Chhotu’s House Revision Notes for Preparation and Easy Revision
FAQs on Chhotu’s House Class 3 Notes CBSE EVS Chapter 5 (Free PDF Download)
1. Why did Chhotu invite Monu to live with him?
Chhotu invited Monu to live with him in the pipe as he found him in the same condition he was when he arrived in Mumbai. He wanted Monu to share the pipe he called a house.
2. Where do you throw the garbage at your house?
After studying this chapter, you will learn about the responsibilities assigned to everyone in the family. For instance, you throw the garbage in a specific place. First, it is disposed of in a garbage bin. The content is then thrown away when the municipal cleaners arrive at your house or dump it somewhere designated to store garbage.
3. Do I need NCERT solutions for this chapter?
The NCERT solution for this chapter is essential to find the right answers to all the exercise questions. Refer to the answers and practice to score more in the exams.