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Thank You Speech

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An Introduction

A thank you speech is delivered by a person to express his gratitude towards his parents, friends, or colleagues, or anyone who supported or helped him. A speech should be impactful in such a way that everyone remembers it for a longer period. A speech should include all the people who have helped you to accomplish your goals. Always remember that while delivering a speech, do not boost yourself too much and always try to be humble towards everyone sitting in the audience. 


Here we have provided long and short thank you speeches and along with that we have also given 10 line pointers about the thank you graduation speech.


Long Thank You Graduation Speech

Good morning to one and all present here today. On behalf of all the senior graduating class, I would like to thank everyone who made our stay at this college good. To the board of the college, the wisdom you bought to the college, the prayers you prayed, and the vision you had for this college which makes it the best, we thank you. To the faculty members who give their very best every day for the betterment of all the students, for not giving up on anyone, and for always being ready to share their knowledge with everyone, we thank you for it. To the staff members who worked tirelessly by making sure all the important things in college work properly we thank you for doing your best. To the college maintenance department who made sure that our college is well maintained and a place where we gain knowledge is always maintained properly, we thank you for your service.


To the graduating class family members who made sure that their child gets their academic studies without any difficulties, we thank you all. 


To the parents present here who have sacrificed for their children and did now even allow their child to realize all the difficulties they were going through, we thank you all.


I stand here today in front of you as the best student of the year 2021. When I was in my second year at this college I got to know I had a shot for this title, so I worked for it, I strived for it and surely I sacrificed many things for the last 4 years for it and finally tonight I got it.


I am happy I got the title. I felt euphoric when my name was announced and my heart was racing when I walked on this stage and received my award. I felt I have achieved everything in my life but that feeling lasted just for 20 seconds. 


Yes for the last 20 seconds I felt I was on top of the moon, I felt all my problems were solved and I felt very happy. But then came that heart-wrenching 21st second and during that second I questioned myself “That’s it? ”and there were a series of questions in my head like why am I not feeling any different? why am I not feeling the same when I collected the award?. I felt the same usual thing that I feel every day and that my friends are when I started questioning things. I thought everything from the beginning and here is my thought process.


Working hard is very important and I believe it’s the only thing that makes work gets done. But it should not be done only to reach your goals. It should not be done by sacrificing relationships you have built around you. 


Yes, I am very happy that I got the award and I am grateful for it but I have also sacrificed important relationships and the moments of my life for the last 4 years. Now my friends I want you to reflect on yourself and think of the goal you want to accomplish in your life. It can be anything from becoming a millionaire to even getting into a reputed institute to complete your further education. The point is whatever you want to accomplish in your life, do not do it by sacrificing the important relationships with people in your life. 


I self-reflect on the last 4 years of my college life and all I can see is me working hard for my goals and that’s it. I didn’t make memories with my friends nor spend some time with my family and I regret it. But I am glad that I learned this lesson now in my life imagine if learned this lesson when I was 56 years old or on my deathbed. I am sure there might be many “I wish I had ” in my mind. So I am glad I learned this lesson now. That all want to say to all of you that never regret anything in the 21st second like I am did, always spend your time with your family members and try to create as many happy memories with your friends. 


Last but not least I want to say that no amount of money, titles, or accomplishment will help give warmth to our hearts at the end of our lives. The relationships you built and the impact you make in everyone’s life is what will help you at the end of your life. 


Thank you and God bless you all. 


Short Thank You Speech

Good morning to one and all present here today. On behalf of all the senior graduating class, I would like to thank everyone who made our stay at this college good. The board of directors of the college, the teaching staff, the maintenance staff we thank you all for always giving your best and we thank you all for always being there for every student. To the parents, we thank you for all the sacrifices you have made for us so that we could complete our studies. 


