Essay on My Ambition
Every person, irrespective of age, has a dream or a wish to achieve something special in life. Even when I was very young, my relatives would ask about my ambition. While I did not know what it meant, now I understand what they meant. Ambition is all about considering what I want to become in life. It helps us to form a particular aim in my life. It also refers to concentrating on a specific goal.
My Ambition
The ambition in anybody's life would depend on the interests and choices of the person. My ambition is to become a fitness guide in the future. Though my parents feel that it is quite an unusual choice for me, they are very encouraging about it. My parents are well aware of my interest in outdoor sports, as well as in yoga and Karate. They have always supported me to follow my passion.
Accordingly, they have enrolled me in yoga, swimming and Karate classes. I also play badminton regularly with my father. They have promised to help me in every way that they can provide. I never ignore my studies. Becoming a fitness expert might not be a very sought after choice, but my parents are happy with the choice nevertheless.
Why This Ambition?
From a very tender age, I have seen my grandparents very enthusiastic about morning walks and yoga. My mother would visit the gym and meditation classes regularly. And she was also very careful about what we eat. This is how I developed a liking for physical fitness. Now, I have become very passionate about different types of exercises. Also, I love communicating with people. It makes me feel great when I meet new people, talk to them and help them in any possible way. As a fitness guide, I may get the opportunity to meet new people, understand their problems and make them look and feel better with the right exercises. Moreover, if they have a healthy and fit body, then they would feel more confident than ever.
Also, I don't like to stick to a regular desk job. I feel that as a fitness expert, every working day is going to be different. I will have people of all age groups and from different walks of life coming to me. Each of them would have unique fitness needs. Every day, I will have a new challenge and something new to the plan.
What I Want To Do
As a fitness trainer, it would be my priority to instruct and give support to those who come to me. Depending on their physical condition and their needs, I would suggest and create workout plans. I will have to earn expertise in different forms of work out. I will use my knowledge and experience to create customized exercise plans. I can lead group classes, provide one to one sessions or combine both. Also, to keep me upgraded, I will keep on learning new exercise techniques.
Where to Work?
A fitness instructor can either be a freelancer or have his or her fitness studio. Several professionals also work in boutique hotels, as well as in gyms, hospitals, schools and similar places. Even in keeping with the trend of working from home after COVID 19 scenario, I have seen that some professionals are offering online classes as well.
Before that, I will have to get a degree or diploma in fitness courses. It is also essential to develop my communication skills. For that, I may have to join special grooming classes. Also, I will need to research the latest developments and trends in fitness training. This will help me to perform even better.
The Scope
Different types of fitness classes, such as aerobics, HIIT, Pilates, yoga, dance, cycling and the like are becoming more popular than ever. This is gradually increasing the job opportunity for fitness experts. Also, the modern lifestyle has become very sedentary. There is minimal scope for outdoor activities and rigorous physical exercise. So even some young people are suffering from severe conditions like diabetes, obesity and hypertension. So almost everyone, at one time or another, looks for a trainer for help.
Fitness is no more a bodybuilding game. It is all about following good postures, eating right and staying confident. This is where I might help.
FAQs on My Ambition Essay: Pursuing Dreams and Aspirations
1. What is the importance of ambition in life?
Ambition is a powerful motivator for human development. Without a healthy dose of ambition, no one can prosper. Those that aspire to be more, learn more, accomplish more, give more, or have more have a strong internal drive that propels them to dream greater and go further. They are motivated by an ambition to advance and achieve their objectives. Ambition shows healthy self-esteem and a higher power of abstraction and imagery of the future when it is well-directed and supported by values. As they get closer to their goals, ambitious folks have a glitter in their eyes. They have a higher vibration and a contagious passion for completing tasks. They motivate and inspire others.
It is important to remember that ambition does not imply a lack of morals or principles. It is not about a lack of control or being manipulative, as many people in Western civilisation believe. Ambition isn't valued here. We are afraid of it and distrust it. We are prone to conflating it with unbridled ambition. It is as if every ambitious person was born with the ability and willingness to cause harm to others. Of course, there are others with unrestrained ambition—the evil guy in the story stereotyped—who are capable of doing everything and running over anyone to accomplish what they want. However, persons with a healthy and positive amount of ambition are not inherently disqualified from succeeding and doing good at the same time.
