Class 5 Chapter 6 English NCERT Solutions for Topsy-Turvy Land free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 7 Topsy Turvy Land
1. Is the NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Marigold Poem Topsy turvy Land Available for Download on Vedantu’s Website?
Ans: Yes, Topsy turvy Land Class 5 NCERT Solutions at Vedantu is available for download in a PDF file format. You either need to download the app on your mobile device or subscribe to the website. Then, whenever you visit the site or open the app you can search for study materials of all the English chapters of NCERT Class 5 syllabus. The solutions are arranged in class-wise and subject-wise manner. All you have to do is download and save the PDFs. Just follow the same process to access your NCERT Solutions Class 5 English Marigold poem Topsy turvy Land.
2. What do You Pay for in Topsy-turvy Land?
Ans: As explained in Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 7 solution, you pay for what you never get in Topsy-turvy Land. It is an amusing land where everything happens in just the opposite way of how it is supposed to happen.
3. What are the advantages of NCERT Solutions in CBSE Examinations?
Ans: English is one of the most interesting subjects, it is very difficult to score well in that subject. With the help of the NCERT solutions, they will systematically learn the chapters. The answers are solved by a group of qualified experts so the answers are very accurate and authentic. The NCERT solutions are designed strictly following the CBSE curriculum so students can clarify their doubts.
4. How do people walk in the Topsy-turvy Land according to Chapter 7 of Class 5 English?
Ans: In topsy-land, people walked upon their heads. To gain more insights into this chapter, students are advised to make use of the NCERT solutions provided by Vedantu to help them prepare for their exams. These precise answers provided by the experts help the students improve their grammatical skills.
5. Who is the author of the poem, 'Topsy-turvy Land'.
Ans: The poem, 'Topsy-turvy Land' is a fun poem for children and is penned by H.E. Wilkinson. This poem talks about the events happening in a fantasy land. To understand this poem well, students can download the NCERT solutions prepared by the experts at Vedantu. These solutions will help the students understand this poem well. They can practice their answering skills by making use of the questions provided in the solution. The questions are answered by highly educated professionals in very simple and easy language to assist the students in comprehending the poem well.
6. What are the silly things practised in the Topsy-turvy Land according to Chapter 7 of Class 5 English?
Ans: The people in the Topsy-turvy land walked on their heads, buses travelled on the sea, people paid for what they didn’t purchase, children went to school at night, and people wore hats on their feet. These were a few silly things practised by the people of Topsy-turvy Land.
7. Where can students download the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 7 of Class 5 English?
Ans: Students can download the NCERT solutions from Vedantu. These solutions are created after a deep analysis of the previous year’s question papers. They strictly follow the CBSE curriculum so the students need not worry about questions being out of the syllabus. Students can use these solutions to clarify doubts as the answers are written by a qualified group of experts. Download the PDF of the NCERT solutions from the Vedantu website or the app for free of cost.