Essay on My Pet Dog for Students
Essay writing is a crucial part of language studies. Not just that, it is also a mandatory question in the school exam. Essay writing is included in the exam to check students’ imagination and how well they can weave their thoughts into words. It also evaluates someone’s understanding of language and grammar. Many people love to have dogs as their pets as they are friendly, loyal and a great stress reliever. Students can get a free essay on My Pet Dog at Vedantu’s site.
An Introduction On My Pet Dog
The relationship between humans and dogs can’t be expressed in words. Dogs are loyal and friendly and their love is unconditional. Make friends with dogs and you will never feel lonely. A dog is a domestic animal. Dogs are harmless unless someone attacks them.
On the way back from school, I found a helpless hungry puppy lying on the roadside. I brought it home. It was obvious, my mother burst with anger on seeing this. But with time, my mother accepted him and allowed him to stay with us. He has sparkles in his eyes which attracted us. My sister called him Sheru and that’s how he got a new name. Sheru does not demand much but good food, frequent conversation, exercise and a little fun activity.
Sheru is a member of our family. He loves to play and jumps all around the house. Everyone in the family loves him dearly as he is a stress buster for us. He is loyal and is a protractor of our family. There are a lot of lessons for why everyone must have dogs at home. Life becomes easy when you have an anytime available mate like them. They provide sympathy in our bad times, behave like a bodyguard in times of crises and a loving sibling at the time when we are lonely.
Long Essay on Pet Dogs
Around the world, people keep various animals as their pets. Some are fond of cats, while others prefer fish aquariums, some love to play with cows in the cattle field. But by far, the most adored animal on the planet is a dog. It is called a man’s best friend for the same reason. The loyalty of a dog is unmatched and unbeatable. The best instinct in dogs is to protect their owner. In a world that is constantly changing and there is a rush in every aspect of life, pets provide a sense of security and peace for their owners. When the owner returns home, he/she finds a dog waiting and jumps towards them with a sense of joy and excitement. Dogs are an excellent company. A loyal confidante and undeniably cute. There are various instances in which dogs have shown their bravery, saved the lives of their owners. Some dogs, even though they aren't physically savage, still manage to rescue their owners from danger. The dogs can sense something wrong before it even happens. Animals are gifted with a sixth sense.
For introverted people, dogs tend to be the perfect companions. The company of a dog is what a person needs when he/she is sad or upset. Dogs provide love and support, and they accurately detect when their owner is sad or crying.
Studies have shown that being in company with a dog can result in less anxiety. For someone battling with anxiety disorder, I can vouch for it, that dogs are the greatest stress busters, and sometimes even replace therapy sessions. A long walk with a dog can do the trick.
Types of Dogs
Dogs come in a variety of breeds. The most famous dog breeds are Labrador retrievers, bulldogs, german shepherds and pugs.
Although all the dogs are extremely friendly, nothing can beat a labrador when it comes to friendliness. They are loving and understand when their owner is upset or happy. The German shepherds, Dobermann and the bulldogs are quite protective, they serve well if the owner is living alone. The smaller breeds like pug and chihuahua are cute and are not that hard to tame. Pomeranians with their long hair are a little hard to maintain, but still can be done.
In a real-life incident that happened in 2013, a mountain dog called Bella saved her owner out of a burning house. That's how protective and caring the dogs are.
The reason dogs are so protective when it comes to their owners is that they consider them a family. But for a dog to act right when it's being protective it needs to be trained. Most dogs act aggressively when they are protective.
Short Essay On My Pet Dog
Owning a dog is also a huge responsibility and commitment. Owning a dog means taking care of it like a family member. It is like having a younger sibling or a small child in the home that constantly needs care and attention.
Before owning a pet, one also needs to know how to train a dog as it is quite important.
The dogs also need timely health checkups and they need to be taken to the vet constantly. The diet should also be taken care of since most dogs are allergic to some things.
How Do Dogs Positively Affect Human Health?
Research has shown that, in the company of dogs, humans are more cheerful and happy. It is also known to reduce anxiety in humans as well as lower blood pressure. In severe cases, being in the company of dogs has cured depression and other mental health issues.
Health Around Dogs
Any scratches or bites from dogs can be painful and may even be infectious, especially when dogs don't feel safe around something or are scared. The dog injuries can be prevented by training them and also taking a handful of precautions. Regular visits to the vet clinic can be helpful to keep any dog's infections or mites on the bay.
When petting the dog make sure the hands are washed before and after. This will reduce the risk of infections if any.
The dogs also need hygienic surroundings. The food supplies and the dog utensils should be kept clean.
It is a human need to be loved and appreciated, and dogs do that pretty well. With the company of a dog, a human can seldom feel alone. Humans are more likely to recover from illnesses when they are in the company of a dog. The interesting fact is that owning a dog will increase one's physical activity and well-being, as you need to consistently take them out for a walk outdoors, it is a win-win for both the owner and the dog.
FAQs on My Pet Dog Essay: A Loyal Companion
1. Are dogs really a loyal animal?
Yes, dogs are really loyal and a faithful companion to have as a pet. However, if experts are to be believed, loyalty is just natural behaviour of dogs. Dogs are social creatures who prefer the company of other animals. This behaviour is a survival mechanism in dogs. Many animal experts believe this causes dogs to be loyal to their masters.
2. Why are dogs considered one of the most loved pets?
Dogs are considered one of the most preferred and loved pets because of their friendly and loyal nature. They love to interact with humans and are believed to understand basic human emotions. Dogs are generally the most responsive animals to humans and provide excellent companionship when nurtured and taken care of. Presence of dogs at home reduces stress and makes everyone cheerful.
3. Why is writing an essay on My Pet Dog a favourite topic for many students?
Kids love to write about their pet or animal companions, especially dogs. Love for pets is seen in most young children as they enjoy playing with them. Writing an essay on the topic My Pet Dog is really a fun task for kids as they get to express their feelings about their pet dog. In this essay, they can write about how they spend their time with their dogs, what their favourite pet loves to eat, etc.
4. Which site provides simple essays for kids on My Pet Dog?
An essay on My Pet Dog can be found on educational websites like Vedantu. Vedantu is a premier learning platform known to cater to quality learning materials and solutions. On Vedantu’s site, students can find essays on many common topics such as My Pet Dog. These are written by experts to make students understand what to write when such topics are asked in exams.