2. What are the disadvantages of being excessively ambitious?
This is a positive attribute in general, especially for people who are seeking to start their own business. Obviously, if you are more naturally motivated to establish and achieve goals, you will have a better chance of succeeding than someone who is not, right?
This is not always the case, though. Extreme ambition may, in fact, cause more harm than good in some circumstances. If you believe you are a person who is very ambitious, you should be aware of the following potentially dangerous side effects.
Fixation on the End Result: The tendency to focus too narrowly on one vision or ultimate goal is the first major adverse consequence of excessive ambition. For example, if your objective is to make $1 million by the age of 30, everything that doesn't appear to push you closer to that goal may seem pointless.
For two reasons, this is an issue. For starters, it limits your ability to adjust to new situations. If a new rival appears to be posing a danger to your organisation, you may need to adapt your strategy and goals, even if it means departing from your initial vision. This will be difficult if you have too much ambition.
Unfettered Growth: Excessive ambition can also lead to an overabundance of desire to advance. And, as you are probably aware, uncontrolled, excessively rapid expansion can lead to a company's demise. When you develop too quickly, you wind up squandering money; you invest in people, equipment, and resources before you need them; and your internal structures become so disorganised that keeping up is practically impossible.
Becoming Selfish: Being ambitious tends to make you more selfish, leading you to pursue personal ambitions at the expense of your family, friends, and community.
You might, for example, work late into the night instead of spending meaningful time with your spouse and child, or you might ignore your employees' demands and mental health in order to eke out a little more output. While this may help you make some short-term gains, relationships and community connections are greater predictors of success in the long run: These bonds are mutually beneficial, and they are considerably more vital to your mental health than ambition, which is the subject of my next section.
3. How to choose a career?
To choose your career, remember the following points:
Determine your Abilities and Passions: Choosing a career path is a significant decision. You will spend a large portion of your life at work, so make good career choices if you want to enjoy your job, stay motivated, and reach your full potential.
To begin, you must first understand yourself. This entails examining your abilities as well as your interests and values.
Consider your Options for a Career: Consider what your dream work sector would be, then examine the local, national, and worldwide employment markets to learn about its important trends. This will assist you in identifying other alternative career options as well as determining whether roles are expanding or dropping.
Make a Decision: You are now ready to start making choices. Combine what you have learned about yourself and your options with what you've learned about the graduate employment market.
Choose the role that most interests you from your list of work possibilities and one or two backup options in case you are unable to pursue your initial pick.
4. How to relax in life?
Breathe it out: One of the most basic relaxation techniques, breathing exercises can successfully soothe your stressed-out body and mind at any moment. Spot one hand on your belly and sit or lie down in a calm and safe place in your house, such as your bed or the floor. Inhale slowly to a count of three, then exhale slowly to the same count of three. As you breathe in and out, notice how your tummy rises and falls. Repeat five times, or as many times as necessary to feel at ease.
5. How to fight laziness?
Burnout can be caused by setting unreasonable objectives and taking on too much. Burnout symptoms are recognised by medical specialists, despite the fact that it is not a clinical diagnosis. Burnout at work can lead to exhaustion, a lack of interest and ambition, and a desire to leave. Set realistic and manageable goals that will get you where you want to go without overwhelming you along the way to avoid overloading.
Negative self-talk can sabotage your efforts to accomplish goals in many areas of your life. Negative self-talk includes telling yourself that you are a slacker. Go to the Vedantu app and website for free study materials.
6. What is the difference between aim and ambition in life?
Having an aim in life is as essential as having an ambition. Aim refers to a specific goal that a particular person might want to reach. However, ambition means a very strong wish to achieve what one aims in life. It is out of ambition that we can set realistic targets, plan and work to get the results. Serious ambition can keep people motivated and well-directed.
7. Why is ambition important?
With ambition, there is a strong desire to achieve something positive. It gives all the motivation to chase dreams. This, in turn, helps our mind to look for new scopes and opportunities, as well as find new strategies to reach our goals.
8. How to find your ambition?
Not every idea that comes to mind is an ambition. To find your true ambition, you need to take some time. Think about what you like to do in life. Also, think if you have any idea to use your favourite activity to do something fruitful. Also, consider the activities that you think are giving a lot of effort. These steps will help you to find your true ambition.