the Class 7 The Squirrel Poem Important questions on Vedantu to further expand your understanding of the chapter.


"The Squirrel" captures the playful and lively spirit of a squirrel, highlighting its unique appearance and energetic behaviour. The poem invites readers to appreciate the small joys of nature and the delight of this charming creature. Vedantu offers comprehensive NCERT Solutions for The Squirrel Poem Class 7 PDF for FREE download so that you can study easily whenever required.

Related Links for Class 7 Chapter 1 - The Squirrel


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Chapter 1 - The Squirrel Notes


Chapter 1 - The Squirrel Important Questions

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NCERT Solutions Class 7 English (Honeycomb Poem)

These NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English (Honeycomb Poems) provide in-depth explanations and answers to all poem-related questions. They help students understand poetic themes, literary devices, and enhance their overall comprehension for exams.

Important Related Links for NCERT Class 7 English

Access these essential links for NCERT Class 7 English, offering comprehensive solutions, study guides, and additional resources to help students master language concepts and excel in their exams.

FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 1 The Squirrel

1. What does the squirrel eat?

In Class 7 English Chapter 1 'The Squirrel', the poet mentions that he saw the squirrel sitting on a tree and eating nuts. Have you ever spent time analyzing a squirrel carefully? If you have, you might have noticed them mostly feeding on a variety of food. Squirrels have a natural hunger for a variety of fruits, flowers, vegetables, nuts, trees, and plants that are endemic to their environment.

2. Who is the poet of the poem The Squirrel?

The poet of the poem 'The Squirrel' is an American poet named Mildred Bowers Armstrong. She has written this short poem about squirrels and has discussed the characteristics of a squirrel. She has mentioned the appearance of a squirrel and has explained his nature in a subtle yet beautiful way. To learn more about the poem you can visit Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 1 at Vedantu.

3. What does the squirrel like most in Class 7?

In Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 1 ‘The Squirrel’ the poet mentions that the squirrel is a funny and mischievous animal. He likes to play around with humans. The poet also says that the squirrel would not be scared if humans ran around his tree. It loves to tease and play with you. It would also run around the tree but from the opposite side.

4. What mark does a squirrel wear?

In the poem 'The Squirrel,' the poet tells the readers that when she saw the squirrel sitting on a tree, the tip of its tail was pointing downwards as it was raised upwards. As a result, the tail appeared to be forming a 'question mark'. It was dressed in a grey coat. The poet refers to it as an 'overcoat' because it was so loose. 

5. Where can I find NCERT Class 7 English The Squirrel Question Answer?

You can find comprehensive NCERT Solutions to The Squirrel Poem Class 7 PDF on Vedantu, as compiled by master teachers and subject matter experts, ensuring 100% accuracy.

6. What is the main theme of "The Squirrel"?

The main theme of "The Squirrel" is the playful and lively nature of a squirrel, capturing its unique appearance and behavior.

7. How is the squirrel's tail described in the poem?

The squirrel's tail is described as a bushy, question mark-shaped tail. It is one of the most recognizable traits of the squirrel.

8. Why is the squirrel described as playful?

The squirrel is described as playful because it likes to tease and play around the tree, showing its energetic and lively nature.

9. What does the squirrel poem class 7 invite readers to appreciate?

The poem invites readers to appreciate the simple joys of nature and the playful antics of squirrels.

10. What are some values conveyed in class 7 English the squirrel question answer?

Appreciation of nature, playfulness, love towards animals, curiosity, and observation are some values that are highlighted in the Squirrel poem Class 7.