NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Chapter-5 Poem - Trees - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English Honeycomb Chapter 5 Trees
1. Which is the Best E-Learning Website for Class 7 English?
On Vedantu with Class 7 NCERT Solutions, students get to learn and understand the chapters in a simple way. Our subject-matter experts provide chapter-wise solutions for Class 7 NCERT English Literature. Students can learn letter writing, application writing, and essay writing from the study materials on Vedantu. Some of the samples of essays are also published on Vedantu for reference so students get better clarity on it.
2. Are NCERT Solutions Class 7 English Chapter 5 Poem Trees Helpful for Exam Preparation?
Yes, NCERT Solutions Class 7 English Chapter 5 Poem Trees are very helpful for exam preparation. With help of the Vedantu free NCERT Class 7 Solutions in the PDF format, a student can learn easily and perform exceptionally well in exams. The NCERT Solutions that are available on Vedantu provide a summary and analysis of the poems and stories covered in Class 7 English syllabus. Students can refer to these solutions and practice them for a good exam preparation.
3. Who wrote the poem Trees of Class 7 textbook Honeycomb?
We need trees for fruits, timber, and oxygen. Children hide behind trees while playing hide and seek, swing on them, and play in tree houses. Leaves are useful for raking too. Trees are for all the little birds to build nests in. Trees are for people to sit under. Trees are for those who leisurely spend hours enjoying the beauty of nature.
4. What are trees for according to the poem Trees of Class 7 textbook Honeycomb?
Trees are for all the birds, children, for the mother to paint, and for the father to rake leaves, for the wind to blow through, for kites to get caught in, and for apples and pears to grow on. They are to make tree houses in, to swing swings on, to hide behind in 'Hide and Seek', to have tea parties under, to make no shade in winter, to get chopped down and sold as timber.
5. Why do we need trees according to the poem Trees of Class 7 textbook Honeycomb?
We need trees for fruits, timber, and oxygen. Children hide behind trees while playing hide and seek, swing on them, and play in tree houses. Leaves are useful for raking too. Trees are for all the little birds to build nests in. Trees are for people to sit under. Trees are for those who leisurely spend hours enjoying the beauty of nature.
6. How do trees help in summer?
Trees play a major role in climate change. In summer, the trees provide people with a cool shade to sit under and relax. The strong wind that blows from the trees helps the people manage the heat. For students to get more information on this chapter, they are advised to visit the Vedantu to get access to their first-class NCERT Solutions that are created by the subject experts to help the students ace their exams.
7. How to download the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 English textbook Honeycomb Chapter 5 Solutions?
The students can download the NCERT solutions from the official website of Vedantu or use the Vedantu app. Vedantu offers one of the best NCERT solutions for all classes. These solutions are crafted by a qualified group of experts to help the students get well versed in all the chapters and clarify their doubts. The solutions are in the form of a PDF which can be downloaded free of cost. These PDFs assist the students for their exams.