I stand before you the best student of the year 2021 and I must say I am very proud of myself. I got to know  I had a shot for the title when I was in my second year. From that moment I worked hard, I strived and sacrificed for getting that title and today I got it and I feel happy. From the moment my name was announced to the moment I collected the title, my heart was racing and I felt euphoric. I felt I have accomplished everything on this planet and I felt great. But that feeling lasted for just 20 seconds and on the 21st second, I felt normal. Why ? was the question in my mind. Why am I not feeling different? This was the problem for me and that is when I started reflecting on my last four years at this college. 


Working hard is important and it surely gets the work done but it should not be done by sacrificing the important relationships in our life. It surely should not be done for the sole purpose of reaching your goal. The point I wanna make here is that whatever your goal is whether making money, playing any sports at the national level anything does not do it for the sole purpose of reaching your goal. While you are working on your goals spend time with your family and friends because when we are at the end of our life, it’s not the money, medals, or accomplishments that would give us warmth in our hearts. The relationships you built and the impact you make in everyone’s life is what will help you at the end of your life. Thank you and God bless you all. 


10 Lines about a Thank You Graduation Speech

  1. A thank you speech is given by a person who has accomplished something. 

  2. To prepare for a speech you should have the information about the event.

  3. A  gratitude speech should always start with the speaker showing his respect toward his friends and family member who helped help throughout his journey.

  4. While giving a speech do not deviate from the topic.

  5. If a point is said once do not repeat it.

  6. If you are delivering a speech while getting a promotion always start by showing your gratitude towards your seniors who helped you in getting your promotion.

  7. In your graduation speech always add a personal touch which could be sharing your best memory of your college life.

  8. While delivering a speech do not be too formal. 

  9. While delivering a  thank you speech for support always includes the people who helped you in accomplishing your goal. 

  10. Do not boost yourself too much when you are delivering a speech. Be humble and try to make everyone comfortable.

There are many times in our lives when we finally get what we want. The moments of triumph and victory when every ounce of effort seems worthwhile. Whether it's an award or a title, we all secretly wish to go up on stage and say a few words. A thank you speech is given to express gratitude to one's parents, friends, or colleagues, or to anyone who has supported or helped him. A speech should be memorable in such a way that everyone remembers it for a long time. A speech should thank everyone who has helped you achieve your goals. Always keep in mind that when delivering a speech, you should not exaggerate your importance and should strive to be humble towards everyone in the audience.

Example of a Speech

I want to pinch myself because this is so unbelievable. I've toiled and waited for this opportunity for ten long years. This moment has become so enigmatic that I'm at a loss to explain how it makes me feel. From someone with lofty ambitions and unattainable dreams of becoming something, the journey has been a roller coaster of emotions. A jumble of expectations and disappointments, victories and failures, doubts and confidence, criticism and validation. I wouldn't say the path was easy to follow, and I wouldn't call myself extraordinary. 

I am a firm believer that anyone who sets out to accomplish something outperforms those who do not even try. I worked hard and gave my all to achieve my goal. I made many sacrifices along the way, some of which caused me to question my entire goal. Some thought I was insane for pursuing something solely for the sake of obtaining it. People warned me that it would not feel good the day I made it happen. People warned me that the chase would be far more enjoyable than the reward. Today, as I accept this prestigious award, I agree with them. 

I don't feel good; in fact, I don't feel anything except immense joy and gratitude to everyone and everything who helped me reach this milestone. I'd like to thank my parents for their unwavering support, as well as my friends for their regular reassurances. And I'd like to thank everyone who was there for me when I was still a dreamer and is still here to help me live that dream. Finally, I'd like to thank God Almighty himself. He put me through difficult tests, but he also gave me the courage to overcome them; he gave me doubts, but he also gave me the willpower to overcome them. I am grateful to God for his guidance and love. I want to thank and express my gratitude to everyone who has been a part of my life and this journey. Every drop in the ocean counts, and I will never forget those who helped me in sailing through difficulties deserve a portion of this reward. 

Thank you.